Bolshevik Marketing is killing comics and cartoons

Bolshevik Marketing is when instead of making what people want you make what you thhink people should want
imagine you make are a toilet papper manufacturer and you figure out how to produce a new type of toilet papper with a 30% less impact on the enviroment catch is it costs twice as much to make and is rough as shit.
Now you think i could sell this and make a lot of money because people should be concerned enough about the nviroment to pay more and put up with a harsh whipe and to your credit tons on people in social media claim to be all about the enviroment
but then your product hits the market and nobody buys it and retailers refuse to carry it anymore and all you have left is blaiiming people for not being good enough for your product
you can see how its happenning already, yes piracy is and has been a factor for a long time yet people are more than willing to support a product thy like if anything so it keeps being made, it all boils down to all this new data they buy but cant propperly analize becauuse people arent honest with what they want


Uh... Can you make it shorter plz

It's not a lot of text and it's pretty accurate.

So in other words, catering to the PC crowd makes a compromised product that people will praise, but not buy because it ultimately sucks in comparison. Thank you for this powerful revelation to our people, Moses. We've NEVER heard this before.

Make it grammatically correct, and I might bother.

Go back to , pasta poster.

So you're saying it's social media's fault?
I agree.

If you don't buy my shitty product that I made for moral grandstanding then that means you are morally inferior to me and the product is not bad.

So you're saying the alt right is to blame for the downfall of western values? I can't exactly say you're wrong

companies are trying to produce what they think people should want instead of what people want
if thats not clear enough read the entire post
its not limited to the pc crowd, the new starwars movies are probably a good example
i dont think people really wanted a big reboot for the franchise nor did they want a continuation of the story
The starwars universe is cool and peple are invested in it, fantasy has always been popular and science fantasy is a relatively unexplored genere and nostalgia is big but maybe starwars as a franchise wasnt worth that much and using the expanded universe to build something was a better idea than just making more but different

oh no, you dont want to read my post and we all know, its all about (you)

So basically we've stopped "The customer is always right" and gone to "The product is always right."

>instead of what people want
people dont know what they want though and need to be told.

look at ren and stimpy
it was massively popular and it had a ton of copycat shows
however the copycat shows underperfomed and how is that possible? people should want more ren and stimpy right? look at those numbers, my show has whacky violent characters hitting each other too

people dont know what they want so you should figure it out, not tell them wwhat they want nor assume that whatever they say on social media is right

I feel like it's even worse in comics as sales have been worse for them, yet they don't want to budge and do something about it.
Also, please use spellcheck.

>it all boils down to all this new data they buy but cant propperly analize becauuse people arent honest with what they want
This kind of invalidates everything else you were saying about Bolshevik marketing. This statement here implies very strongly that it's a case of ignorant marketing, but not because there's some agenda to push. The advertisers think this is what people want because they truly do act like they want it, as there's a very loud voice for it.

If anything, you're leveling blame squarely at the hyper-PC culture that incubated in Tumblr and erupted around Facebook and social media, which led to advertising agencies to start lapping up the toxic spill-over due to popularity.

>its not limited to the pc crowd, the new starwars movies are probably a good example
How? They've made billions with those movies. In what way does that correlate with what you said in OP:
>but then your product hits the market and nobody buys it
Are you going to claim that some sort of tertiary market (i.e. toy/shirt/birthday card sales) is indicative of how "successful" the SW movies are, rather than the actual real box office?

Marketing has always been the art of finding a product and then manufacturing the need for it, what you're describing is new demographics getting into the game and trying to go about it a different way rather than traditional channels. The "political" aspects of it are simply window dressing, replace "busy housewife" with "woke consumer" and it's the exact same shit.

This was always smoke and mirrors, fluffing the consumer's ego and sense of self-importance is done because they can get a return on it, not because they genuinely give a shit about you. If they could step on your face and still get your money they would.

>it was massively popular
no it wasnt

Sadly true.

But really, who besides animators and fans of animation can enjoy a show like that?

comics and cartoons are opposites
one tells people what they should want, the other just takes whatever is popular and tries to make it without understanding why its popular becausepeople should want it
and its not that market research is dead, my guess is that the biggest factor is social media

>How? They've made billions with those movies
yeah but they still havent found their market
if you think the point was to shit out 3 more movies, make a fortune and then keep the rights forever you are wrong
maybe starwars wasnt the perfect example, what about all those spiderman movies that keep failing?

>If they could step on your face and still get your money they would.

>predictive analytics is wrong even though people make trillions off it a year
and here you are on Sup Forums because the big boys are selling their ideas in Board rooms, not image Boards

>The starwars universe is cool and peple are invested in it,

>yeah but they still havent found their market

>Marketing has always been the art of finding a product and then manufacturing the need for it
thats the wrong approach, that only works if you are coming up with something compltely new
look at apple, sure they invented smarthphones then they created a need for smartphones but they also created a need for cheaper non apple smartphones, and the companies who took over that market did so by understanding that need

next time use a picture with a watermark, that way its more sarcastic

and billions spent on marketing
and billions spent on the movie rights
you understand that the goal is low risk high reward right? do the starwars movies look like a low risk thing right now?

>yeah but they still havent found their market
Are you a dumb-dumb? Your entire point was that making these types of things meant no sales. That's point-blank exactly what you said. And quite literally billions of dollars for one franchise says otherwise.

So are you readjusting your original point from your OP? Because otherwise, you're speaking from both sides of your mouth and look fucking retarded.

the trasformers movies where a low risk high reward thing, they didnt need to reshoot the entire movie a week before screening it, they didnt have to change directors 6 times and edit it so it made no fucking sense
thats the goal, thats the point of establishing your market, a starwars movie bombing would be a massive mess, we are what 4 movies in now? and still new movies are a massive risk

>do the starwars movies look like a low risk thing right now?

Why are you moving your metrics so much? At first it was "nobody will buy into it," then when that got fucking ripped apart by common sense you shift to saying that behind-the-scenes costs matter more. Are you no longer standing by your simplified OP statement? Justify it in the way you framed it, or admit that you had a flawed and stupid concept and are just trying to scrape out any sort of twisted half-truth you can to keep your damaged ego above water.

just because they are profitable it doesnt mean making them wast a risk and making the next one wont be a risk
are you stupid or something?, disney waants to milk the shit out of this for the next 2 decades

shame you couldn't put it in a proper sentence. don't worry OP i suck too

theyve ALL been profitable. there is no risk to the point where they have a FEMALE lead with a BLACK love interest and people still love it.

the behind the scenes cost isnt the problem, the starwars movies sold on marketing alone because nobody knew what to expect and because everyone knows what starwars is, thats no longer the case, look at the prequels, they made their money sure but they had to stop after 3 movies because nobody would watch a fourth one

>Complains about a wall of text
>using a seven second long gif

thats was obviously not a factor

I just find the idea of putting Bolsheviks and having to imagine something about toilet paper together humorous.

it entirely was because we knew what we were getting a year in advance

Bullshit sells, user.
If any of us knew what that really meant, why would we be posting on an anonymous Canadian log-humping forum?

>imagine you make are a toilet papper manufacturer

thats the point of the post.

well see that would be an example of Bolshevik Marketing but it didnt matter because of it being starwars and how much money they spent
if you apply it to a cheaper franchise then it could have damaged it

Defend. Your. Original. Statement.

This shit that you're piling on now is obviously a complete reversal of what you were saying before, that there would be no audience. Your exact words were:
>and nobody buys it

So defend what you were saying before. None of this "hidden cost" shit, because by that logic every industry that is subsidized by a government has no merit in existing. Explain where the billions in box office came from with Star Wars. Does this signify people are buying it? If yes, then your original argument falls apart and you need to tack on a whole lot of extra shit to piece together a rebuttal.

>because of it being starwars and how much money they spent
and yet Justice league was a flop while Avengers was a new world order even though dc heros started stronger than mcu so the assumption is people want dc

Yes, this is exactly the point. People here are very publically shrieking I WANT X and when companies try and appeal to them they fail. People will naturally gravitate toward new things they find appealing

Okay, I've lost the plot, what does this have to do with Comics, or Cartoons?

i got kind of derailed there
the new starwars movies sold by virue of being starwars and because of all the money involved however thats only enough to push you so far
people now know what to expect, a starwars movie isnt as exiting and easy to sell, if you want to keep selling starwars for the next 20 years instead of profiting on a new trilogy you have to figure out what people want insead of going people should want it just because its starwars
thats what happened with the prequels,they made a lot of money but killed the franchise for a long time
new starwars movies are a big risk because ending up like the prequels is a big isk, compare that to marvel movies, they are such a low risk you could put anything on screen because they figured out what to sell to the right people

Star wars has yet to make its money back. By that definition it is a failure. They have lost money on star wars. This might change, but they still have not turned a profit, yet.

All people want these days are things that cater to their sense of nostalgia, so we get marketed nothing but reboots and legacy franchises that refuse to die. I say fuck the people; they're stupid as far as what they want.

Sorry, but it seemed like you were glorifying living the bullshit life, which has many implications of character.
People with that personality tend not to prize anonymity in social situations.

>thats what happened with the prequels,they made a lot of money but killed the franchise for a long time
What about the cartoons, video games, and toys?

>the new starwars movies sold by virue of being starwars
>wall of rambling text
That first part is all you needed to admit that your fundamental argument was completely flawed. It has an audience numbering in the tens of millions. They bought it. Therefore, your OP argument fell apart by simple examination. Regardless of your soothsaying and armchair business analysis, the purchases were there.

I'm tired of you not reading things or being able to follow along. You're why public education is failing, because we have to lower ourselves to the abilities of the slowest child in the classroom. Re-read the OP. Ask yourself "did people watch the movie?" If yes, then shut up and move along, because you lost.

>killing comics and cartoons

prove it or fuck off

I didn't see any proof in your post

so fuck off

I agree. everyone wants nostalgia but they want it to be fresh and new so it catches the old spark that already came and went.

It's what's causing the NA comic market to decline at the moment.

Buttblasted buttdestroyed buttravaged big butt boohoo butt baby waaaaaaah

it was all a lead up to user bringing his billion dollar vision to Sup Forums instead of someplace thatll actually do something with it. Even then i would equate his posting to pointing out a building is on fire and thats bad and the only solution him offering is the building shouldnt be on fire because thats good

movies are the thing that brings in the big bucks, its a movie franchise after all
>wall rambeling text
if you are going to ignore my point im going to ignore yours

you're retarded but who is this cutie

There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn’t want to see. There is no worse deaf man than the one who doesn’t want to hear. And there is no worse madman than the one who doesn’t want to understand

>SJWs need to stop going far

The fact that I said it, and so many of you are reacting with disgust like this proves that I'm right. The alt-right is punk as fuck. Enjoy being politically correct and offended by everything, and convincing yourselves that you're not a part of the mainstream culture :^)


>i-it's your fault that I can't prove anything!

Oh, this was just Sup Forums shitposting. Enjoy being Putin's bitch.

>The alt-right is punk as fuck
If you mean that is a fad and it stands for nothing, I concur.

>Bolshevik Marketing
how does that even work?


If a movie makes two million dollars profit and the sequel makes one million dollars profit, that's considered a bad thing because you've made less money. It doesn't matter if one million is a big number. It made less money, and that's bad.

Speaking of which, take a look at the picture you posted. The Last Jedi has made signifigantly less money. It's not a time thing, either. At this point, The Force Awakens had made over $900 million. The Last Jedi has made nowhere near that. If you think making $300 million less isn't a bad thing, then you know nothing about how business works.

>but then your product hits the market and nobody buys it and retailers refuse to carry

The American solution is to create a monopoly where they can't refuse your offer. Free markets are for niggers.

>The alt-right is punk as fuck
You mean a fad for emotionally confused teenagers that blows over the moment they get out of puberty? Too true.

>You mean a fad for emotionally confused teenagers that blows over the moment they get out of puberty? Too true.
so everyone born in the last 100 years?

>Bolshevik Marketing

What makes it Bolshevik? Is this some kind of "Cultural Marxism" type thing? If not than don't pick such an inflammatory title.

I don't see the point in intentionally picking that title for a concept like this other than wanting to start a 'left vs right' in-fighting with us right out the gate.

Of course
Shitposting is my raison d'être

Not dude you originally responded to but with the way business works right now yes, yes it is a bad thing. It's a bad thing because the shareholders won't make AS MUCH as they made on the last one. It doesn't matter that the film still turned a massive profit, it wasn't as big a profit as the previous one. It's insane but when long term profitability has generally been discarded in favor of short turn speculation and return it's the ultimate reason the film will be called a financial failure in comparison to the others.

It's partly this attitude that's eating the entire entertainment industry, not just film. If it's not immediately wildly profitable it's a failure and if the sequel does worse financially than the original the franchise is dead, regardless of the reasons why.

Yeah but people on boardrooms also hire big black men to get their ass owned so everything with blacks turns them on just like how people on the chans praise everything Anime-related.

>The alt-right is punk as fuck.
yes i also remember when punk was about being authoritarian

the fact that its not consumer oriented at all an the demands comes from top to bottom instead of bottom to top

who is not authoritarian right now?