Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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That's beyond just being cringe, it's just plain disgusting.

He stole a fucking tank senpai

He still stole it.
Doesn't matter what he was planning to do with it, HE STILL STOLE A TANK!

Ike pearlmuter for forcing the book into civil war.

The niggers. As always.

Grand theft and criminal conspiracy is a pretty far fucking cry from loitering

I understand the points these authors want to make but they're so goddamned terrible at it.

>B-but they only went after this wanted criminal who had already stolen the tank by the time they found him because Ulysses had a vision about him! That's fascism!
God Civil War II was stupid. Yes, Carol went too far at times, that doesn't mean that all of Ulysses' visions should be ignored, it all depends on how you act on them. Ewing is the only author who seemed to understand that.


Kamala, for not having her cute nose and looking like a generic anime girl.
People who like this Kamala should consider suicide

Civil War II pretty much destroyed everything that made Kamala's solo decent.

Can you think of a non-criminal reason why someone would stand at a street corner?

Okay, now can you think of a non-criminal reason for someone to steal a tank?

>I understand the points these authors want to make but they're so goddamned terrible at it.

>Okay, now can you think of a non-criminal reason for someone to steal a tank?
Revolution which you American people should absolutely do if congress goes ahead and repeals net neutrality

Why would they prosecute him for what he might have done with the tank? The original crime is he stole the tank in the first place, fucking idiots.

Why did Ulysses only foresee the Tank rampage instead of foreseeing the actual event of stealing the Tank

>Boys could get picked up for standing on a street corner for too long. Probable cause, right?
>Know what it got us? A whole generation of kids who went to jail instead of college.
I agree that the war on drugs is stupid and does more harm than good, but she kind of undermines her own point. In order for those kids to go to jail, they would actually need to have drugs on them. If they don't have drugs on them, the cops have to let them go, probable cause means nothing if there's nothing there. So her analogy doesn't work, since all the kids who went to jail did in fact commit a crime. Whether or not it should a crime and whether or not the sentences they receive are excessive or harsher based on race is another issue entirely, nothing to do with "profiling".

Because Wilson's endgame was to character-assassinate Bruno and needed something to get the ball rolling.

How is a career criminal comparable to kids getting in trouble?
Is this comic made by idiots?

>boys could get picked up for standing on a street corner
Okay i guess that's racial profiling and probable cause and it allows them to search people.

>kids who went to jail
They would only go to jail if the cops actually found something illegal which would justifiy probable cause.

What's the writer even trying to say here?

There is a whole lot of stories on crooked-ass cops, planting and lying in order to fulfill arrest quota's. It has happened.

Worst part is that Hijinx ended up getting away with everything, Kamala even teamed up with him later.

>They would only go to jail if the cops actually found something illegal which would justifiy probable cause.
You fucking wish

>dindu nuffin

I haven't read Ms Marvel in a while but what a dissapointment

>So her analogy doesn't work, since all the kids who went to jail did in fact commit a crime. Whether or not it should a crime and whether or not the sentences they receive are excessive or harsher based on race is another issue entirely, nothing to do with "profiling".

This. Nobody goes in jail for simple loitering, they have to possess drugs of some kind. The real argument is whether swatting the "mosquitoes" is the true way to fight the war on drugs when government outright refuses to dry out the swamps that create the problem in the first place. A kid who sells drugs gets 10 years in jail, while the CEO of HCBS world bank gets a slight cut to his christmas bonus of millions of dollars when he gets caught laundering cartel money. Thats the main issue here, poor get punished for less crimes while the major rich criminals get a slap on the wrists for much worse.

True, but that doesn't seem to be her point.

ok Sup Forumsboy

>This. Nobody goes in jail for simple loitering, they have to possess drugs of some kind.
Jesus man, you're so innocent.