Now that there’s five issues left until he’s gone for good...

Now that there’s five issues left until he’s gone for good, do you think that the damage Slott has done to Spider-man can be undone?

depends i guess
I can see years from now people referencing some of the stories he did. Peter is still going to be a manchild poor boy no matter what who rapes him

Might be a bit off-topic but it's weird how Tokyopop is trying to have a comeback.

Rewind to OMD and be like "IT WAS ALL A BAD DREAM" then he bangs MJ

can he undo OMD in his last issue?

what grand last (plausible) gesture can he do that would somehow make the fans wipe the slate clean with him?

There is nothing unrepairable in his run.

Believe in the Shogun!

If his successor wants to and Marvel gives them permission to, sure.

lets just say that dan slott is eliminating all the outs within the last 5 issues. The biggest out for spider-man for the last several years has been loki owing him a favor. Dan eliminated that option this week. Who knows what more he's gonna be doing before he goes out

They managed to undo the damage JMS did by turning Peter into an Inferior Clark, so they can probably salvage the title from Slott too.

ok, there is shitposting, and then there is what you did. fucking delete that

have they announced who is on the book next?

>They managed to undo the damage JMS did by turning Peter into an Inferior Clark
If by "undo" you mean "turn him into a complete cuck loser with no respectability and no spine even in superhero mode" then yeah he sure got fixed there. I'm rolling my eyes, by the way.

Pick a name out of the 4 writers currently at Marvel.

Nick Spencer's name has been tossed around a lot, but there is no evidence to support that rumor, and I highly doubt Shogun Akira would allow him on Marvel highest of A-list books after what Spencer did to Captain America.

>using the word cuck
opinion discarded

spencer is right up there with rivera for people who should never work again.


Wait, when the hell did we learn about this?

Last month.

what? slott leaving? almost a month ago.

>do you think that the damage Slott has done to Spider-man can be undone
Not until Otto and Anna-Marie are back together

>wanting Anna Maria to get back together with a villainous madman

Loki deal can still be salvaged instead of being wasted by Slott. Loki wanted spidey to tell all heroes he approves of him to make his Super hero life easier.

Spidey says no and uses his favor to save someone.

Another writer can just come along and retcon that spiderman actually took the offer of praising loki and helping him be more acceptable in the superhero community.

In return loki saves a life and it preserves JMS deal back.

I mean retcons like this used to be the norm. Remember when Gerber had Cap be a war hating hippie who hated his brother joining the army to fight nazis until pearl harbor?

Then all of that was retconned by Stern as hallucination by brain damage or something.

He cant save his run with just 5 more issues

why would he save it?
some men just want to watch the world burn