Other urls found in this thread:

Man, it is good to see you, babe!

What took you so long? I decimated this village days ago!

Just for YOU!

Oh, wait, this is you, right?

I mean, who could recognize you with all that gear...

stop reminding me of the good part of season 5

...and RUGGEDNESS, baby?

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!

I'll tell you who: ME! (Bidibobidibidi)

what a gem

SCARAMOUUUUUCHE, the merciless!

Best part of the show. Spin-off when?

The pied-piper of ruination,

the crooner of carnage,

the embassador of anihilation,

the eradicator of ALL, baby!

Nothing will ever top this.

Also known as: Aku's most favourite assassin, babe,

Ooooooh, there it is, babe! The world-famous scowl.

Well, come on, Sammy, baby, whip it out!

Whip out what? His Pickle Rick?

You know what I'm talking about: That crazy sword!

Let's get slicing and dicing; swinging and bashing; hacking and slashing, babe!

Never show your pickle Rick to anyone except a doctor

Wait, back off, beardsly...
Where. Is. Your sword?

Huh? I don't see it.
Oh? Oh hohoho HOO!! No, no, no, no, NO, Babe! Don't tell me!

You. Lost. Your sword!

"Grim, whats happening?"

"I don't know Billy, but that robot sounds pretty queer"

"Grim, what does 'Queer' mean?"

"Well child.. lets just say"

Daily reminder

It's true. Those first three episodes were god damn near perfect.

>people thinking there was ever a good part to season 5
The absolute STATE of Sup Forums.

How did this even happen? The first 3 episodes felt like they had so much vision to them, the action was fun and the cinematography was great, yet it all just ran out and became generic uninspired garbage from episode 4 onwards.

>it’s dark and edgy, therefore it’s good
Not saying the rest was any better but this is literal Snyder ideology.

A teenage boy is getting ready to take his girlfriend to the prom. First he goes to rent a tux, but there’s a long tux line at the shop and it takes forever.

Next, he has to get some flowers, so he heads over to the florist and there’s a huge flower line there. He waits forever but eventually gets the flowers.

Then he heads out to rent a limo. Unfortunately, there’s a large limo line at the rental office, but he’s patient and gets the job done.

Finally, the day of the prom comes. The two are dancing happily and his girlfriend is having a great time. When the song is over, she asks him to get her some punch, so he heads over to the punch table and there’s no punchline.

Ah, Zen Comedy.

It was uninspired generic garbage from the very start.
The fact that all you remember was the action proves SJ is all flash no substance.

>using Sup Forums memes unironically
Not helping your case.

I didn't make this image. Sup Forums memes aside, the point still stands.

I tink yoo meen sissy boy.

god i miss him so much, guys

scat in heaven robofriend

Are you some kind of moron? SJ was meant as a love letter to old films that were all about cinematography and action. The substance is the flash.
Saying it's bad that the only good part of Jack is the action is like saying it's bad the only good part of an apple is the apple. That's just what it is.

Thank you for posting this imageanon, this show was complete gold every time Scaramouche was on screen.

Bow wow wow, babe!

That's all the show ever fucking was outside some comedic dialogue with random characters, adult swim just added blood. So instead of a good mix of the 2 over 10 episodes; we got 3 episodes of action, and 7 episodes of comedy.

>dark and edgy
No, they're the episodes where emphasis was placed on art direction and atmosphere. The rest just kind of became generic action cartoon.

Posting best scene:

There's a commercial for beer or something that has The Ecstasy of Gold in it, and for a while, and whenever it comes on, I think of this.

get some fucking taste faggot and go back to watching steven universe

This is going to end in a pickle rick joke, isn't it?

