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Must be because of those 12+ inchers.

Its better than the godfather.

Didn't RT say they were going to ignore any negative scores because it was, "Hate speech"?

This is why you can't read too much into the tomatometer.

A 100% rotten tomatoes score is not the same as a 5 star rating.

That sounds like it would be intentionally inflating the score of the movie at that point if any negative feedback is just ignored. Also, you got a source for that or are you just making shit up?

Cole Smithey will save us

I swear to post some Russian reviews then that thing will be released in Motherland.

*teleports behind you*

>“While we respect our fans’ diverse opinions, we do not condone hate speech,” Rotten Tomatoes said in a statement. “Our team of security, network, and social experts continue to closely monitor our platforms and any users who engage in such activities will be blocked from our site and their comments removed as quickly as possible."
A few articles on it, this was the quote I found.



>Putting down troll spam is hate speech

that's not the same as removing all negative feedback

Does RT specify what is and isn't hate speech?

Sure, completely sure it wont work like that

They meant the user scores because some people are spamming 1/10, little reason as to why, and without even seeing the movie.



So 10/10 spam is good and 0/10 spam is bad right?

It won't stay that way. But I'm ready to laugh at Sup Forums anyways

Have you read some of those reviews?

>Its a regular marvel movie, the action is subpar but diversity


The media decided this movie will be good years ago when it was announced, OP.

Can you point me to negative reviews that were removed? RT is a review aggregation site, after all. If these reviews exist they'll still be out there on a different site.

Most of the reviews are more like Winter Soldier and GotG, citing that it breaks the the formula enough to stand on its own, has actual characters and be unique amongst the MCU.

Appearently it’s ok.

will china like black panther?

Somehow, the moment I see "social experts" I read that as moral busy-bodies who have nothing better to do than be professionally offended by things and they're the ones deciding what counts as hate speech. Which might very be anything not openly praising the movie. Especially when out of the 48 reviews they show the word empowering keeps appearing everywhere.

This feels like propaganda, it probably is propaganda.

You are confusing critics reviews with fan reviews

Audience reviews you tard

Doesn't that happen with all movies though?

Yeah, obviously. They're in Africa being pals and they did some vote where all the best foreign actors are all black. They obviously prefer black guys to pale retards that are racist and hate anyone not the same shade of pale as them

OP is about Black Panther's 100% Critic Review score, so I think you're the confused one.

A bunch of DC fans created a facebook group that had like 10k followers at one point and their sole goal was to rate BP as bad. It was shut down rightfully.

So spoilers when

>DC Fans
You mean Snyderfags


Sup Forums and Sup Forums will say no because China hates black people

>A group that never existed and was a lazy false flag so they could implement this shit
fixed it for u

>read every review
>>so important, so diverse, so timely

I've heard a few, can't really confirm though

No critic is going to be brave enough to speak openly about the movie or grade it honestly.

imagine thinking people care this much

I’ve heard the plot is just Rocky 3.

>just trying to counter the Disney shills so the end result can be a fair consensus

>didney boogeyman

Ah the delicious DChump tears

They'll be even more delicious when Aquameh gets 20% and bombs horribly

Jesus can you losers at least try to not be so pathetic

This thread reminded me of the website I miss because I miscalculated things wrong. Now I'm banished to Sup Forums forever and I want to cry

Im a fucking ouctcast

No, they said that they were going to weed out intentional score bombing. Which is when you have a bunch of people submitting 0 or 1 star user reviews with no substance for the express purpose of lowering the score and nothing else.

It doesn't affect the tomatometer either way.

youve already have a reason or rebuttal prepared for months to use against any possible claim that the movie is anything other than some kind of terrible propaganda, right?

That was literally a "Chinese American" event. I'm willing to bet you everything I own that 99.9% of people who live in China have never heard of the award or the actor.

disney literally banned a media because they give them a bad review


So we can’t just be a DC fans who dislike the DCEU and have no issue with Black Panther?

Yes, but in this case, they're assuming that the reason is because of racists, whereas in most cases it's because of fanboy autists. What they don't realise is that the people who were planning on user score bombing this movie weren't doing it because of racism, but because of fanboy autism.

Snyderfags will never recover.


The most blue-pilled post I've read all month

What is Armond likes it?

>Contrarianism incarnate liking anything someone else likes

Wow a movie harping on WE WUZ-ing is given a maximum score, color me shocked.

why are we mad that a comic movie might be good?

>little reason

white genocide

Oh no by all means talk about how amazing Teen Titans Go and Arrow are

Fucking loser

t. Disney shill.
Or are you really as stupid as to believe that it's really a 100?

White genocide

Well, that's the general tactic nowdays, if you don't want criticizing you just have to preventively accuse any possible negative review of being machist or cacist.

Woah. It's almost like those are facts and not ignorance spouted on the neo-nazi containment board of this site.

Because its quite obvious that the quality of the movie wasn't the only thing, influencing critics' reviews.


You are a sad strange little man.

if this movie is on par with those two, then I can understand 100%

Didn't he hate Suicide Squad like everyone else?

Where are all these innocent poor widdle weak whites :( getting killed in huge numbers again?

>Black Panther movie.
>All reviews saying T'Challa is the least interesting character

What went wrong?

It's literally his character and always has been you sperg. If you have to autism about how persecuted you are just pick any other current comic and do your usual sky is falling complaints.

Y-yeah well you guys still don't have an oscar yet so there

And Aquaman and Shazam are totally going to turn things areound you'll see

As a Hulk fan this makes me sad.

>he actually thinks the chinese give a shit about Africa beyond what they can suck out of it
>he actually thinks a guy who's so far played a supporting role in Civil War is going to be declared best actor evar in China
Reddit, begone!

N-no....G-Guys....You don't understand...

This was supposed to fail!!!

South Africa

I wouldn't mind it succeeding, but 100%? Come on...

>this thread

People like over-the-top villains. Priest put it best

>Michael B. Jordan’s more linear and bombastic villain’s hip hop soundtrack tends to drown out Chadwick Boseman’s far more nuanced, surgical prince-who-would-be-king, so you’re likely to read lots of praises or complaints about Jordan “stealing” this movie
>It is an amazing spectacle with a rich, thick, multi-layered, often conflicted and expertly nuanced pseudo-Hamlet at the center–a brilliant performance that is bound to be overrun by Jordan’s more flamboyant, focused and bombastic challenger

Put Lego batman to make it more obvious

>Hulk fan
Dude has like one good story

Gotchu brother.

>It is an amazing spectacle with a rich, thick, multi-layered, often conflicted and expertly nuanced pseudo-Hamlet at the center–a brilliant performance that is bound to be overrun by Jordan’s more flamboyant, focused and bombastic challenger
Jesus Christ it's a superhero film

How? How was this supposed to fail? Between Disney's absolutely massive presence and marketing campaigns they do for every new Marvel movie and it just being a Marvel movie, what part of this was going to make it fail? The movie itself? Even if it came out as passable it would've made bank, the only way this could've possibly failed is if Disney just threw it under the bus and let it quietly die without any notice.

It's still going to fail. The Chinese will refuse to see this movie and so will the non-SJW portions of white America. It'll, at best, make back its budget.

They missed one.

Kino exclusively

>negative reviews are banned
Well, duh.

>but 100%?
All the reviews haven't come in yet, calm down

pff Stalin once won election with 105% approval, this is nothing.

I liked the Edward Norton movie as well.

it just means 100% of the people like it.

Not that it is rated 100/100

why are you kids so retarded?

>average rating of 8.6

>racist trolls are banned

>it just means 100% of the people like it.
>not suspicious at all

All threads related to sales, review scores, and television ratings are inherently cancerous due to the fact that the entry barrier for discussion of the topic is completely non-existent. This means that any mentally ill, subhuman sociopath like the OP can go to google, search for box office results or RT scores and post something along the lines of "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL _______KEKS BTFO!!!!!!!!!". Furthermore, any "discussion" in the thread has absolutely nothing meaningful to do with the media work itself. There's no discussion of the characters, plot, or anything worthwhile.
Do your part to clean up Sup Forums by reporting the OP.