ITT: Cults, Secret Orders, Weird Goverment Agency

The Smoke Generals exist as severed rotting heads, suspended in clouds of nanotechnology. They have magical powers sufficient to affect either the nature or perception of the world in every living being. Their great magical powers enable them to survive attacks of an otherwise devastating nature, such as a thermonuclear explosion. They also can take human form and interact directly with humanity, however, in doing so, they also receive human limitations, and cannot access their power directly.
When Mt. St. Helens erupted, the CIA discovered bodies disgorged from the volcano. These bodies were wrapped in platinum scrolls, scrolls detailing the history of the 'Smoke Generals. The Generals came from the far future, where discovery of the world's true nature had led to world suicide. They were the ones who gave an order to flood the planet in ecological poisons. The chemicals destroyed most of the world's phytoplankton, thereby erasing the atmosphere's oxygen content.

The Smoke Generals survived, by reducing themselves to severed heads suspended in clouds of nanotechnology. Eventually they traveled back in time, where the Smoke Generals founded the Dry Academy, in which they cast the "Worldspell." This spell altered perception of the world, so that mankind believed that existence had not changed. This allowed humanity to continue to thrive, as the "real" reality was now too horrific a place to bear.

The Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.

During World War II, a group dedicated to the extermination of eccentricity and difference, named the Agency, began snatching the soul husks of men using the silver tongs of the all-powerful Telephone Avatar, a being they had trapped in the sub-basement of the Pentagon. These soul husks became the Men From N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
Their basis is the Ant Farm in the basement of the Pentagon

The U-Men were primarily are led by Sublime, a primordial bacterial lifeform. Individuals view his book, The Third Species, to be their bible

The Third Species presents Sublime's philosophy that the current world is "tainted" and that followers must not be exposed to the air or touch the earth of the "fallen world" until it has been perfected, hence the special suits. They eat only processed, specialized foods that are deemed "clean," and their suits have automatic waste recycling.
U-Men act in groups, composed of a "central base", group leaders, and subordinates. They communicate through standard forms of technology and go out into hunting missions to harvest mutants. They often refer to John Sublime's website for guidance and questions.
Sublime's book states that there is a "third species" on Earth called Homo perfectus . The so-called "Third Species" is composed of normal humans who believe it is their right to use mutants and mutant parts to give themselves "chosen mutant" abilities. They do this by capturing mutants and harvesting their organs or other body parts to use either as grafts and implants or tools.
When a U-Man dies, the other members of his or her team congregate for a short ceremony and then harvest the deceased U-Man's grafted mutant organs for themselves. In doing so, they believe that the fallen U-Man will continue to live within them, a form of genetic immortality.

The Order of Dumas is a christian transhumanist cult who orginated as a subdivision of the Knights Templar, a Catholic Military Order renown for participating in the Crusades for the Holy Land. The Order had a falling-out with the Templars and left the Templars before King Philip the fair and suppressed the Templars.
The Order devoted itself to the teachings of their founder, Saint Dumas.

The goal of the Order is to safeguard humanity and use technology to make human to be one with God. They see that God put them on Earth in His own all-powerful image. This means that not only should we transform Earth as we see fit, but that we should do our best to emulate God as well. This was shown to us by the existence of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was both Man and God. He manipulated his environment to serve humanity ( water into wine, loaves and fishes, healing the sick, even returning the dead back to live). Eventually, he left humanity behind and ascended beyond physical existence. We should do our best to live up to His example. God gave us intelligent minds for a reason and that was so we could create technology which we may use to become one with Him. In point Omega He is awaiting us to join Him in an existence beyond this one. To do this, we will need to shed our basic forms while maintaining our love for God. This is the only way we can prove our faith.
Technology is of Man and Man is holy. All that we create brings us close to Aeon Teleos. Knowledge stretches beyond the Demiurge's prison of air and stone.

For this they have created a champion that functions as the exalted warrior - Azrael.


The "Sublime being the explanation for why people hate mutants" thing is dumb.

>Order of Dumas
>order of dum-as
hurr hurr hurr...

Sublime is also the secret leader of the X-Projects. I always liked him, butI prefer if the X-Men themselves or the public does not know Sublime's true nature.


I fucking love fictional cults so much, especially if they're not cults but operate as one anyway. Please keep 'em coming.

From what book is this?

There was a hentai manga with this concept, no joke. Heaven's Prison. Probably the most infamous scene was a vampire erotically licking a loli's menstrual blood.


These assholes.


Hail, Hydra! Immortal Hydra! We shall never be destroyed! Cut off one head, two more shall take its place! We serve none but the Master—as the world shall soon serve us! Hail Hydra!

>one arm salute
How do you fuck that up?

Look at the at the under right corner.



Brotherhood of Vril

