The new Teenage mutant ninja turtles: how many seasons will it last?

or will it be the next teen titans go?

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It's a TMNT cartoon, so no less than 100 episodes.

how many did back to the sewers get? I think that one failed quicker than that.

Back to the Sewers lasted less than a season if I recall. That's not a very high bar to pass. Given how online streaming and stuff works today I'm sure they will at least air all of the episodes they make for it, but it's going to be a dud.

It's coming out way too soon on the heels of the 2012 series which there's no way in hell it's going to be as good as. The 2012 show wasn't even as good as the 2003 series but it at least had heart behind it and ended up being charming and entertaining in its own way.

And for all the bitching people had about the new movies at least they got their fucking weapons and personalities right. Now Raphael is the leader and Leonardo is the rebel, because the showrunner likes Raph better and fuck you if you liked how the characters were in every other adaptation.

Going to give my 2 cents about the designs.

Raph looks fine. I'm ok with him being the big bulky muscle of the team

Leo and Donny are far too skinny and lean. I almost mistook Leo for Venus De Milo

Donny looks like a smug reaction image someone from here drew.

Not even going to comment on April. What the hell does Splinter look like?

Now that I think about it, Next Mutation was about mysticism just like this new series is said to be.

Shouldn't Back to the Sewers technically be considered part of 2k3 since it directly follows the same canon and continuity and takes place directly after Fast Forward?

I don't like Raph's design because he looks like Slash.

>What the hell does Splinter look like?

I thought back to the sewers was just an extension of 2k3. It's like all those new seasons of Robots in Disguise.

Or that All Hail King Julian show

Splinter looks horrible. Like a spumco character. Doesn't even fit.

They're not even going to have the shredder in this one.

I honestly don't know what the hell they're thinking, that's like having castlevania without Dracula in it.

Actually more like Master Shifu.

>I thought back to the sewers was just an extension of 2k3

It is, but it was also seen by many as a kind of half-assed attempt to re-establish the status quote after the ratings and toy sales started dying down for the future-themed TMNT show.

Basically, TMNT 2k3 "ended" and was continued with the cartoon where they travel to the future, and after that show died down they sent the Turtles back to the present, and that's where Back to the Sewers came from. It was clear that the show was on its way out and that they were just trying to bring back some familiarity to keep it going a little longer.

Really? What? What is this madness!?

>They're not even going to have the shredder in this one.

Well there you go, it's dead on arrival.

I really dont care anymore. Since this is jusr another multiverse adaptation.

Splinter literally looks like a rabid hamster in a bathrobe.

>weapons glow now because ???
Too boring I guess?

can it be as bad as Next mutation though? that one got rid of shredder too and brought in a random OC villain as well thinking about it.

This is going to be the animation equivalent of Next Mutation. That bizarre thing people joke about 10 years from now and can't make it through a full episode.

This one is apparently about them being super mystical magic ninjas that unlock magical powers to let them fight evil.

But you get JOOOOOOHN CEEEEEENA! instead for the villain.

Behold splinter.

>weapons glow now because ???

So they can save animation costs while keeping the violence down by reusing the same "Character shoots their color coded magic beam at the bad guy" animation over and over again.

This and it makes the turtles have an excuse to use magic ninja shit.

Po finally pushed Shifu past his limit.

The art sucks, of course, and I have no problem with Raph using tonfa (was getting tired of white people thinking sai were daggers instead of pronged batons. Irked me EVERY time) but one thing bothers me: why the fuck does Mikey keep using shit that isn't a weapon? I mean, canon is that even though he's a goofball, he's the literal best fighter on the this saying that he's got such crazy skills he doesn't even need to use actual weapons to be dangerous?

Dose anyone remember the latter seasons of 2003 where they had ninja magic it was when that show backfliped the shark

>that's like having castlevania without Dracula in it.
But the best Castlevania doesn't even technically have Dracula in it

I hope Po is less retardedly disobedient in the new show.

I'm rewatching the first cartoon.
It looks so damn cool

like Superman, TMNT now has many different authors and canons. one guy saying michaelangelo is the strongest doesn't make it true in all of them

Too bad about the writing though

>not watching each series ironically because you know they're bad but you can also have beer since you're an adult

It's a 2D cartoon?

lame kys

this pic makes me uncomfortable

How come they don't even try to make cartoons that last a long time anymore. The strategy seem to be make a cartoon that last two or three years THE MOST, then reboot the thing, over and over. Why even bother getting involved in a property? It's only going to get rejiggered eight more times in the next couple of years.

Part of it is pay. After so many season production gets a bump in pay usually as a contract stipulation.

Transformers Animated had one of those which is why it was canned even though it was still doing well.

Other is merchandise. Ben Ten Omniverse was pruned at the end because they ran out of space in the line for new monsters that Bandai was willing to produce.

Its a lot of factors. In fact 87 turtles were one of the rare exceptions running from 87' to 96'

IN 3D!

Into the trash it goes.

>Now Raphael is the leader

nani the fuck

>Ninja Turtles
>not having Shredder

So they're going with the Beware the Batman approach.

Hopefully they last as long.

no canon is that he has the most raw POTENTIAL.

He's the third/fourth (depending on how you view donnie) worst fighter on the team and has to be bailed out constantly. If he TRAINED he'd be the best, but because he's not as focused as Raph and Leo he's not as good as he could be.

Reincarnated dracula is still dracula. And come on, that games over 10 years old, no need to spoiler that soma is drac at this point.

fleeting demographic rule.

Execs no longer think that their fans are going to stick around for a long time, so they figure that the fans who start with a show at the start will be gone in 2-3 years tops.

As such, they figure any fans in the 3-5 year time will be brand new fans who will get confused by having to remember lore and backstory/events from the first 2 seasons so its just better to constantly reboot every 3 years and start over to avoid confusing your new audience.

nobody disliked the first two turtle designs, so why do they change every new reincarnation?


"turtle power" is only one word away from "white power". That is very problematic!

Also it will flop just like beware the batman because they aren't using any well known villains.

And look how it failed in both the 2k3 series and the video game by platinum people want the ninja turtles with no gimmicks

And they also did Turtles Forever, which can honestly be watched without Fast Foward and Back to the Sewers.

I like the designs. The style isn't bland and I'm not autistic about what weapons cartoon turtles use. The glowing thing is gimmicky but its a cartoon, whatever.

Yeah there's not really a lot that is hard to pick up on, and I think that's intentional. As long as you've gotten up to the part of TMNT 2k3 where Shredder "dies" it all clicks.

A lot of 80s fanboys got super butthurt over it because the 80s turtles are shown as a joke, but they're really not that far off the mark. 80s turtles cartoon was extremely goofy and not meant to be taken seriously.

>will it be the next teen titans go?

Seeing how 2012 was put on a shitty time slot and went through the rest of its life unacknowledged by everyone.
I doubt it.

How long until Venus De Milo is retconned to April’s mutant form?

Imagine being a kid whose first boner was for Venus and then there's no porn of her and the creators of TMNT essentially disowned her, ensuring she'd never be mentioned again outside of that one shitty TV show.

They are doing you a huge favor.

I think it's because people are only remembering the first seasons.
The show in general got more silly as it went on until it hit red sky.

I'm about 60 episodes in, I haven't hit the 4th season yet, not bored of it and no cringe so far. It might hit some weird levels of badness by the 4th season, but the way they treated it as a joke instead of with a LITTLE respect was rude. They all make fun of Mikey being the cowabunga/pizza guy, Ralph is the snarker, Leo is brave and commanding, Donatello might have a sarcastic line but is a plot device. I love Turtles Forever, but it turns them all into Michaleangelo

Guys we have ot seen this in motion yet it could look good and i think there is a way they could fix april easily, what if they have decided to mix things up a bit, in the interview they said nerds like donnie are cool now so

>April is now a very timid nerdy girl
>but one day she meets the turtles and her life becomes awesome
>Donnie saves her and now april has a crush on him
>by the end of season 1 she is more confident, thanks to the turtles
>so she removes her glasses and changes her haircut to impress donnie

there i fixed the new series, most of it, i can't think of a way to fix new splinter

Do they have all their affairs in order for when Peter Laird slaughters them all as punishment for it?

But I liked beware the Batman

Peter Laird has zero input and stake on it because he has no legal rights since Nickelodeon bought them from him. Not sure if this includes the Mirage comics.

What's your opinion on the game where the Turtles beats up Superman, Sub-Zero, and Hellboy?

the 2012 series did it better; The 80s characters may be goofy but when they hit you they hit fucking HARD and aren't strangers to hard knocks.

I don't think he cares. Just mentioning Venus is supposedly enough to get him furious.

is casey jones going to be black too?

the 2k TMNT was good overall but wasn't perfect. the shredder was actually kind of crappy IMO as a villain since he had no connection to splinter and was an alien.

The 2012 Shredder blows the 2k shredder right the fuck out of the water.

No Shredder will ever top him, not even his dumbed-down self from the sequel.

the original 80s movie was actually pretty damned good honestly, and it can stand on its own even if you're not a TMNT fan.

By keeping the Plot "grounded" and having Shredder's plan being so low key (Just steal shit, no take over the world shit, just lead a gang) it made it strangely feel believable.

Why is Raph so fucking big?!?! It just looks so hilariously out of place.
It's like the producers went' "hey, everyone likes that fisty ready guy from gotta speed up boom-bang! we should do the same thing"

And people wanted Season 6 (or whatever) of Teen Titansm and instead they came out with Go.
This is obviously not aimed at us, its for little kids who's first exposure to the Turtles will be this show.

>They're not even going to have the shredder in this one
The only think that could have made me watch this abomination and they won't even have him fuck this garbage.

I feel like these designs miss the point of the fact that they are suppose to be easily recognizable despite all being identical body wise.

you guys need to calm your tits about the shredder; the 2012 series didn't have him as the initial villain either, the krang were the starter villains there.

John cena will probably be the villain for S1 and then shredder will show up in s2.

Honestly why do everyone but Raph has about the same build wasn't their weapons and color differentiate them enough?

It's good.

lets predict the season one episodes

>Origin episode
>Episode about teamwork
>episode abouth raph's anger
>episode about april
>episode about pizza
>episode about magic

Nah man, there won't be an episode about raph's anger.

LEO is going to be the hothead in this one.