Sup Forums in a nutshell

Sup Forums in a nutshell

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every time

I like how the most well drawn character there is Steven since his design is the shittiest and most simplistic.

Arguably it could've been Blossom as the easiest to draw, but Steven comes out on top because even off model is still on model for any SU character.

>It's okay to like kids shows, guys.

Is he trying to convince us or himself?

>that blossom face

He can't not think of food, user. It's a mental problem with him.


the manchild manifesto



the best part is it still makes sense

I love how incorrect this is

As if this dude has ever had vegetables for dinner

That's fruit.
I can see him eating a fruit. And swallowing.

This 100%. Board is full of kidshit apologists.

>I'm ready to die now.

It's also well known that he eats and really enjoys McDonald's.

Can some please violently beat this man while berating him on how hes such a fucking coward and a bitch of a man for selling out to the feminist machine?

Does this guy ever just shut the fuck up about things. It seems to me this guy is constant political garbage, the reason hes such a failure isnt because of his personal views, its because hes constantly complaining about them.

Its so bad the feminist machine doesnt even want him.

Dobson is a guilty pleasure for me too

He's such a deluded and insufferable cunt that I can't help but enjoy his content, if only to wonder how a human being can go so wrong.

Is this going to be another thread about Dobbo the house elf?

Nope! If his comics weren't condescending, obnoxious and full of political garbage, he won't be our boy Dobson.

Movies for adults are boring.

Also bad things aren't allowed to happen to women in fiction, guys. It's sexist if they do.

I'd better tell this to all the hobos that live on my street.

No, he's right. Go read some 80s comics, preferably Marvel. Much of that was Shakespeare Ripoff as hell. Try Sectaurs, or Rom.

The message is fine but the messenger is not, dobson should just stop trying to please everyone and just shut the fuck up completely

Oh yeah?

>Its so bad the feminist machine doesnt even want him.
Please explain further

>Contstant self-depreciation
>Draws comic about self

One of these days Dobson is going to give all his money to a cult and then defend himself in one of these shitty comics.



>Unironically having this thought process.
>Being this politically retarded
>Being white yourself
Can speaking in headass be a profession at this point?

Good lord. Does he even THINK TWICE before posting this shit? This just makes him look like a man child who has no idea how the world works. Thing is though, we all have our moments of saying stupid shit selfishly. The difference though? I'm sure none of us are the type that AIR THIS OUT IN PUBLIC.


He was driven out of Tumblr because they hated him so much.

lol you're worse than dobson


Ok polfag let's not post goobergate autism, k?

I'm afraid to even read the thread, because I know so many people are gonna argue against the point made in this comic just because it was made by inflation bear man, or because he featured shitty examples.

who was in the wrong here?

Oh god, this is just an all-too-honest slice of Dobson's life.
>Clearly going to art school or art classes at college/university (based on other strips he's done and his illustrated friends)
>Because, you know, that's how you become a good artist: Have someone else tell you how to do it the "right" way instead of practicing, experimenting, and developing your own style
>Is a wanton fedora guy
>Tries to shout some kind of cheesy TV/movie trope to entice company indirectly, instead of just trying to talk to people directly to make friends
>And with the offer of his company at fucking Mcdonald's of all places, like it's some 8-year old's birthday party
>Everyone, even art school cringelords, just stare at him awkwardly, as anyone with the slightest bit of social awareness would expect
>Still goes to Mcdonald's alone, less (but still) out of celebration and sincere enjoyment of the garbage-tier fast food, and more so to fill the emotional hole in his ego like a big blubbering woman with a bucket of ice cream

It's hard not to A-log Dobson.

He’s technically correct but anyone who talks about “relatability” in any way is human trash and their opinion is are invalid.

I mean, he's right though. Class and financial privilege are the only priveleges that fucking matters. And people like Dobson never talk about that shit

That's some peak bugman. He could have at least used examples from Laloux, Chomet, Bakshi (specifically Coonskin), etc. but instead he goes right to children's cartoons.

He could have even used examples in live-action, like point out that Lawrence of Arabia is rated the same as some cartoon, so rating is irrelevant.

Don't get me wrong, there're a lot of amazing self-taught artists and garbage-tier professionally taught artists, but I still feel like art school is a good idea. There's a lot of shit you'll never figure out experimenting on your own, or at the very least, shit you'll learn faster in school, and getting a degree is a better way of getting into a profession than being talent scouted.


Move on kiddo it was fucking years ago

Hi Tom

>Wanting to show that animation without nudity or violence can still be mature
>Should have used Bakshi, the Shadmanvangelion of animation


You can't deny that Coonskin is the exact film that fans of Zootopia want that movie to be.

Well, what about his LotR adaptation?

It sucked big time so I wouldn't use it as an example of anything.

>What wrong, white shitlords? You can't relate to the super-powered king of a secret, semi-mystical, fictional jungle race with motivations and means completely foreign to you? Maybe you should grow up and stop being so fucking racist!
I could relate to Falcon, because he's just a guy from our society with a powerful tool at his disposal and common just cause, who has to use his brains and improvisation more than anything to deal with assholes who regularly have way more power than him. He interacts with people of all races, and didn't come from money, much like me.

I can't fucking relate to Dr. Strange, who, despite being a WHITE MALE like myself, is a wealthy and overconfident surgeon with genius intellect and immense renown, who goes through severe physical and emotional trauma and ends up finding a gateway to magic and sorcery somewhere at rock bottom, only to later become the supreme master of all magic in our entire dimension.

I don't want to watch Black Panther because, like many, I am so burned out on both formulaic Marvel movies and public campaigns demonizing my race that I can safely say that this movie isn't for me. And trust me, it's not that I fear the "enlightenment" of the "woke" messages that I'm sure are prevalent in Black Panther. Public school and college really like to hammer those messages in through various videos, stories, and speakers at least once per class, every year.

Kill yourself SJW sympathizer, i will never be as bad as dobson purely because i dont suck off feminazi labia

I agree with pretty much everything you're saying. I didn't watch Homecoming or Ragnarok in theatres, because I'm just fucking sick of these checklist, factory made movies in general.
The shitty marketing of Black Panther hasn't done any favours for it either.

>ywn be such a though provoking artist that you tell robin williams' daughter to shut up about her father's death

>movies and public campaigns demonizing my race
really nigga, you're acting like some 52 gender bullshit trynna make up how you're so widdle and hunted by le evil fake news :((. Name 10 times whites were ""Demonized""

Look at modern twitter to see what he means. Eat shit you liberal trash

Some of his art like on of peach running from bowsers and his minions was considered sexist.

You do know the rate for homeless people is overwhelmingly male right? There is only one dedicated male shelter in america while there is over 50 for women right?

not trying to start shit but isn't there a movie called "dear white people" on netflix? dunno what ot's really about but would it have been allowed to have been any other race?
dear black people?
dear asian people?

How can someone draw this stuff and then side with the type of puritain culture nazis that want to eradicate that type of content from the face of the earth?

I don't understand. how did this guy stay so terrible? he made a comic illustrating how a young him learns that practice and life drawing is important even if he doesn't want to-so he KNOWS to do fundies.
and yet he never improves. how is that possible?

art school pushed me in ways I didn't even know I was capable of and was my fastest ever rate of improvement.

Welcome to the world of 3rd wave feminism here is a piece of work he retweeted, where the artist doesnt get the term "dail down" and considers the term as a slight against her character and movement.

And i find it imcredibly ironic how she uses a grey tone to display what she thinks is a black and white statement.

The artist also doesn't seem to know how a dial works. The whole point is that it's not one way or the other.

Except I don't because Marvel's quality is dropping fast, the market is flooded with superheroes and just because I am a 'nerd' I do not need to consume everything that media is pushing just because it has some connection to 'nerd culture'.

I haven't seen Spiderman, I haven't seen Thor Ragnarok and I wont be seeing Black Panther.

"Nearly homeless."

Homelessness isn't a spectrum. You have a home, or you don't. Nobody really respects white privilege when just looking homeless you're assumed to be either a drug addict, criminal or worse.

Black Panther looks considerably better than Ragnarok. But yes it's insulting that they are saying we "have to" see it when the whole concern is that people won't go see it.

On her twitter it blew up with, not surprised, people supporting her while saying the male point view shpuld be disregarded.
The whole shut up and listen thing is what gets people to stop listening. Its fucking maddening.

Nearly homeless as in you're in danger of losing your home, I would imagine. He's wrong though.

Or a student with no money, or an abused house spouse. Buy the majority is drugs

What is Dobbo doing these days?

Being a lonley preachy cunt

Funny because dobson is literally dehumanizing himself by siding with this ideology.

It blew up because it has a message and people are always willing to overlook stupidity when it agrees with them.

>people supporting her while saying the male point view shpuld be disregarded.
I swear we need one massive spree shooter at a feminist rally to shut these bitchs up through fear, it could kill the modern feminist movment over night

>please stop posting this blue fucking bear holy shit

White privilage is a thing, but not to a point that this fat moron states it to be.

We get it, you hate women because you're a virgin and wish it was the 1950's again

>implying that wouldn’t just make them stronger

I have this dreadful feeling we will be getting a lot of "if you don't want to watch Black Panther you're a racist" accusations and guilt-tripping thrown around, like what happened with Ghostbusters reboot and "if you don't want to watch Ghostbusters then you're a mysogynistic piece of shit". The key difference is that BP at least looks like it's gonna be a somewhat entertaining popcorn flick (my friend said it looks like Lion King with nanosuits and spaceships and I can't disagree), while Ghostbusters was a hot piece of garbage that insulted both men and women despite touting itself as being a "grrrrrrrl power" movie.

Cut panels 3 and 5
remove the last line in 4 and change his expression to something somber instead of weeping

It would be passable, if heavy handed.

Dont be stupid, that would only make things go in their favor more, these people capitalize on victimizing themselves.

what does he do when he comes across regular grills that aren't into the feminism bullshit?

no user, it would do the opposite

>durr, you hate angry and backwards feminsits because you are a virgin
Spottted the tumblrite
These starbuck sipping privileged dykes would run away with their tails between their legs. They are too pussy to go against real violence rather then the imagined nazis they pepper spray.

Lord knows feminist of today wish it was the 1950s then they would have an actual reason to be upset about.

I guess this is technically correct I mean.

White homeless man = At least he doesn't have to deal with racism?

Black homeless man = He's fucking homeless but also whitey hates him

Of course in the end they're still in the same position.

>says this shit
>can't see hes worse than dobson
I hope this is a shitpost, because that's really fucking stupid.

You clearly dont get how cowardly modern feminists are. They get into a fear induced spasm when they see violence in movies, if real violence was threatened against them theyd shut the fuck up.

>These starbuck sipping privileged dykes would run away with their tails between their legs. They are too pussy to go against real violence rather then the imagined nazis they pepper spray.
Yeah it worked so well when a woman was ran over by a neo nazi last year. Sure shut them up right?

Im always better then dobson because im not some feminist aligned cuck, fuck you

Top two panels are right, desu

it's funny because sjw always go on about how no one person or problem should be invalidated and everything is a serious issue
but then they go on the have misery be a competition and only winners can complain

You clearly dont remember when something like this actually happened and didnt stop retards like them from complaining.

I mean, I have to agree with him on this one.

If you actually attacked them for feminism and not some vague attack like that then theyd be pissing their panties

A broken clock can be right twice a day too.