How would you do the DCEU?

Say you've just been put in charge of running the new slate of DC films starting with Man of Steel, what do you do?

You have complete creative control over the franchise for as long as you want. You decide the directors, writers, cast, hell let's say you've been magical foresight and see what would come of the films, both good and bad, should it be left up to WB entirely. What would your optimal live-action DC film franchise look like?

Make it like the comics.

Drop the edginess and take my time, as much as it triggers the the fanboys of DC alone following the example of the MCU IS the path to take, give everybody a solo film, split things up into phases, end phases with Justice League films.

As for right now? Push Justice League 2 way down the line, get all the solo films out, have end credit scenes with Deathstroke and maybe Lex recruting villains from the solo films for the Injustice League. Eg: Aquaman will have two villains, Oceanmaster and Black Manta; focus on Oceanmaster, have Deathstroke recruit Manta after the movie.

Just do elseworlds movies of their most famous stories. Cinematic universes are a meme, the MCU can't be replicated as it happened by accident mostly.

Just make a fucking Red Son movie, people will flock to see that.

I have no idea how to make a "cinematic universe" work to be honest. I'd just make a JSA movie set in the 1940's or 50's.

I wouldn't use any origin story concocted by Geoff Johns.
Flash. Cyborg and black Manta deserved better.

The Marvel movies are successful because of the MCU, not the other way around; the movies are on average 7-8/10, people flock to see them because they're all connected; there has been hype for Infinity War for half a decade.

General audiences won't really be interested in a Red Son movie, they won't understand what's happening. "Is Superman Russian now?" "Since when?" We have to remember general audiences, not just what we want. Cinematic universes work best for superhero films: we get a Flash movie, then later a Justice League or team-up movie, same actor for Flash? Are they connected?

Marvel set a precedent whether we like it or not, to avoid a cinematic universe is to not have the full potential.

Reboot completely. No Flashpoint, no in-universe reason, just stop making new movies for it. Take at least 5 years off to plan everything out.

>Superman/Batman: World's Finest
>Wonder Woman
Would be my first few movies when I started again.

Get people that have actually read comics and aren't embarrassed by them to write and direct.

I'd absolutely have a JSA trilogy down the line, with maybe just a few scattered, subtle references of there maybe being superheros before now. I'd even pull from something as recent as Rebirth and have maybe their story be told in the present day by a half crazed/senile Johnny Thunder. The world forgot about the JSA becasue of something they had to do, but it's eventually undone and the old heroes from the trilogy we just saw get one last heroic moment to pass the torch to the modern day JSA.

I'd also have the Legion with Clark joining them as Superboy and having his memories erased until they're brought back.

Also want to add that this is why the Arrowverse is still as popular as it is. People like these things connected, DCEU rushed itself, and having Snyder attached didn't help, that doesn't mean that it's suddenly not going to work for DC movies.

Actually now that I think about it, the most logical starting point would be pic-related. It captures everything people like about DC and it shows superheroes are not just for kids.
t. not-Zack

>General audiences won't really be interested in a Red Son movie, they won't understand what's happening. "Is Superman Russian now?" "Since when?"
That's what trailers and marketing are for dummy. There was already a rumor that Millar was talking to people about making a Red Son movie and the normies I work with were all hyped and want it to happen. It's a well known story, people would definitely go see it. Just like people would flock to a Killing Joke movie, Sinestro Corp War or a Court of Owls movie. Normie friendly shit.

>Cinematic universes work best for superhero films:
No they don't. The MCU is a fluke. Right movies at the right time, getting bought by Disney at the beginning - the stars aligned perfectly. Up until Avengers it being a connected universe was largely made up on the fly and the Thanos thing was Whedon's idea. When people saw it they got excited, so here we are.

DC is the only company to get a cinematic universe off the ground aside from Marvel and it's been a shitshow. All the other ones have died, most before even the second movie.

Hire a good director


>DC is the only company to get a cinematic universe off the ground aside from Marvel and it's been a shitshow. All the other ones have died, most before even the second movie.

*Proves you wrong*

Watch the Venom movie bomb. People that aren't big comics fans don't want a Red Son, Killing Joke, or Court of Owls movie. They don't care.

Your 'argument' holds absolutely no weight "a fluke"? Explain. The connected universe was started in 2008 in a good movie (hint: that's the issue DCEU had), their plan caught on through well-presented movies and is now the globes most successful franchise. Just because Snyder is a shit director and WB rushed some half-assed shit that doesn't somehow make proof no longer applicable

So is this the same "cinematic universe" as the Peter Jackson movie or what?

It's connected to Godzilla with Cranston, I think, the "Monsterverse", I believe. OP can correct if I'm wrong.

No you're right. It's a prequel to 2014 Godzilla and next year we're getting Godzilla: King of the Monsters and the year after that we're getting Godzilla vs Kong.

>Watch the Venom movie bomb.
You're fucking delusional if you think this is happening. Venom is arguably more popular than Deadpool(another movie not connected to anything).

>People that aren't big comics fans don't want a Red Son, Killing Joke, or Court of Owls movie. They don't care.
People just want to see comic book shit, they don't have standards for what they want to watch. As long as it's entertaining. You're giving audiences way too much credit.

Kong fighting Godzilla is a silly idea.

It worked once before, plus this Kong is fucking huge.

>worked once before
No it didn't, that was dumb.

It will bomb, I fucking guarantee you. And no, people don't just want comic shit, if they did the DCEU wouldn't be a disaster. Connected universes are what will prevent the burnout like what happened with zombies, a bigger purpose to see these films, gotta know what'll happen next.

Your idea to just throw random shit out there would be what kills interest: "oh, another Batman movie with a slight twist? Meh, not really worth it" Again, stop thinking like a comics fan, think like a normie movie goer who doesn't have time to just see whatever

>A giant ape and a radioactive dinosaur fighting is dumb
I don't what you expect out of these films other than stupid monster-fighting fun. Like if it ain't your cup of tea, that's fine, but you shouldn't be going into a Godzilla film expecting high cinema.

>thinking this.

Hell no, the first time that's done with our modern film technology? Instant bucks.

user, I love Godzilla. But I don't like King Kong. The very idea of a big ape fighting (and in the case of the original, beating) goddamn Godzilla is just irritating to my autism.

Settlement to the disagreement: if the Rampage movie does well then Kong vs. Godzilla will, too. If not, it might hit some trouble.

Oh that's fine user, we all have our own personal ticks, but as this guy says that shit's going to make bank at the box office. Plus, seeing the fallout of BvS, Legendary is going to be extra precautious NOT to fuck it up.

So adaptation when?

>It will bomb, I fucking guarantee you.
When the fuck was the last time a comic book movie legit bombed? Fantastic Four? Venom is one of the most well known comic book characters Marvel has and every normie knows who he is. They're going to flock to this movie regardless of its quality. It's also got Tom Hardy, who is insanely popular.

>if they did the DCEU wouldn't be a disaster
It still made a ton of money. Suicide Squad made 800 million and it was terrible. When the first image and trailer came out people got excited. Not because it was apart of a shared universe, but because it looked like it was going to be a cool movie.

>think like a normie movie goer who doesn't have time to just see whatever
How fucking busy do you think normies are that they won't go see a comic book movie just because it's not in a shared universe? Go look at boxofficemojo for the past few years. Normies go see all of these movies regardless. I work with a bunch of them. They talk shit on DC movies, but they still go see them hoping they'll finally be good for once. They have no standards prior as long as it's comic book/pop culture related.

Only way this could be better is if it was Kong at his old size.

Talk to nearly any person about the Venom movie, they're confused as fuck about it: is Spider-Man in it? Tom Holland? How is there Venom without Spider-Man. If this isn't fixed it'll fail.

Suicide Squad was not a moneymaker on its own, it was because it was the direct sequel to B v. S, people wanted to see what would happen, and as this shit got stale Justice League underperformed

A normie WILL NOT see shit like Red Son, Killing Joke, Joker origin? Maybe. Court of Owls on its own? No.

Your idea to just throw a ton of unrelated comic shit at audiences will cause oversaturation. Want comic movies to go the way of zombies? Keep advocating this idea.

>tfw I'm more excited for King of the Monsters than Godzilla vs Kong

Isn't there talk of a Mothra movie? I'd be interested in that, a film focused on a classic besides Kong or Zilla.

>A normie WILL NOT see shit like Red Son, Killing Joke, Joker origin? Maybe. Court of Owls on its own? No.
What? Normies won't go see Superman and Batman movies? Since when?

Not the user you were arguing with, but there's all sorts of ways of doing it.

People had no problem understanding Justice Lord versus the regular Justice League in the DCAU. Likewise, they had no problem seeing what would essentially be AU with Clark working with Lex in whatever that alt universe Lois found herself in where she died; likewise their parallel universe version of the JSA with John Stewart's comic books, versus Barry and Jay.

If you set Red Son in the 1970s and use a younger actor but use an aged up Cavill for say the last 25-33% finale of the movie, likewise Adams aged up for Lois Luthor (and a different Luthor completely here, say Cranston), it's totally fine. Batman is a Russian guy, so just someone who looks or is made up to look like Affleck, ditto for WW (who could be easily played by Gadot).

Me too, though to be fair, any more good quality monster films are fine by me. Also, King Ghidorah confirmed to be in it, so that's cool.

A film about Russian Superman that'll make no fucking sense? Bet money on it.

A Batman solo film (that'd appear as a reboot, which people are tired of) advertising a totally unknown villain, with honestly, a stupid sounding name? No.

Normies aren't comic fans dude.

>is Spider-Man in it? Tom Holland? How is there Venom without Spider-Man.
Literally no one is saying this except autists on Sup Forums. Normies don't fucking care. What do you not understand about this?

>Suicide Squad was not a moneymaker on its own, it was because it was the direct sequel to B v. S, people wanted to see what would happen, and as this shit got stale Justice League underperformed
Now you're just trolling. It wasn't a direct sequel to BvS at all. The trailer came out nearly a year before BvS was even released and literally no one was excited for it because they thought it was going to be a follow up to that movie.

>A normie WILL NOT see shit like Red Son, Killing Joke, Joker origin? Maybe. Court of Owls on its own? No.
You're a fucking moron. That's all I can deduce from talking with you. NORMIES WILL SEE FUCKING ANYTHING.

>Your idea to just throw a ton of unrelated comic shit at audiences will cause oversaturation. Want comic movies to go the way of zombies? Keep advocating this idea.
I want comic book movies to fuck off forever, but while we're here I'd at least like to see some unique ones and not the same fucking movie 3 times a year, which is what's happening currently.

What about Red Son doesn't make sense?

Your last bit shows exactly why you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Thanks for playing dumbass.

Hurr durr, Russian Superman

t. guy that wants the genre to die.

>The DC Universe will already be established, and fully populated by shit tons of heroes and villains who'll get tons of blink-and-you-miss-it easter eggs/cameos, and possibly even micro subplots unfolding in the background through newspaper clippings and stuff
>no origin stories necessary, except for subtle allusions/brief exposition for "literally who" characters the audience may not already know
>absolutely no "costume realism". fuck you, Superman can wear a above average-tier cosplay with the explanation "his mother made it for him", just as long as the writers/actor helps him sell the role
>Phase 1: create original stories inspired by the quadrilogy in pic related (Superman: Peace on Earth, Batman: War on Crime, Shazam!: Power of Hope, and Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth) to capture their distinctive essence of a larger-than-life style epic with a comfy/"feel good" kind of vibe
>"World's Finest" is the first proper crossover, featuring Batman and Superman teaming up right off the bat and breaking in their team dynamic as they stop a larger scale threat
>"Trinity" is it's own film, featuring Wondy in a MUCH more prominent role than BvS, and the Big Bad here would likely be one of her own (or a reverse-Trinity with three of their respective villains)
>Phase 2: Plastic Man gets his own comedykino, and Aquaman/Flash/GL get their own stand-alones too but NOT using any of Johns' fan fiction, he's done enough harm already
>First JLA movie: they're up against either a very edgelord Crime Syndicate of Earth-3 or the Legion of Doom
>Batman/Superman/Wondy/etc. get sequels to their films (depending on which of them do well), raising their stakes from "a day in the life of..." to "saving the world"
>standalone Fourth World Kirbykino that establishes Darkseid, the New Gods, and their lore
>JLA Sequel: The League gets a broader supporting cast with minor heroes, and they square off against Darkseid and Glorious Godfrey's "Anti-Life" cult

Batman and Superman? They'll see it.

Use your brain for a minute and consider how a general individual views Superman: American hero.

A Superman with a hammer and sickle on his chest? They'll have no idea what the fuck is going on. That doesn't draw attention. Ask a layman what they think about Communist Superman: lol, that's dumb.

> That doesn't draw attention.
Pretty fucking sure it would draw a whole lot of attention, and this is coming from someone who never read that book.

Same thing was said about zombies before oversaturation caused the crash.

Random elseworld stories? That's oversaturation.

But who browses Sup Forums. You have a pre-disposed interest in comics, normies don't.

You people are fucking stupid.

I have, they want to see it.

You're a fucking dunce. Your whole argument is that normies only want to see movies that are apart of some broader universe or that they're familiar with beforehand, which is total fucking nonsense.

>movies don't have trailers, you only find out about their existence on the comics & cartoons board of Sup Forums
Oh, I didn't know that. My bad.

Yeah, I totally believe you.

>I regularly explain Red Son to people and they totally want a movie.

instead of giving it the blue tint and cgi of snyder

I would go for the the bright and shiny filters and make it more akin to the golden age comics.
The ultimate idea kinda taking the DCEU and turning it into one big Verhoofen Starship Troopers treatment. Where it was really ment to be a satire, but the public received more positively than that.

The Monsterverse is an interesting one because it's the only universe to actually copy what the MCU did well successfully.

Say what you will about 2014 'Zilla, it at least had a distinct personality and didn't lard itself down with teases for the future. The Monarch stuff was so tertiary it barely mattered, like SHIELD in Iron Man. It was just a movie with its own personality.

Then we got Skull Island, and while I wasn't crazy about it, at again was its own movie with its own distinct flavour. Monarch was back, but was more played as a joke then some sort of cinematic universe cement to hold things together, only the post-credits thing really felt like a Cinematic Universe Moment.

And guess what, both movies did well and people are hyped for the sequels. They're the only ones outside of the MCU that didn't put the cart way before the horse or start with a movie so bad that it taints the rest of the universe with its aesthetic and worldview like MoS.

Again, half-wit, you browse Sup Forums, you like comics, most movie-goers don't. Red Son wouldn't catch on

I'd bet you ten to one that if the name Superman wasn't in the title, take away the S from his chest and they would ask "is that Superman", not "oh neat, that's Superman"

>it's a story about what if Superman had landed in Communist Russia instead of America

That's literally all you need to say. You don't need to explain anything, that's what the fucking movie is for. Trailers and marketing exist to bring people in.

And it wouldn't. Superman is the classic American hero, Americans go for that purpose, take that away and it wouldn't form a connection, it'd be "dumb"

>Red Son wouldn't catch on
Do you have any facts to back that up?
>I'd bet you ten to one that if the name Superman wasn't in the title, take away the S from his chest and they would ask "is that Superman", not "oh neat, that's Superman"
Sure. And then the movie's name comes out at the end of the trailer and BAM people know it's Superman after all.
Your position is completely unbacked by any evidence.

>Red Son wouldn't catch on
Says who? You're basing this on nothing except how you think normies think.

>hurr durr normies will only see a movie if there were 13 lead up movies to it so they aren't confused

More color, less edgy.
Probably focus on crime movies to begin with, Bruce is the world's greatest detective, Clark is a journalist, Barry is a crime scene investigator. That should be a simple enough setup for them all to converge on naturally. IF you want to keep it a little dark make them trying to find a brutal serial killer.

Treat the superhuman abilities like the shark from Jaws. I agree with the direction the early DCU tried to take, focusing on the motivations of the characters and their personal journeys. Unfortunately Zack Snyder is the absolute worst choice to pull this off. The action scenes are way too over the top and contrast hard with the grim reality they try so hard to maintain.

Some of the best DC stories don't have any action. Killing joke? One fight maybe, and it isn't the focus of the scene. Watchmen? I seriously doubt what people liked so much about it was its impressive fight choreography.

You can make characters and scenes interesting without a big dude in a stupid outfit punching the bad man. What we need in DC is suspense, unpredictable characters (they have the best example with the Joker, and they've done their best to fuck it up), and stakes the audience can feel the ramifications of. Don't just show us a family and immediately put them in danger while the heroes are continents away. That's not how that works.

What would I do? Batman reboot. Focus hard on the mystery. A high ranking dude gets offed (the mayor? I don't know just some important dude). Batman investigates. Young, inexperienced batman, he doesn't get into many fights and if he does, he's dangerously outnumbered and he'd have to use his gadgets just to escape in one piece. Focus and the gangstery villains. Make penguin the big bad. The audience should be on the edge of their seats while in the bat cave making deductions and investigating evidence. Batman has to break in to a highly secure location full of FBI that will shoot on sight.

Suspense! Mystery! Make it a modern film noir.

Well I sure have been typing for a while I'll stop now

And I'd argue that the reason the Monsterverse is working is the same reason the MCU is working, and how a DCEU could work: they're taking their time.

user you have to stop. Nobody is going to agree with your assertions.

fuck live action
go fully animated

marvels live action was mostly good but their animated movies don't measure up

DC's animated movies are always top notch.
make since since WB started out with animation.

if DC does make a live aciton movie
make it with practical effects only and/or only minor cgi like background shit.

You've never even read Red Son, have you?

>DC's animated movies are always top notch
You didn't see TKJ did you? Abominable.

Yeah, I actually have. That's how I know it won't catch on.

We are all browsing Sup Forums, you people seem to be forgetting that. We like Red Son because we like comics, we like when things are spinned like this. Normies don't care, Commie Superman is a dumb concept to them, literally everybody I've described the idea to is put off by it.

And literally everyone I've described it to thought it sounded cool.

I don't know why it's so hard for you to grasp that normies will literally see anything.

I don't like Red Son as I've never read it. I see no reason it wouldn't succeed as a movie.
Checkmate, atheist.

The fact that movies fail at all argues against that.

I'm telling you, the only thing your idea to push a bunch live-action elseworld movies will do is provide oversaturation on comic movies, Red Son is animated material, nothing more.

Again, you're browsing Sup Forums, your pre-disposed interest in comics is evident.

Time to flex my autism for a bit.

>Man of Steel
>No Krypton intro, film starts with Clark landing in Kansas, is adopted by the Kents
>Lives a fairly normal life, watches documentaries about the Justice Society and fantasises about being a hero
>Teenage Clark is with his parents driving home when they’re pulled by the Langs. Their house is on fire and their daughter Lana is still inside.
>Clark discovers his super hearing by hearing Lana’s cries and rushes inside. Discovers his other powers like invulnerability, super breath and x-ray vision.
>Saves Lana and is lauded as a hero. Jonathan is slightly concerned though
>Takes Clark to see the spaceship he came in. Clark is at first distressed and confused but Jonathan assures him that he must’ve been sent here for a reason. He hands him a special key that as in the ship shaped like an S.
>Clark spends the rest of his school years studying as well as honing his powers in secret.
>Graduates and decides to travel the world to find himself. Montage of Clark going around in multiple professions and interfering when disaster strikes, sometimes succeeding in saving the day, sometimes failing.

(Part 1)

(Part 2)

>Eventually arrives at the artic, where the key starts to act strangely and lures Clark out onto the ice sheet.
>He finds a submerged alien ship beneath the ice, which he gains access to using the key.
>He finds some old alien tech and places the key inside a port. The computer displays a holographic projection of a person, Jor-El, Clark’s biological father.
>He gives Clark the run down on Krypton’s history, about how it was a technologically advanced civilisation that colonised its moon and other planets, but geothermal activity became unstable after years of mining. Jor-El tried to save it, but a failed rebellion led by General Zod strained resources and at the last minute, Jor-El fashioned a rocket and sent his son to a planet scouted years ago by a scout satellite with a copy of his memory in the form of an A.I
>Reveals black suit with the El family symbol upon it, a black full body suit of armour. Clark asks whether or not he could make some changes, Jor-el asks what kind of changes to which Clark pulls out a piece of paper with a drawing in crayon of him in blue and red.
>Insert first-flight scene from the film because that’s pretty good actually.
>Couple months later, Clark is starting his first day of work at the Daily Planet and is paired with photographer Jimmy Olsen and veteran reporter Lois Lane.
>Sent to meet with Emil Hamilton at S.T.A.R labs and report on his new deep space communicator, retro-designed from the work of Dr Saul Erdel, which is picking up data from an anomaly near the Moon.

(Part 3)

>Lois sneaks in to investigate further and activates the machine. A Kryptonian in full body armour is teleported into the room and flies through the roof, destabilising the building.
>Clark swoops in as Superman and saves Lois before racing off after the Kryptonian
>They have a big fight that destroys a lot of property and scares a shit-ton of people. The Kryptonian teleports away and Clark is left in the middle of the destruction. He turns and the ENTIRETY of Metropolis’ police force is aiming their guns at him
>Taken into custody by the head of police, Dan Turpin, who is naturally worried at him despite Clark trying to reassure him that he didn’t mean to cause so much destruction.
>Gets interviewed by Lois, all that lovey dovey shit yada yad-HOLY SHIT Zod’s on Tv!
>Turns out the anomaly was Zod’s ship travelling to Earth. Zod asks for “Kal-el”, who he knows is on planet as the Kryptonian Clark fought is one of his soldiers.
>Superman goes up to greet him and learns of his backstory, which is basically identical to the one in MoS. Clark is against Zod terraforming earth and tries to stop him, Zod just sicks his soldiers onto him.
>Knock Clark into Smallville, where they fight for a bit and Clark appears to be on the losing side until he notices his parents looking on with horror and despair. Just as the soldiers go to finish him off, Superman breaks free and gains the upper hand, using his knowledge from the previous fights to beat them.
>Zod prepares to fire the terraforming beam over Metropolis. Superman races there and bears the brunt of the beam as the public looks on tensely.

And this has WHAT to do with people's willingness to watch movies?

(Part 4)

>Superman can barely hold himself up as the beam inches closer to the ground. He grits his teeth and stands up, catching the beam with his right hand. Soon it grows tired, so he swaps it with the other hand.
>Soon, Superman is flying up towards Zod’s ship and punching back the laser like pic related as the crowd cheers on. Zod’s fucking fuming at this point.
>Superman caps the laser and the ship explodes. Zod falls to Earth, weakened but still with enough energy to fight clark.
>The two engage in a final fight, with Superman taking Zod into the stratosphere.
>” No matter where you take me Kal-el, I’ll still be able to beat you!”
> “I’m not trying to beat you here Zod, I’m just buying enough time for everyone to evacuate the Lexcorp building”
> “Why?”
> “So I can do THIS!”
>Clark smashes Zod down through the atmosphere and delivers several sonic-boom punches on the way down. Zod smashes into the lexcorp building, bringing the entire complex upon his head. Zod’s down and out.
>Dr Hamilton fashions a phantom-zone projector and Superman sends Zod and crew back to the Phantom Zone.
>Clark somehow squeezes Lois out of the by-line with an exclusive interview with Superman, but reassure her by saying he put in a good word for her.
>Post-credit scene has a Lex Luthor reveal with him standing menacingly near the wreckage of his skyscraper.

Repeating myself is getting annoying. Movie audiences as we look at the idea are generally American, movies like Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man were pushed at the forefront because they are American icons.

Superman is recognized by the S on his chest, by his love for the "American Way", flip that on its head and the general dude with absolutely no comics knowledge will think its some kind of cheap rip-off or something, if the title lacks "Superman", they'll be questioning who the guy is. Having to have this explained is a bad start.

With Comic movies at their current stage (quite popular, but notable numbers are already tired of them) pushing stand alone elseworld stories would serve only to further this decline, just like zombies.

One elseworld-esque style movie that I'd argue WOULD work would be something like the Injustice universe: DC's Civil War with Superman as a villain; a much easier idea to approach as opposed to "Batman and Superman being Communist Russians for some reason"

>Movie audiences as we look at the idea are generally American, movies like Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man were pushed at the forefront because they are American icons.
I'm not an American. I don't give two shits about America. Superhero movies are watched in countries other than America. You are WRONG ABOUT THIS POINT. Repeating it will not make it true.
> if the title lacks "Superman"
Why would it lack "Superman"?
>With Comic movies at their current stage (quite popular, but notable numbers are already tired of them) pushing stand alone elseworld stories would serve only to further this decline, just like zombies.
Quite the opposite. The so-called "fatigue" comes from the fact that these movies are all part of a franchise, and people feel they have to watch all of them to watch one of them. If the movies were all stand-alone there wouldn't be a problem like this. Look at how many action movies or romantic comedies are released every year. There's no "fatigue" with these types of movies because they're not all part of the same whole. Elseworld movies would be free from the constraints of the franchise and therefore of the fatigue.

Again, you're not an American, but you browse Sup Forums. YOU. LIKE. COMICS. Every single character here was made in America, the idea dies here (which it is starting to), it stops. Side note, look up a thing called ticket sales. It's America or it's China, no superheroes comin' outta China.

Because we ourselves haven't been saying Superman: Red Son, it's most commonly referred to solely as Red Son.

And no, the fatigue is not due to the MCU, the MCU is what's supporting the craze, literally the only exception being Deadpool, and that was because it mocked the superhero formula the fact that you're even trying to argue this shows you have an axe to grind.

Elseworld storied are not for live-action, their animated material. If this was untrue we'd have seen one years ago. People with commonsense know these ideas won't catch on.

>you browse Sup Forums. YOU. LIKE. COMICS.
I didn't in the 90's when I watched Tim Burton's Batman movies. The audiences for these movies probably don't go to Sup Forums or read comics for the most part. They're predominantly normies.
>Every single character here was made in America,
And without ever having set foot in America I can still watch these movies in my country. I still don't get what point you're trying to make with this.
> If this was untrue we'd have seen one years ago. People with commonsense know these ideas won't catch on.
Yeah, because all those reboots are what people want. THIS is what common sense tells us!
I bet when the idea of the MCU was first introduced you were there saying it will never catch on because if it would it would already have been done years ago. The fact remains that if it hasn't been tried yet we can't say for sure it would fail.
Look at some of the movies that HAVE worked out. Guardians of the Galaxy? The Deadpool you mentioned? These are movies that people with common sense would say can't succeed. People with common sense would've said to make another reboot of Batman because we haven't seen Martha Wayne's pearls scatter on the pavement enough yet.
Give art a chance man.

This is the real reason so many cinematic universes are failing. Studios want to get to their equivalent of the avengers and make bank. Only, the avengers was only because we had a bunch of solo movies to establish the characters, so when they all appeared on screen together, it felt like something.

The Monsterverse is building up it's cast with individual films before going all out with the monster crossovers. Make a Zilla film, got it. Make a Kong film, done. Make a sequel to Godzilla with a few more characters, alright, we're getting somewhere. Kong vs Godzilla, now we going to get some audience payoff because we went through the effort of spending several movies developing these characters.

This. Dark Universe tried too hard to shove shit into The Mummy and advertised it as the start of their cinematic universe, which made people be wary of even getting into it. DCEU has been doing the same shit.
Here's hoping Kaijukino will make money.

Since a lot of people basically hate all the main members of the Justice League except for Wonder Woman and I don't want to do the flashpoint paradox with this flash. I would start in the past or an alternate universe with the founding members of the justice society of America (Mr. Terrific, Green Lantern, Flash, Dr. Fate e.t.c) Then reboot the universe with an all new Justice League down the line with 52 universe ending event from the comics.

Start with a Justice league. Just the main ones. The tone would be like The animated justice league (JLU). Superman, Batman, Wonder woman, Green lantern, Wally West Flash, Aquaman.
The first movie Big Bad is Starro.
Between the justice league movies are the individual movies. Maybe one or two of them are individual movies but the others are just teamups. Superman, Green lantern/ Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman/ Dr. Fate, Batman/Question.
These would set up the second Justice league movie. The big Bad(s) would be the legion of doom. Next would be Big Barda&Mister miracle/Green lantern (dealing with immigration and escaping to get to a better life or whatever), Batman/Superman because worlds finest is a must at some point, WW/ Blue Beetle (Reyes, mentor story, WW picks up where Ted kord left off with training Jaime), Aquaman/Doom Patrol (not technically doom patrol yet. Also a cross between outsiders and doom patrol. They fight Kalibak and Desaad)
Obviously the THird Justice league movie has Darkseid invading. The main justice league fight but get scattered. They have to amass an army of some of the previous heroes shown in the cross overs to repel Darkseid. After that Im not sure where to go exactly (maybe adapt tower of babel?)

Give Snyder 100% power.

Alternate universes can work by having a text scroll in the beginning explaining that there are multiple universes and this is one of them, with a small explanation of the difference. With the Flash tv show and Rick and Morty being popular, it's not as hard as it would have been years ago.

I would have the typical 100 million dollar tentpole blockbusters but I would also make smaller scale $30-$40 million movies As well using lesser known character with lesser know actors. These I would take some risks and try to be as faithful to the stories found in previous dc media. Stories like Meta brawl with Wild Cat or Vixen Return of The Lion.

>Since a lot of people basically hate all the main members of the Justice League except for Wonder Woman
Tired of this retarded fallacy. Superman Returns opened to a great weekend because people were ready again for the great movie character of Superman.
Man of Steel opened to a great weekend because people were sold on the idea they were going to finally get that great Superman again, because the carefully edited trailers sold exactly that. It sold more tickets opening weekend than Wonder Woman.

All WB had to do was not make cynical movies that were vaguely ashamed of the "silliness" of their best-known material, and to completely disregard any idea that people of Johns generation did anything at all to make them "better".
They only had to sell the Superman what worked with people for decades, on TV, radio and in movies.

People who honestly believe that general audiences have "moved past" Superman are imbeciles. If anything, 2016 mirrored 1978's social conditions; and people desired the same escape.

The problem with the DCEU wasn't that the tone was dark and serious. It's that the BvS and Suicide Squad are as dumb as Bayformers.

I use Man of Steels ending. Superman kills a man with his bare hands and it brings him to bitter angry tears. But the movie is more focused on holding up that ballsy ending. Use that bit from Birthright with the super-senses seeing life. When Pa Kent dies Clark sees the lights literally leave his eyes.Which brings on the "worlds too big" moment.
I don't think the first villain should be Zod. Someone smaller that won't level an entire city in the fight.
Not sure what to do with the bigger picture, I've only really thought about Superman.

Having Superinvincibleallthepowers man throttle his first serious enemy in a fit of frustration was a fucking miserable idea.
Not as bad as the rest of the movie showing Superman's "life of suffering" as the handsome invincible kid with the sociopathic father, or the long stretches of indecisive autism that resulted, but it was the big stinking peanut atop the shit sundae that was Man of Steel.

It's like they held a contest to find the biggest jackass of a director to helm their franchise.

Synder, Nolan and Goyer were all the wrong choices to put in charge of a Superman. Espacially Goyer since his scripts involve massive doctoring to make half way decent, something that plagued even the Nolan movies. Synder wasn't up for the job.

The DCEU is really a proof of just how much brand loyalty people gave towards DC. Man of Steel was a boring Randian drama + A Hulk movie + Jacking off to 9/11. None of it was Superman, bar the okay intro scene on Krypton which wasn't really needed.

Batman v Superman was utter garbage. Then Suicide Squad decided to one up it by taking a likely meh movie and trying to turn it into Guardians of the Galaxy on the cutting room floor. All that and people still showed up to Justice League which was just awful, in a mediocre way not a OMG have you ever read a comic you fuck, way.

I'd watch desu

Bat Man
The Wonder Woman
Bat Man 2
Green Lantern
Super Man: The Last Kryptonian
Justice League
Bat Man 3
Green Lantern: The Darkest Night
Super Man 2: The Kryptonian Soldier
Suicide Squad
Justice League 2: Braniac Attacks
The Atom
Super Man: Injustice
Doctor Fate
Suicide Squad Mission 2
Flash Returns
Green Lantern Apocalypse
Aqua Man
Atom and Choi
Black Canary
Justice League 3

then either sell to Based Disney or hope I lost enough money to put DC out of business for good

so make it shit?

Justice League was reduced to a long apology for the previous two Superman installments, with Cavill abruptly edited (poorly) to more resemble Reeves as a character.
And every other Leaguer forced to be "those guys who really need Superman" with Batman mourning the guy worse than fucking Lois, and he only met him once to fite him.
Aquaman gets reduced to PG-Lobo
Wonder Woman's character development is ignored, and she had the only genuine devepment,
And Flash was intended to be Le Amazed Nerdboy but ends up going Full Snerkels.

Maybe Superman isn't forced to kill someone until the second or third movie. I like the notion that Superman would have to compromise his values in extreme situations. Maybe Zod is the only villain that ending works for.
I agree that Pa Kent needed a serious re-write.

Zod should just be sent back to the Phantom Zone so he could return in a future sequel where he teams up with Brainiac or something.
If Superman is going to kill someone let it be while he's under mind-control by Starro or something.
>there will never be a live-action Starro or Brainiac
Oh well.

You make Superman fight another hero's villain. Then you have a reason to make Superman meet said villain's archenemy.

Superman vs Orm's sea army. A sun god fighting against a force of nature. then Aquaman steps in for the third act like Black Widow in IM2.

Superman: The Brave and the Bold

>Maybe Superman isn't forced to kill someone until the second or third movie. I like the notion that Superman would have to compromise his values in extreme situations.
That's exactly the kind of sentiment that keeps them from making a broadly appealing Superman movie. Superman isn't for edgy perma-adolescents, that character is Batman.

>literally MCU

Nah he's right.
I think the problem really wasn't so much that Superman had to kill, as it was that it was the FIRST thing he does before anyone's sold on him as a concept.
Having to make the tough choice before you establish the rules is just bad storytelling.