Green Lantern Corps

Let's discuss the upcoming GLC movie. At this point, it's pretty much become the only DC movie left with any potential. After all, Flash has undergone, what, 6 rewrites already. And Ben Affleck's looking for the door.
So, who do you want to see in the lineup? They've pretty much got a blank slate to work with. By only using a non-specific reference to 'Lanterns' in JL, there's no established continuity or prior lore to adhere to. Since they need to appeal to the normies and after the 2011 movie, it's pretty much a given that Hal Jordan's going to be in it in one form or another. Chances are they'll throw in some Kilawog too. In an ideal world they'd have the full roster of Hal, Kyle, John and Guy but it's doubtful since they'd lose the chance to make sequels and solo spin-offs. As for villains, it's most likely we'll the YLC.
The good news is that since they're not doing an individual characters origins story we can just jump straight into it. Or at least that's what I like to think would happen.

It’s going to be another Geoff Johns wankfest so whatever movie they make will be criticized for being too close to the Ryan Reynolds one.

>At this point, it's pretty much become the only DC movie left with any potential.
So there's no hope?

They should scrap it for a deadman and Question team up movie

>So there's no hope?
S-shut up!

No, that's Blue Lanterns.

They should just do Emerald Twilight and leave out the scapegoat bug retcon.

Goyer writes this shit, so it will be some dark shit

Anyway, It should be like X men 1 with some great action
Wolverine - Hal
Rogue - John
Cyclops - Kilowog
Storm - Tomar re
Xavior - Ganthet
Magneto and his bitches - Sinestro and his bitches

Police procedural in space. That's all anyone wants from this franchise, you fucking HACKS.

Put the giant eldritch horrors in fucking handcuffs for all I care, just let these fuckers be cops, dammit!

Have they said what the plot will be so far? Or which characters they will use?

Cause I kinda wanna see Hal as the veteran and Simon as the rookie.
If for nothing else, just the inspiration story from Simon to like cyborg or shazam so he can bring up that he was in Guantanamo Bay.

You can have both.
Make it like Dredd where they spend the whole movie facing one big deal, but you get the feeling that this is what they deal with on a daily basis.

>Sayd: "So what happened here, Jordan?"
>Hal:"Drug bust."
I'm down.

>"The hell kinda drugs were THEY taking?" Sees charred corpse
>Hal "Some knockoff red lantern energy drug that made them pretty strong but ... Kinda burnt out."

Maybe take some liberties of the God Killer plot from white lantern run and a splash of Legend of Korra first season equalists.

Not much information yet


>Have they said what the plot will be so far? Or which characters they will use?

Seasoned veteran Hal Jordan training hotshot rookie John Stewart.

Dredd in space sound amazing. Would watch two times.

Or Act 1 Ryan Reynolds goes ape shit, Act 2 new Earth lantern gets trained to stop him and Act 3 is the showdown.

Will it be 70s attitude John or "I was a marine and I let down that planet that exploded" modern John?

13 Hours in Space directed by Michael Bay. It can't go wrong.

If they would make a movie that is kind of a mix of the two animated movies then it has the chance to become good (and maybe even the outstanding thing of DC life action). Unfortunatly the chances for competent handling are rather slim.
I guarantee you the movie will either take way too long to get away from or return to Earth, which is a shit decision for a Corps movie.
One can just hope that they learned from the 2011 fiasco.

>and a splash of Legend of Korra first season equalists

John will probably be a hotshot young marine who gets his Xanshi moment in the movie and proceeds to have those two things be his only defining characteristics, just like the comics

Will the Guardians be evil, incompetent, or both?


when was the last time GLs were just solving crimes and stomping out criminal enterprises?
its always some GALAXY ENDING THREAT!!! that ends up taking THE WHOLE CORPS TO FIGHT IT! and then it becomes an obnoxious wank-villain that shows up semi-regularly in a wimpier form.

Isnt the rule just 2 lanterns per galactic sector?
How do you get a whole team of them together?