The Working Title For WONDER WOMAN 2 May Hint At The Sequel's Villain Circe

>Wonder Woman 2 is currently in the very early stages of production and we may already have an idea about the sequel's big bad. You may recall that Circe was rumoured to be the villain of the first movie before Ares and Doctor Poison were chosen and speculation is running rampant that she'll be Diana Prince's main foe in the follow-up (which may or may not end up being set during the Cold War).

>The working title is "Magic Hour," and while that could have been chosen for any number of reasons, bear in mind that Circe is a sorceress who has frequently transformed humans into animals.

If it's set in the cold war I'm not seeing it.

Can't wait for the stick jewess punching CGI rhinos in the face.

Thank you hungry skeleton

Cheetah when?

Why is the DCEU casting Wonder Woman full of holocaust victims?

no one cares about DC and their shitty movies based on shitty characters

Will there be another green screen sequence where the actress's movements aren't matching the surroundings?


>Cheetah when?

When they develop taste.

Here's hoping we'll at least get some beastiality r34 out of it.

Nobody cast Keira Knightley for a WW movie, that's just OP trying to be funny.

Nobody will care about this movie once Captain Marvel comes out.

nobody cares about it now

most people realized the first one is just as shitty as every other DC movie ever made a few months after release

that's why no one cares it wasn't nominated for a single fucking thing at the oscars in fact most people were relieved

>capeshit getting an Oscar
Only White People Dramas™ and Get Out get Oscars.
Maybe Black Panther is getting nominated for one of the useless Oscars like Sound Editing or something to prove that Hollywood isn't racist.

Haven't watched the first one, but yesterday someone posted a webm from the movie and it looked really awkward: it starts with WW exploding or something and then she runs in slomo towards some faceless goons all while Patty Jenkins tries to film around Gal Gadot's acting and some terrible chroma keys

>Haven't watched the first one, but here's my opinion based on a webm I saw

the entire movie is like that it's worse than fucking Suicide Squad it only got "praise" because it starred a woman

Once Captain Marvel comes out and we see how a GOOD movie with a female hero is done everyone will be free to call this piece of shit the piece of shit that it is

The scene in the WW1 trenches? Where she's bitching at some US soldiers because they don't want to run into machine gun fire with her even though she's bulletproof? And then she's slaughtering a whole bunch of germans followed by a scene where they remind us that these germans are just as scared as the other side?

No, it looks like she's in an aerodrome, the bad guys are wearing proto hazmat suits, and I think I glimpsed Ares.


At least WW has a decent costume. Marvel is just wearing a tacticool jumpsuit.

Oh the obligatory Zack Snyder grimdark noisefactory.

She is never shown to be bullet proof up to that point. It's possible she was unaware she was.
Also she had no concept for a machine gun, she was criticizing them for dismissing saving the town as a lost cause.

I knew you DChumps were borderline retarded but come on

it's obviously the early costume that EVERY FUCKING HERO HAS HAD

>Gal Gadot spots some palestinians.webm

Yeah, and her new costume still won't be the leotard. Best case scenario is they give her a sash on he tacticool jumpsuit.
And I haven't actually seen WW, her acting is too awful.
I'm only talking about the costume design. DCCU is full of awful costume designs(Cyborg, Flash, Deathstroke), but some are quite good, like WW.

After having watched Room yesterday (which is brilliant by the way) i just can't picture Brie jumping around in a leotard anymore.

Jesus, that fivehead. Like a fucking Lego figurine.

With Gadot and Jenkins?
Never, unfortunately

All the critics have exalted the special effects. WTF is going one?

>furry porn vs muscle bondage porn.jpg

unfortunately Gadot has no body to use another type of suit and neither has the body to wear tight clothes or tight dresses
Look this arm and legs

you're no prize anón. you ain't no dandy

>no mos2 yet

Come on