Disney Italy storytime

The 4-part story ''The World to Come Part'' of Casty from 2008 (Boom edition).














Thanks, OP!



















>muh police
Fucking Mickey, always the snitch ain't ya









a little break

See you later!








































and this is the end. thanks for reading.

Wow, came in expecting nothing and ended up getting a pretty damn good read. Thanks user; there any more stories like this you can recommend.

Really weird how Silvy is human looking, she's cute regardless though.

Before, i need see which stories are published in Usa. One, for ezxample, is The Search for the Zodiac Stone (already storytimed, you can find in desuarchive).

I remember reading this when it came out 11 years ago when I was 12, still as good as I remember it.
Truly a blast from the past.

Don't like how they gave them all that accent in the translation.

Casty is modern Mickey god.


Casty is one of best modern writers.

That escalated quickly.

Love the mood in these pictures.
Thanks for the storytime!

thanks for the storytime OP

Gotta say, those airbrushed covers are shit. Like they were made in a kiosk at the mall in the 80s.

All he needs is a mustache to twirl

Touché and knave don't rhyme.

Minnie gets tossed around like a piece of luggage in this story. I hate that.