What the flaming fuck is explosm thinking with this shit called blubburbs :

What the flaming fuck is explosm thinking with this shit called blubburbs :


Like it's not even ironically funny bad, its just awful on every level.

>paid promotion
Mystery solved.

But they are the ones producing it for their go90 channel thing. I just dont get how they could be making ok humor in C&H shorts and then do.. this.

>series has somewhat creative/interesting premise
>does nothing interesting with it/is just generally bad


Feels bad, i really loved the visual and audio of that.

So is it an immortal time whale or something? Is that why Jonah, Captain Ahab, a pirate, and a modern day diver are living in it at the same time?

I honestly don't see how this could be any better than it is.

Doesn't seem so, they are just there for "comedic" value and all stereotypes associated with the whale.

I just like the general premise of a show taking place in a whale or other large sea creature. You don't see that all that often, the closet I can think of is Flapjack

how dare you mention this steaming turd and Flapjack in the same sentence

This. It's an insult to flapjack.

>how this could be any better
the next episode is live action footage of the creators tied to the floor in a locked room with starving wolves

>cartoon has vore as part of the central premise
>it sucks

Dang it

There is no way anything that has vore can be good and not suck.


Fuck you I liked it

Jonah reminds me of that Merguy from Gravity Falls

Well this certainly isn't for kids.

>He-Brews it

Son of a bitch.

I can’t believe it was the funniest joke in the entire episode.

are you telling me you've never heard that one before?
you guys need to get out more