Should DC make The Dark knight 4,5 and 6 instead of more DCEU movies?

Should DC make The Dark knight 4,5 and 6 instead of more DCEU movies?

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You think they won't?

The moment they think they can cast someone who can pass for Bale, or even Robin, they'll do it. Young Batman. Old Batman. Doesn't matter. If they could get Bale or Gordon-Levitt back, they'd have made two already.

Fuck, they'd make it in addition to the DCEU the way things are with crossovers and reboots and shit now.


No, they just need to bring back Snyder

What's gonna happen in em

These movies are complete trash and anyone who says otherwise is a casual.

No thanks I'm good with Reeve making his Batman movie.

I don't think it's actually gonna happen, user

I don't care if its Bale or Affleck, I just want to see pic played out in live action.

yes, for god sake bring back Snyder

I don't know what I'll do with myself if I'm not allowed another opportunity to laugh at his horrible movies. He's like a big budget Tommy Wiseau or something. I want more of what he's shitting out. I need more. It's the finest comedy in modern film

he's like a moderately talented Michael Bay.

It'll probably happen in League 2

Except appealing to casuals is what makes a movie successful.

I think there's a difference between a movie that brings in a casual audience, and a movie so bad that only casuals can like it.

No it will. Whether or not it will be part of the dying DCEU, remains to be seen but I doubt Reeve would walk away after WB gave him everything he wanted.

I dunno man, it just seems like it's in the same realm as GLC and Black Adam and the countless Suicide Squad spinoffs

If Warner Bros. was smart they would play more to the fans. After Man of Steel I got back into comics, and have spent probably close to $350 or $400 over the past couple of years...WB also owns DC

>WB has rights to all of DC's characters
>Should've made a cinematic universe to rival marvel
>Each character could've had their own unique theme to their movies (Superman is the sci-fi adventure series, Batman has gritty detective films, Wonder Woman's are historical dramas, Flash is action comedy, etc.)
>Decides to put Zack Synder in charge
>Get a mediocre Superman film, and an even bigger clusterfuck of a sequel
>Decide to make the third film a Suicide Squad film for no reason.
>Get a half-backed GotG rip-off that overdosed on acid
>Wonder Woman is alright but we're already too far gone
>First fucking Justice League film is a mediocre pass critically and at the box office
>TFW Warner Bros fucks up the biggest possible money maker they could've had since Harry Potter

Well, they already ruined all significance
of this moment by making Batman using guns on random mercenaries on big screen. Also there is no way they could adapt even few parts of Final crisis. These retards can't adapt even generic JL comic.

Excuse you, the first two movies are great.

This trilogy is just so cerebral, I don't think my puny mind can take another set of sequels wherein the themes are deftly spoken aloud numerous times by the personable characters who are in no way robotic or soulless.

It's what makes movies bad too.

No man, on pretty much every level it's a terrible movie. The writing is pretentious and confusing, the action is bad, as an adaptation it's a slap in the face, and for some reason everyone calls it THE GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME.

WB should make a good non-Batman movie first. Then maybe it can go back to the Bat-well again. Until such time as WB can be trusted to do right by other DC properties, they should not be allowed to curl up in the security blanket that is a Batman film.

So Batman kills.

>Implying killing Darkseid is somehow immoral

>The writing is pretentious and confusing
Literally what. They're all very straightforward movies, if anything more subtlety was needed.
>the action is bad
So, you're a contrarian. I refuse to believe anyone can genuinely think this.
>as an adaptation it's a slap in the face
Who gives a shit, I only care if a movie is good on its own.

I don't think any of them are among the greatest movies ever, but the first two are damn good. Even DKR isn't bad by any stretch, just much more flawed. I'd prolly give BB and DK like an 8/10, and DKR a 6. Haven't watched them in a long time though.

This. Darkseid is a goddamned omnicidal tyrant who dedicates his existence to ruling the entire universe and killing anyone who gets in his way. Capping his ass is doing the universe a favor.

Technically Darkseid was already dead by that point and this was more like his ghost trying to drag the universe down with him.

You know a person is literal shit when even Superman ain't got a problem beating their ass to near-death.

>Superman is the sci-fi adventure series
Oh No Baby! What Is You Doin???

I mean, that lends itself pretty well to some pulpy sci-fi action, but if you've got any other ideas I'm all ears.

Mongul and Warworld are essentially one in the same. Bizarro is also mostly earthbound unless you're doing Bizarro World. Brainiac can also be done on Earth. To me, yeah, Superman is from space and can go on adventures now and then (Hell, I want a Warworld movie) but he's a hero of Earth. He's grown up there, and you've got a lot of potentials on Earth, be it his array of enemies or how he fits into society.

The Nolan movies aren't even really Batman films, with the first film having the highest content of batwankry and even then it was fairly minimalistic, in large part because Nolan had NO INTEREST in doing a genuinely /co related film. The fact that Fox had proven it could make money even while disregarding things like canon-consistent/faithful uniforms just embolden him to cut out pretty much anything and everything he didn't want or like or even want in his films (thus, there are no actual Robins, JGL notwithstanding) in his films.

That's essentially what I had hoped for, I probably should've worded my posts better in that regard, but I think it's also worthy to note that "sci-fi" does not automatically mean "space."
But your right, if you going to do Superman, have him stay primarily on Earth because that's where he belongs, but you should still flesh out his rogues gallery more so we can get his more space-borne villains like Mongul and Brainiac involved. I'm sick of Superman films having his villains exclusively being either Luthor or Zod, I want a live action Metallo or Parasite at some point.

Ah, I see. My mistake. Yes, there is a lot of ground to tread. Hell, you can also use obscurer characters to serve more multitude in a series of film as such.
Elongated Man as more detective, possible comedy elements
Plastic Man as Comedy/Heist
Legion of Superheroes may even work as a space saga with some drama.