Iron Heart's armor looks way better than Iron Man Armor

Iron Heart's armor looks way better than Iron Man Armor

Prove me wrong

it doesn't.

>more streamlined version of the post-Secret Wars Invincible armor
>vs the 50s design

yeah wow such a fair comparison

ThisAnd its just a cheap way of tricking new readers into picking up the book.


user in charge of reading comprehension



DUB DUB!!!!!!

>more streamlined version of the post-Secret Wars Invincible armor
Iron Heart's Armor

>vs the 50s design
Iron Man armor

thanks for proving my point

The old Iron Man Armor looked so stupid. Muscles?! I can't believe anyone actually defends this.

Underage go

No, you go, Nostalgiafag.

The design is cool. A shame the character herslef is fucking terrible

Pepper had a much cooler look.

She's just boring like character Bendis writes.

Her armor is just a smaller version of the armor that Tony wears at the start of Bendis' run.

Forgot the picture.

Does Pepper still have her Rand tech super magnet in her chest?

Really tells you how lazy Bendis was on Iron Heart's armor that he couldn't be bothered with at least changing the color. Hell even Doom's armor at least has a different color scheme

Iron Hearts Armor IS Iron Man's Armor, you dingus.

It's literally the Model Prime suit fitted onto a teenage girl. She copied it nearly 1/1 WITH HIS HELP because her last attempt at copying his tech was a sloppy joke.

FUCK outta here, shoulda been Lila Rhodes in the armor...

I'm not opposed to Riri as a concept, the issue is that she's been completely squandered as a character. For someone who got into college at age 15 having to copy someone else's pre-existing work, with their help no less, because her's wasn't good enough should have been a humiliating, humbling experience from which character development could flow. Being handed Tony's prior armors should have felt like a slight against her because her teenage ego feels like they're being patronizing. And you could even have it so that on some level they are patronizing and coddling her.

I think they need to put Lila in her own version of the War Machine armor and make her a non-villainous rival who sees Riri as an undeserving dilettante scraping by on the generosity and competency of others. But, full disclosure, I've spent a shitton of time trying to figure out a way to have both Lila and Riri in play at the same time and that's about the best I can think of.

Well she just gave away her armor so hopefully she makes her own.

>the 50s design

Iron Man wasnt around in the 50s and this design wasnt even his first suit

user, I'm gonna need you to read some comics. I recommend the early Don Heck Iron Man stuff

Who designed this? Because is cool.

David Marquez?

In your defence, Stark's suits have had these weird metal "stockings" for a long while now and they do look less weird on a woman:

They could've given it the same color scheme as armored adventures rescue armor to differentiate it a little.

>gave away her armor
Stark's...not going to be happy about that shit.

Her armor is a suit Tony shipped to her that was refuted for her use or used to advance her own design into an exact replica of Tony's latest suit before his coma. Ironheart ironically mirrors War Machine more than Iron Man in suit origins.


Tony's is still cooler

>was a sloppy joke.
Optimus Prime was an alright joke.

Riri isn't really that good of an inventor or an engineer, her first suit was cobbled together from things she stole from her fellow students or inventions of theirs that she cannabalized for a clunky piece of shit that fell apart after a few hours. Then she was handed a suit by Tony, which she hasn't changed or upgraded in any significant way.