Why Sup Forums hate john bryne so much?

Why Sup Forums hate john bryne so much?

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he made the worst Hellboy

Because he's a piece of shit with serious sameface issues.

btw, does anybody have that old webpage that lists all the weird and rather didgy ways he portrayed women during his 80s and 90s comics?

Because it's like looking into a mirror.

Take this faggot for example, do you think some weirdo who posts shitty random comics every day is well-adjusted human being?

He's the evil Chris Claremont.

what I want to know is why it's a piece of shit, unlike bendis or others who hate him as a person and not as a writer


Aside from his awful personality away form comics, he's the worst thing about fans turned pros. He has an obsession to "fix" everything done by other writers and believes his accepted cannon is all that matters.

Look at two of his last comics or DC, his Doom Patrol and Blood of the Demon. His approach was " everything since Arnold Drake/Jack Kirby was shit and it's up to ME to bring these characters back"

As I said, like looking into a mirror.

Hey, John, for what it's worth I thought your Star Trek comics were very good. Though I still haven't read New Visions, because the whole concept is kinda weird to me.

Sup Forums will not admit Byrne is great at creating and designing characters.

WAS great


snowbird and aurora are hotter in their civilian forms than in their superhero suits.

so what does Sup Forums think of bryne's take on she-hulk?

I remember that site - they also did a fisking on The Trial Of Galactus, and how Lilandra was written as a massive bitch for no reason other than to make Reed Richards right for defending Galactus.

John Byrne on pedophilia
>So much emotional torment—in victims and victimizers—would surely be set aside if our society was sexually liberated enough to even be able to say "Sure, it's okay to be attracted to eleven year olds. Just don't do anything about it!"

John Byrne on Chrisopher Reeves' death
>I have noticed that people have begun referring to Christopher Reeve as a hero. I do not wish to take away one iota of the courage he must have needed not to wake up screaming every single day, but the hard truth is there was nothing heroic in what happened to him or how he dealt with it...In fact, as far as how he dealt with it he didn’t even have a choice. We could imagine he spent every hour of every day when not in front of the cameras begging family members to simply kill him and get it over with—but none of them did so he had no choice but to deal with each day as it came.* Heroism I believe involves choice.

John Byrne on Steve Irwin's death
>This guy should have been taken out of the croc pen, had his kids taken from him, and been thrown in the deepest, darkest, dankest pit the Australian judicial system has to offer. Preferably after being skinned alive. Asshole is too good a word.

WAS is normal
I think Bachalo is the only artist who still works who is as good as he was 2 decades ago

All pretty reasonable compared to pros these days.

Because Bryne literally IS Sup Forums

Bryne is an autistic edgy pedophile who self inserts

It's like holding up a mirror to an ugly person

>muh whataboutism

>"Sure, it's okay to be attracted to eleven year olds. Just don't do anything about it!"
was bryne the first weeb?

Kirby and Gerber thought he was a dickless, spineless cog in the machine.

I like his art and his early stuff.

His internet presence is some real entertaining shit.

>so what does Sup Forums think of bryne's take on she-hulk?

Definitive. He's the reason people give a shit about She Hulk at all. She had a good run on the Avengers but Byrne's FF4 is the birth of modern Shulkie. Third-wall breaking solo series is kind of kind of meh, but also vital to the character's history. The OGN he did with her is a fantastic read.

Has anyone talked about him in a long time? Last I remembered was that thing about one of the board members dying and someone from the board getting banned for going to the funeral as a representative or something

Yes, he's still batshit online, although his site while still active is pretty broken because he had a falling out with the guy who was actually maintaining it. Here are some of the highlights: twitter.com/JohnByrneSays

>although his site while still active is pretty broken because he had a falling out with the guy who was actually maintaining it.

Wait did that happen when the funeral thing happen or after that?

Fucker crossed the line with Barda. I don't give a shit about his positive traits, that's just beyond fucked up what he did.

Byrne and Frank Miller are based. They always work up the queer ass nerds with their comments

There's not really any good reason to hate him. He got into fights with early SJW's awhile back, and said politically incorrect things, often taken out of context and used to tar and feather him online.

Peter David whining about how Byrne didn't like his run and said he didn't in general like when writers are bad arbiters of the character and try to change them to suit their own tastes instead of going and creating new characters.

I think it was actually pretty early on in the site's inception. The guy who runs that twitter account would know. He really should do a whole write-up on Byrne's personal drama.


There's always so many whiny sjw's when it comes to Byrne

Is that motherfucking cap'n canuck?

Byrne is usually the one who gets worked up. Miller is actually pretty chill about working up others.

How is that whiny?


yes, and Captain Maple Leaf looks better than any Captain America.

>Osvaldo Oyola

I seem to remember that name from somewhere comics-related but I can't remember where.

Osvaldo Oyola there seems to be whining, and the person posting the Byrne comments seems to want to attack Byrne. So you tell me how that's not whining?

Check out this fag casually suggesting Byrne is racist for making an anti-feminist comment, with the straight white men bit

He's not wrong, John.


You're goddamn right.
I really like how he goes from basically maple leaf james bond to fighting b-list aliens. Such a weird run.

The person who runs JohnByrneSays is a fan of Byrne's art.

And he's right

But they keep shitting on Byrne for being anti-feminist

No, they're talking about Byrne contradicting himself. I don't see a radical feminist angle here at all, at least with the person who runs the account itself.

Oh! So this guy just happens to want to correct the record there and share shit to attack Byrne.

I wouldn't call this attacking, they're just directly quoting John Byrne and sometimes poking fun at him. Looks like you're pretty whiny yourself if you see this as a genuine personal attack.

He was fine until he decided that he should have a hand in writing too.

Found the SJW

Look you just don't understand. Norman Osborn and Sandman having the same hair style must mean they're related.

Oh no, guys he doesn't like Bendis, the greatest writer of our time!

Found John Byrne.

Bendis please retreat back to your cuckshed


Byrne is like the sketchy uncle your parents tell you to stay away from of comics. He's an obnoxious jerk who ruins every family gathering he shows up at, but sometimes he'll buy you and your friends beer if you let him come to your high school party.

>hating on Steve Irwin


He's not wrong

He nailed it.

>people hate him because he's supposedly misogynistic, racist and pro-pedophile
>on Sup Forums
Anyway I like him because he made Superman a real natural born American with his 'birthing matrix' idea. I like how much that pisses off people who want to promote Superman as being an immigrant, in order to encourage mass immigration.

Byrne probably hates himself very much so whatever

Also Byrne's list of enemies reads like a who's who of comicgate, with names like Mark Waid and Rich Johnston.

Shut the fuck up, Minifig’s Silver Age Storytimes are a treasure

Namefags are best when they provide.
When they just post without providing anything, it becomes unbearable.
I should know, I used to storytime Static.

There are a lot of good John Byrne stories.

Like the one where he got super pissed off at naming a character Ravage 2099 and yelled at Stan Lee, "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF SOMEONE RAVAGED YOUR WIFE?" because he confused the words ravage and ravish.

The one where he went full autist on a kid for touching one of his toys is pretty classic, too.

You don't know Bendis fellates Byrne?

BTW, this was his reaction to Jessica Alba being cast as Invisible Woman.

I'd rather be on PAD's side than Byrne's. You know, what with PAD's stuff still holding up over time.

Hey man at least he's storytiming comics. Better than the billion or so topics we get about movies or fucking "waifus".

>birthing matrix
That just makes him an anchor baby, except using technobabble that sounds even dumber than "baby in rocketship crashes into space".


Hahaha what?


those are my enemies too and idk or care what Comicgate is

because Sup Forums = john byrne

answering questions that no one asked
the byrne style
still i liked a lot of his work even if his Superman reboot was trash

An anchor baby is born from an illegal immigrant. Superman was not born from any person.

History is about things that happened which matter, most of those were done by straight white males. History is about the doers, not the passive people who complain after the fact because something was done to them.

That's Guardian


Just because sJW hate him doesnt mean we have to suck his cock.

Read any of his shit that doesn't involve alpha flight, she hulk, man of steel or Fantastic Four.

Remember the shitty generations trilogy? Rife with weird ass pedophillia. Or how he fucked up Spiderman comics for years until JMS took over?

Remember how he ruined Wanda and Vision and created a huge clustrefuck that made Wanda toxic and unusable for decades?

>Or how he fucked up Spiderman comics for years

Hahaha no.

More Byrne stories less political butthurt.
Esp as Byrne wouldn't actually be on the alt-right side.
The closest he is to anybody that hangs out here is that he likes underage chicks. Apart from that shared interest he'd fucking despise every last one of us.

He now works for IDW, tried his hand again at creator-owned at the start of the 2010's with two minis, and is still working on the ongoing Star Trek: New Visions photonovel series today.


You know what? Fuck you. Go look it up yourself. I hate all you fucking new fags spouting random pol related memes and not having any fucking clue about comics.

Fuck off Byrne

Ok, you know how the Clone Saga is widely derided as a terrible low point for Spider-Man? The Byrne stuff thar comes after it makes it look like Shakespeare in comparison.

Birthing Matrix is stupid bullshit.

His Superman run also invented no good characters and bizarrely warped every existing one into unrecognizable shittier forms while filling the last page of every issue with fucking stupid technobabble explaining why the exact circumstances of that issue and nothing else worked. Corporate Luthor was only good after he left.

How retarded do you have to be to assume Stan Lee invented a character named "Ultra-Rapist 2099"

David's stuff is shit and only holds up if you're a scrotum sucker that likes David's preachy garbage.

So lets say hypothetically someone ordered Spider-Man The Next Chapter trades because they were looking for some Spider-Man to read. This person(hypothetical) may come to regret making the order?

No no no n-YES.

Comicgate is the group of SJW's at Marvel and IDW and Bleedingcool ruining comics and covering for one another, usually demanding more diversity and causing twitter drama that spills over into the books they're writing.


>I don't have to explain shit, I'll just spout buzz words and talk out my rectum

Well, it WAS the 90's.

Didn't Stan Lee do that sort of thing all the time, answering questions nobody asked by making characters tied to each other? That was sorta one of the reasons he had Ditko didn't get along.

He's kind of a giant douchebag.

He did write some pretty good comics.

But his opinions on some issues...

....It's not a great story, but Sleez was a New God... his power was messing with people's minds... and even Darkseid thought he was so despicable he exiled him.


He meant inducing her to have sex with an equally-mind controlled Superman, having the whole thing filmed and put it out as a porn video.
The story does imply Supes and Barda actually did do the dirty while mindcontrolled.

Which is sick and disgusting and fits with Sleez' character.