How do you say MOE in English?

I am japanese.
Recently I am into American comics and movie.
in japan MOE, but How do you say MOE in english.

Other urls found in this thread:

moe is moe-eh

Blushy Crushy.

Mo - Ayy



thanks for many answers!
Well then how do you say Favorite character ?
in japan they say OSHI and YOME.
i can't write English well. So i'm sorry if it is hard to read.

you just say favorite character. English doesn't have a word for it.

>Well then how do you say Favorite character?

Usually we just state who our favorite is, maybe give them a nickname or call them best girl or best boy on the internet.

I a Korean. So I can’t be the one that could answer your question properly, but I think just “Favorite charater” is fine word to them

Cute! CUTE!

Who is your favorite character, Asian user?

Are you asking for terminology, or pronunciation?

We don't have specific equivalent terms for moe, oshi, or yome.
We just say a certain character is endearing or our favorite.

This person is right, . We normally state that they're our favorite.

In case you feel lost, here's Sup Forums's wiki for recommended reading for certain characters (hasn't been updated) Forums_Recommended_Comics_Wiki

Favorite Character is shortened to "Beta Ray Bill", or "Guy Gardner"

I was surprised. my best is Iron man.
He is so cool!!
is there English-specific expression for Anime and comics??
i want to use it!

thanks for many Reply!
i will try to read my best!

Here's recommended Iron Man
Also, if you like one writer's style in particular it's best to follow that person's other works as well (for the most part)

Cool character = based
Fun character = litty
Bad character = replace first or last syllable of the characters name with "shit". Examples could be cyclops to shitclops or wolverine to shitverine

no one actually believes this dude is japanese, right?

i understand! thanks!:)

>Tfw Sup Forums is actually nice to lost foreigner

We tend to just call them comics, cartoons, and anime. Itd be nice if we had a word that was for all animated works

Iron Man !!!So cool>

>is there English-specific expression for Anime and comics
We call Japanese comics "manga," and anime is still anime. Fans of anime and manga (or just obsessed with Japanese media) are often called "weaboos" or "weebs." It's an insulting term, but a lot of people happily embrace it and use it to describe themselves.


>oshi, or yome
what the fuck does this mean? theres two different words to state what your favorite X is?

We have an Sup Forums board with actual foreigners and user's who can speak more than one language. OP being a Jap with semi-okay English isn't too far-fetched.

I got the feeling that he's Latin American, because he writes like my half-brother. Either way, he has questions, so I'm going to try and help him out.

Best boy or best girl.

i am asking terminology!
that is new for me! i try to use it! thanks!:]

Plus I've seen a number of anons from other countries that just have decent engliah so you can't tell due to anonymity. Some Brazilians, Koreans, Malaysians, etcs. They're the minority compared to the euro and burger posters, but they are there.

Tell us what kinds of stories you like, Japanese or otherwise. Maybe we can help you find some Western comics and cartoons that fit your tastes.

Very interesting!! i try to look for them!

There are no equivalent in english.
There are only an literal translation: sprouting, budding.
直訳のsprouting, buddingしかないよ。

If you read Cerebus keep this in mind
Dave lost his mind but he still nailed the ending

>Guy Gardner
he is so cool!! i read DC comics!

>sprouting, budding.
Holy shit, I might try that.
Lucy loud is sprouting! Budding!

Don't worry japanon, english terminology is pretty easy to understand, for example

The America Chavez run was trash, the characters were shit, and I'm glad it got cancelled and is now in the garbage heap, where it belongs!
See, it's easy


Sounds dirty....

One more sheet

But I do not think people would get the idea.

Alright lets see if it works better with a more formal approach and older character.
That Gwendolyn Poole sure is budding, eh user?
Hey user you think Gwenpoole is sprouting, right?

This is easy to understand!
i take note!:)

Sorry ! i can't understand your rep><
thanks for reply!

Sounds like you're trying to be sexual and failing because it makes no sense. Sorry user, this just really doesn't work in english.

>That Gwendolyn Poole sure is budding, eh user?
>Hey user you think Gwenpoole is sprouting, right?

why does this sound like the beginning to some weird alien tf deviantart fanfic?

Not the whole medium but
Cyclops in recent appearances
European comics
Whenever Bruce is doing something over the top/being shilled over others

More like she's wilting, dying, am I right?

I'm going to miss her, and Sarah, and Teddy, and this version of Batroc.

OP, is there some kind of group where you're discussing western comics and cartoons?
Some of the replies you're getting are either ingenuine or specific to our board culture, and probably wouldn't be understood by normies.

i am weaboos! is this right??

I thought Japs who are obsessed with Japenese media were just called otaku over there. A weeaboo is a foreigner who is obsessed with Jap culture and media.


Sorry, I wasn't clear. "Weeaboo" is the singular term ("I am a weeaboo"), while "weeaboos" is the plural term. ("All of you are weeaboos.")

"Weeaboo" refers to Westerners whose only interest in Japanese culture comes from anime and manga. But if you're Japanese and still want to call yourself a weeaboo, you can do so if you want.

thanks everyone and rep!!
i enjoy this time!
And sorry to read and write slowry!

I'm gonna go to bed. Thank you for a great time!

>its a little brother from 2ch comes over to read comics episode


It was fun talking, user. Hope to see you again.

By the way, you should come here every Wednesday to read all the new comics with us. Definitely be here on the 28th, when the site's most talked-about comic, "America" is released.

OP: is there a way to say, "It's lit, senpai" in Japanese?

thanks! i like Shingeki no Kyojin, Bleach, other Janp comics! And Marvel!

Single issue
Collection of floppies
Yearly story
>Golden Age (30s-50s)
Early western comics around WW2
>Silver Age (60s)
CCA (it's complicated and it was awful) takes affect but at the same time cape comics have a surge of new ideas (albeit goofy ones, in the fun kind)
>Bronze Age (70-85)
Comics take on darker plotlines with more serious topics similar to the Golden Age
>Dark Age (85-90s)
Image rises, industry crashes, edgy designs are made, and Liefeldian art is made.
Wasnt all bad though
Art akin to that of Rob Liefeld with poor anatomy, exaggerated muscles, and no feet

i saved! thanks very much!

>Wanting this innocent man to lose hope

oh shit
they use a text substitute thing on this board?

>wanting our new young otouto user to lose all hope in humanity
You monster

If you wonder why people have been so negative towards Marvel along with the situation between the films and comics, I hope this helps
Not discouraging you though, there are still good comics out there and even some good Marvel ones in recent years

Oh i couldn't understand perfectly!
thanks for detailed explanation!

A written ongoing done by a specific writer for a character
Comic that goes as long until it's cancelled due to low sales
When all (or a majority) of the Big 2's lineup is given a clean slate
>Big 2
Marvel and DC
>Bendis talk
Dialogue written in the style of the infamous Brian Michael Bendis

I wrote in japanese to see if you were really japanese. I think you are.
But better do not use it so often out of Sup Forums.

Get some sleep user
It's for your own good

The book is bad, but the storytimes are fun. Having your soul sucked out of your body is a lot more fun when you have friends.



ここはSup Forumsだ。
Sup Forumsはこちら。


He isnt but I am

I got banned from an alt-right sub on reddit today for being a liberal dick or something like that, and am looking for some other good forum. I was a hardcore manga reader, wanna know more about western comics now, but honestly have no clue where to start at this point.

Im kinda starting to like Sup Forums, because ideologically, surprisingly, its well balanced compared to other boards. I was thinking Sup Forums was actually Sup Forumsmblr full of hysterical SJW prudes and old comics fans who hate anything Japanese when I used to post on Sup Forums, but it wasnt like that. I once have been criticized hard by such a typical SJW comic fan tho.

There are very few but some real Japanese posters on Sup Forums, not the ones who have practiced English on Sup Forums. From my observation, they dont usually tell you they are Japanese, especially those speaking English well.

Im gonna go to bed, good night =)


I believe.
His japanese sounds legit.


>I was a hardcore manga reader, wanna know more about western comics now, but honestly have no clue where to start at this point.
If you end up reading this when you wake up: just pic a character and read their book. Arcs are pretty self-contained or simple enough for anyone to jump aboard. With new characters like Moon Girl, Robbie Reyes, Gwenpool or Kamala, it's very easy to just start from the beginning and follow their book. Basically, just sticking to your favorite character's book is a great way to wet your feet before diving into the pool.

If you want X-Men, the Grand Design book's basically a tl;dr of their history. It'll help you jump onto the X-Men universe.

you really should not abuse the quality of your english skills buy lurking Sup Forums. they are quite serviceable currently and i would hate to see them erode.

Moe in english is bimbo

It's only talked about cause it's the comics version of every std rolled into one. Trying to read it is physically painful. Not because it's extreme leftist shit, it is, but because it's terribly written and badly drawn extreme leftist shit. It's like the antifa version of the white power comics a few years ago.

To an English speaker the book is awful
To a Spanish speaker the book is downright offensive

uh excuse me sweetie but that's your internalized latinophobia talking
remember: you are a beautiful brown babe, you are a bruja

Word filter.
We've had wordfilters on Sup Forums for literally around 14 years or so.

Yeah, it's awful. It actively makes you want to hang yourself. But most of all, it's hilarious. Easily the funniest book in the past decade, all by accident.

Mai waifu

>you really should not abuse the quality of your english skills buy lurking Sup Forums.
>the quality of your english skills buy lurking Sup Forums
>skills buy lurking

>English-specific expression for Anime and comics??
Visual media? We don't really use a phrase to describe both comics and cartoons.

tell the rest of your kind to read american comics and watch american cartoons so weebs here might get influenced to try it. legitimately know people who entirely write things off for not being exactly from japan

Just like we will never not be gaijin, you can never be weeaboo.

"weeaboo" was a Sup Forums wordfilter for, "wapanese." White-japanese/wannabe japanese.

A weeaboo is from the original wordfilter for people using the phrase, "wapanese." A derogatory term for a white person who wishes they were Japanese.

I dont know if Its roleplay or an actual one that actually want to know some relative good stuff We have to offer in our western meida and nothing is lost in humour OP and his question, It sure is better than most of what we have here lately

The picture user linked with his reply has a list of issues of Iron Man comic that Sup Forums tend to agree are the best stories featuring that character.

>Iron Man's fine
>But cap is where it's at

No, you are Japanase, you cannot be weeaboo.

Weeaboo is the westerner that likes Japan and Japanese things because of anime and manga.

Japanese who likes Westerner stuff would be the opposite of a weeaboo

After yurops, we have a good chunk of latinos, mainly Mexicans are here for what I have seen in few threads, specially the Dia de Muertos one