Why is it that there’s very little representation of poor people?

Why is it that there’s very little representation of poor people?

Because they can't afford cable


Because we have this thread everyday.

Why is that piece of paper poorly drawn.
It’s just scribbles and boxes.

because cartoon creators don't want to acknowledge their own affluence, they would rather "the poor" be kept as a distant abstract they can care about on social media.
Besides poor people are either the kind of brown people they are both terrified of and terrified of their terror being found out, white people who don't start involuntarily shitting themselves when they see a picture of trump, and the Mexicans they don't want rounded up by ICE but Reeeally don't want made legal cause they'd have to pay them while people wages.

Most people in the arts hail from middle to upper class families where they can afford to take on the arts as a career, so they probably stick to writing what they know when it comes to the social class of their characters

Why is the Crewniverse made up of overprivelegd cunts?
Why can’t under privileged people get into animation?


There's so much to criticize about SU but people are making stupid bullshit like "wow where is the poor representation" and "wtf why is that check not realistically detailed?????".

Why can’t Sugar and her cronies send some money the fans way then?

If someone unwittingly created the theme song for McDonald's and commercials ran with it for almost 20 years, I wonder how much money that person would be liable for.

This has to be about the ugliest pic from Steven Universe I've ever seen. Why do they allow the show to be so shitty looking?

That’s because SU can do nothing right.

You have clearly never heard of Spider-Man...or Dan Vs...or Patrick Star...or at least a 5th of the cast of the Simpsons...

Because the crew is made up of literal retards and autists.

>This has to be about the ugliest pic from Steven Universe I've ever seen
it looks fine

Fuck poor people t b h

Why hasn’t the Crewniverse been shot?
Why haven’t the townies been raped to death?

Why is it that you keep making this retarded thread?

Because the Crewniverse clearly have something against the poor and homeless.
>all the characters are living the mid class dream
>the one poor character gets rich through bullshit

Every day Greg sticks a dollar up his asshole to pay the gerbil to stay up in there.

Probably a bullet in an alleyway.
Gotta protect dat bottom line.

This is some beautiful attempt at forcing drama, isn't it?
>"We have nothing to be mad about, the show has not aired in months"
>"oh, just make up some retarded theory, apply it to an episode from two years ago and shitpost ad nauseum about it"

Because people collectively agreed that they need to hate SU, but SU is dull and boring at best and mildly sjw at worst.
The most controversial thing it's done in the last year was giving character a stubble. That's how little there is to work with.
So people started making retarded shit up just to be mad.

The fuck?
All the townies are stuck in shitty service jobs in their shitty tourist trap.
They are the working poor, you moron!
What do you think why they all employ their kids?
They got nothing to pay other people with.

If SU is so bad then why do people have to make things up to hate about it?

He's just baiting, user. Or being facetious.
OP is intentionally trying make up stupid shit so that he could spark an argument and pat himself on the back.

You can’t call yourself a real Sup ForumsMeade if you’ve never hated SU.

It’s called being woke.

>The most controversial thing it's done in the last year was giving character a stubble.
They gave the hottest female character stubble.
Shows you how much they want the tumblr crowd.

So fans dont overanalyze the check looking for clues

Lars died, does that count?

Stevonnie is just Steven's fat ugly face pasted onto a womanlike body. Far from hot.

>the hottest character
So you are admitting to being gay, but still claim hate tumblr, huh?

Was he raped to death?
Was he naked and anally prolapsed as he breathed his last breath?
No, he wasn’t.

Connie's mom is a surgeon, Buck's dad is the mayor, nearly all the families own their own small businesses, and Sadie could apparently afford to quit her job just because she hated it.

That's not poor.

Because that would be socialism.

>tfw SU is so good that shitposters need to make things up about it to get mad about

>chicks with dicks are gay
>chicks with dicks aren’t hot
It is you who are tumblr anons.

You're hottest character was the futa? I'm not surprised, this is Sup Forums, but It's not really on them that you're closet gay.

I don't care about chicks with dicks. I'm sure some are hot and some aren't. But Stevonnie was never hot unless you're into women with ugly pig children faces.

He's been mindraped and bodily violated by Steven, and once it was made public not only was the entire town okay with it they actually sided with his violator and were kind of sad it stopped.

Straight men don't lust for 14 year old cock, user

TV is meant to distract poor people from how poor they are. It's how they escape the crushing reality that they're too poor to even escape reality with drugs.

If you make a TV show that put the poor in peoples faces all the time it'd contradict the viewers needs. Unless you make a TV show who's target demographic is rich people, but lets face it, they're too busy doing other better things than watching cartoons/TV.

How is futa gay?
Everyone knows futa are superior to women.

This sounds like the plot of a SU hentai doujin.

>Being angry that a literal hermaphrodite has beard stubble

Stevonnie is at least 26-27, if you add up the ages

>mfw the show is literally flawless
>mfw in 140 episodes people couldn't find a single thing to dislike
>mfw contrarians need to lie about the show when they try to explain what's wrong with it
Rebecca you absolute legend

Haven’t you ever heard of butterface?
If a girl has a nice bod, big rack and a huge cock, who cares what her face looks like.

Herms have tits and dicks, not stubble.

Could you imagine the good publicity of a big payment to an artist like that.

>Through fusion ages add up

Is that how that works? Either sexualizing it falls into the "She's just a 1,000 year old girl who just happenens to look 11." territory.

You know, shit posting aside, that's a decent observation about some of the townies. The Onion family eats basic meals like butter noodles, with their only steady source of income seeming to be the fishing business. Mr. Smiley has put in a lot of Capitol into the Funlan + Arcade, but still has to work cartoonish amounts of overtime to stay in business. That said, they're not charity cases.

>real life is just like my hentai, right?


Nope. 'The New Lars' easily one of the weakest episodes of the series.

No. Kevin seems to think she's a contemporary, so maybe 18?

Closer to like (x+y)*3/4

Granny Smith couldn't even afford a new hip.

Well there’s a way to redeem it.
...Make it a hentai doujin. Call it “The Better Lars”.
It’s the exact same episode only there’s actual rape.

>If anything, I would say the opposite. The fandom at large will forgive and aggressively defend absolutely anything the show does, and anyone who speaks up about an issue is pretty much immediately downvoted into oblivion.

Because the only important thing on it is the amount?

Because the kind of people who write this shit don't actually like the poor, they just hate the rich. Don't give 2 shits about the poor, might even hold them in contempt just for existing.

James and Doc came from the ass-end of nowhere and STILL outdo these guys, even if it takes them forever to finish writing the damn script.

>shitposters have resorted to quoting random reddit posters

Is SU possibly the greatest animated series of all time? Even Sup Forums's greatest shitposters struggle to shitpost about it.

That's an mlp character. Correct pastel colors, female main cast, and hamfisted moral lessons, wrong board. This is a thread about the magical girl aliens one not the horses with hip tattoos one.

Plot doesn't really work, unless you make it one of Stevens actions while he's trying to force his Sadie-Lars ship from inside Lars's body. I'm not sure what the tags on that would be... is "forced rape" a tag that exists? I try to know as little about how doujin works as possible, keeps me in shallower waters.

That’s not an excuse.
Even low budget anime can have decently drawn paper.

>forced rape
That’s redundant.
I think what you’re looking for is “rape by proxy”.

it's a fucking piece of paper holy shit what could you possibly criticize about a goddamn white rectangle

What comparison are you even trying to make? No one mentioned VB.
Besides, both shows are forever on hiatus so it’s not like there’s competition.

It’s called having standards.

Because unlike those retards from SU, they have morals. They care about poor people.

it's a rectangle
tell me about the complicated intricacies in rectangle appreciation that plebs like me cannot understand

It sure feels like you're just looking for things to hate about the show and you also just want an excuse to mention a cartoon you like.

Are you kidding me? The first season of Venture Bros had clunkier animation than Bubsy 3D. It did get massively better but also it has a more realistic stylization so it's much easier to keep to scale and much less forgiving to mess up.

>forced rape

On Tumblr? I wish I was kidding when I said probably. Tumblr's full of sick fucks who pretend to get all triggered by rape, but have secret porn blogs full of "non-con" and guro and shit. Coming up with a special term for rape they don't masturbate to sounds exactly like something they would do.

Man this show is fucking ugly, God damn.

Steven Universe hasn't really said much about the rich either.

Its shtick seems to be all about all forms of life being beautiful and precious in their own way, helping the emotionally injured or mentally unwell through sincere attempts at understanding and accomidation,using nonviolent conflict resolution when available, and open expression of emotions. Hence pic related.

If it weren't for the unprobably high ethnic diversity for a rural delmarva town and Pearl being vigorously gay for Steven's dead mom, I don't feel like people would even associate it with sjws. It would just be Technicolor smallhorse but with gravity falls style dark subplots hidden in the background and occasionally coming to forefront.

Kinda like how Sup Forums has a huge boner for cucking and interracial.

yeah, but nowadays, cable isn't a rich thing and using hulu and netflix makes more sense money wise

why pay for a ton of shit channels you won't watch?

So If I held a gun to someone's head and said "against your will, you will have sex with this other person, very obviously against their will" that's called rape by proxy? Huh. Doesn't quite feel like it fits.

In any case, minimum tags [rape by proxy] [mind control] [body swap] [underage female] [underage male]
[cuckolding] (Lars does have a thing for her after all, and it would be Steven doing the deed, just using Lars's body while he watches from inside his mind)

Anything else that should be added?

Why are we having his thread again?

We had this thread literally yesterday good christ Sup Forums come up with something that's actually a problem in the show to bitch about for the love of God.

Correction. It's scenery and backgrounds are consistently gorgeous, it's just it's character animation that's been trash since the pilot.

That does look nice, but still, that doesn't stop the people from being fucking ugly.

I agree, which is why I said as much.

Nah, nah, socialism is rich people paying THEM money to exist. You know, justice.

They really are.

I figured user meant in cartoons in general.
What if the shows switched writers?

Socialism is about allocating surplus to where it is societally needed.

They have surplus. It's needed elsewhere. Gimel.

We would have lesbian horses, eldritch abominations made from serially brainscambled people, and dark plots (not that kind, filthy cloppers) simmering underneath episodic towny filler nobody asked for in smallhorse and since Hasbro hit hard after Faust left, singing and crying would mostly be a toy commercial, there'd be a lot less war criminals, problems would be solved with friendship-powered magic rather than a direct result of everyday empathy, and would actually spell out their friendship lesson at the end of every episode.

Sup Forums: the post

As I said, working poor.
Just enough money to not be eligible for anything.
Far from middle-class dreams.
Lars and Sadie work terrible shifts in their shop, too.
That place is staffed with nothing but two teens on instructional tapes.

I can already see the crystal gems floating in the air exclaiming "We're gonna beat you Peridot! with the power of friendship" then fusing into Alexandrite and fucking pummeling her into dirt until she poofs, then completely forgetting about her for 3 seasons.

Is this the 3rd or 4th time this thread has been made?

Are there even comparisons for this?
Do you actually know an anime that showed a check, that you could get a screenshot of said image with a check to prove your statement?
Who the hell uses checks anymore?

I have my dad's old checkbooks. He bought (do you even buy checkbooks? Or do you get them from a bank? For free? I don't know) them by the dozen, and ended up with a drawer full of nothing by checkbooks. Whenever I owe one of my friends about a buck or two, or I ask them "dude, buy me a soda on your way here" I write them a check for it. I have no idea if those are at all valid.

Because the poor are people too.
They need representation.