Ava's Demon

Ava's Demon

Do I have to make the update thread myself? Geez

Also the webpage/links are acting glitchy as fuck so i don't know if I got all of it.




My waifu doesn't like me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>bitches and whores
This won't end well.

And I think that's it since it won't let me go past this page without 500 error/the archive doesn't show these pages yet.

If anyone has better luck you, and it's just my shit connection you can continue

Aw shit

Wait did Wrathia NTR her or was that another guy who just looks similar to Pedri?

It took me back to the cover page after reeeee, so that's probably it.

I think she got with Pedri to make Wrathia jealous.

Nah, that's Pedri for sure. And the big guy with Wrathia is probably her first husband, the one Pedri killed to take his place.

why does this gif have to move so fast I have no idea what was going between them

Fanart of Wrathia as Frazetta-style barbarian warrior-queen when?

It's one of those 'maximum overdrive life flashing before my eyes to get the audience interested but not give any information away' flashbacks.

"Everyone loves me" my ass, Wrathia I mean I guess technically it's maybe true in this case but still

The one whose skull he wears (sans the horns, of course) as well

>the big guy with Wrathia is probably her first husband,
Wew, she must be very flexible.

you could just save them and look at it frame by frame

>The size of her previous husband
And people ask how she laid that massive egg.

Porn when?

They were friends and then fought over pedri? In one wrathia has a larger fire guy next to her looks like the previous husband. Pedri and the water bitch are plotting around the corner. Weathia sees them in one thorough a telescope.

Im guessing they were friends things went south pedri killed the first husband and wrathia kept him. Water bitch got left out in the end.

I thought from the first she and Wrathia were young lovers or childhood crush more like, Wrathia dumped her, she and Pedri pretending to be together to make Wrathia jealous, Wrathia got with Pedri.

Strongest gets to mate with queen, weaker one gets the axe. Counts for Nevvy too

>Wha-what the fuck did I do? What's happening?

More likely Wrathia and Nevy were a thing but Wrathia broke it off (hence why Nevy is crying in the first gif) Then she and Pedri try to fake being together to get Wrathia's attention as she's dating the new guy in an attempt to make her as envious as Nevy was.

and it backfired so hard xD

Looks like things changed when Wrathia became queen

>A leash
>the state of Pedri's Pride

I assume the user who isn't going to catch up the updates is here as we speak. Typical

Well, you know...

Wrathia feet when?

>Wrathia and Nevy were a thing before Wrathia dumped her for queeny stuff
>Then she got with Pedri and plotted to assassinate Wrathia?
>Only Pedri was interested in assassinating her husband to take his place, ditching Nevy

Only mystery is how Nevy remained one of Wrathia's solders. Even if Wrathia's chill with the assassination attempt, why would Nevy want to help her? Maybe it's a clue on how she lost her memories.

Might be your browser. Maybe OP will post the individual frames?

>Be fish lesbian, want to bang hot demon chick
>She abandons you for queendom
>Become big important warrior, get cool purple friend who thinks he can help you kill her husband so you can be her new spouse
>He fucking killsteals and gets to be the demon chick's new beau
>You end up with some gay blue idiot
Being Nevy is suffering.

>Only mystery is how Nevy remained one of Wrathia's solders
Either Wrathia had some resembling sympathy, or she did it as a power move.

>I humped and dumped you AND I got together with your rebound, now kiss my feet.

Split them up hopefully they end up in order.

She's a fish BISEXUAL user, honestly.

Stockholm syndrome. Plus she seems powerful

Leaving out every other frame as its just a blurry version of its predecessor for effect.

Also maybe they not sexual why does everything in web comics have to be bi at least.

Ah, yeah, I forgot.

So when we getting more Pedri? I need my boy.

Wrathia did nothing wrong. Cant get babies off a fish dyke.

They may have both been trying to kill the new husband, which Wrathia apparently didn't mind much.


What if Wraitha used love poison on Pedri in the last panel, look closely you see her holding chalice with pink substance in it and that shit is also coming from Pedri’s mouth.

>maybe they not sexual
Yeah but we're talking about Michelle here, she even made her self-insert character a lesbian

Pedri is suppose to be the one who is good with the plans right?

Here ya go anons

Wrathia sees it coming.

>anything in this story not having a lesbo element


Yes he is, HIS plan turned out gr8 ::::)

I wonder if this means Nevi helped with the actual kill. Looks like ninja attire. Could also be a clue as to what Gil will be like. Better then the coral dress shit.

>Wrathia poisoned someone into loving her just to get back at Nevy
So does she ACTUALLY love Pedri or is it more of, "I love what I own" kind of thing?

Is Wrathia displeased with Pedri's and Nevy's relationship in the sixth panel?

Now these panels have me thinking that Pedri is a mage.

Dont think its a relationship but a plot for both of them thinking theyll get Wrathia. And Wrathia thinking her husband should defend himself my guess.

You can see Nevy and Pedri blushing in the telescope. They probably did have a thing.

So is he bleeding from the mouth or just a sloppy drinker, because the drink and the blood in his scar are the same damn color

I swear, do people think the B in LGBT stands for 'bicycle' or something?

Did she hook him with a love potion? She is the potion maker.

seems that way. armor, fishhook weapon.

Ya look at that leash.

>Nevy has a crown in the first two frames
>Wrathia doesn't
>Wrathia has a crown with a triumphant pose
>Nevy holding her head and crying

I meant that it's very likely that Wrathia and Nevy are bi since Michelle has already made several characters bi/gay before

>Wrathia used Nevy to steal the throne from her
HMMM... but why leave Nevy alive? God the more I think about this the worse I feel for Nevy.

Nevy and Pedri definitely had something going on, if you look closely you see them blushing on a panel where Wraitha is looking at them. Wraitha knew of the plan and maybe poisoned Pedri with love potion on the last panel as a final “fuck you” to Nevy.

Michelle's pretty open about being bisexual and wrote most of the comic when she was a teenager, so she probably inserted a lot of her own issues of sexual identity into it. Like half of the damn cast is bi.

>I've made a huge mistake

Or she just could ask/force Tuls to make it.

What if she just got Nevi to join as a subject planet. Maybe Nevi isnt in a position to reverse the decision.

He does look sort of goofy there for a prideful guy.
His current motivation could be resentment over the daterape.

So if Pedri was love poisoned, could it have worn off when he died? Maybe that hair grabbing moment with Ava wasn't as intimate as we thought.

She was shown to make the soul body jump poison.

>Wrathia is a cuckqueen
Makes sense

Are you actually insisting Nevy suffering more by making it so that their love was fake all along by a hetero bitch?

Dunno, Wrathia doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do things purely out of spite. Plus her face in , in my opinion, shows that she's happy with how things turned out and the thing seemed inconsequential. Besides, if Wrathia already had a husband, and Nevy and Pedri seemed happy with each other (to Wrathia's knowledge), why would she go out of her way to cuck Nevy?

I dont want more fucking drama diluting the action even more.

>Michelle posts a tweet saying the update will drop at 6pm EST
>update drops at 2pm
>deletes tweet
what did she mean by this

>Nevy and wrathia were childhood friends
>maybe even romantic
>wrathia stole her power
>nevy and pedri conspire to bring wrathia down
>she knows
>she love potions pedri to foil the attempt and further humilate nevy

>web comic artist being lazy and unreliable.
Im shocked.

>Plus her face in , in my opinion, shows that she's happy with how things turned out and the thing seemed inconsequential.
seems like a smug-tacular victory face to me

>>she love potions pedri to foil the attempt and further humilate nevy

Also from her joy upgrades the husband. Notice that she adds his coloring to her own as well.

Michelle's said that on a scale of one to ten, Pedri loves Wrathia at an 11. I think he was just sharing her drink.

Pedri and Wrathia generally seem to be weird around each other. In the official Wrathia lewd, she's tied up with shackles and purple ribbon, which doesn't seem normal for how power-trippy she is. I think the two of them are constantly switching between sub and dom, which means their sex must be terrifying considering the two are hill-sized.

>why would she go out of her way to cuck Nevy?
I'm guessing she doesn't want anyone else to have Nevy, but Nevy is useless to her as a potential spouse (two girls can't make heirs to the throne). Plus, look at the way Nevy is dressed when she meets Pedri- she's wearing a veil and she has her hands clasped in prayer with beads obviously meant to represent a rosary wrapped around them. My bet is Wrathia made her join a cloister of some kind to keep her as her own pretty little doll. Then when she finds out about Pedri/the plot she decides Nevy isn't worth it anymore and decides to get back at her.

I disagree

Posting an update 4 hours earlier than scheduled is being lazy?

Good eye at bringing up how Wrathia incorporated Pedri's colors into her wardrobe. I'm guessing she did grow to love him but it all started out as a Mr. Brightside scenario and she was just looking to punish Nevy further.

Her record for updating is pretty shit. Not as bad as some of the legends but.........

Also her updates are usually morning to late morning. Why 6pm in the first place.

>get out of my lesbian fantasy reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>all her warriors hate her

Not a very smart queen. Also there are 7 people to find total and we only know about the same 4 for the past 5 years.

>What if she just got Nevi to join as a subject planet.
That somehow makes more sense to me (Nevy's planet becoming a colony so she's not a queen anymore but some sort of aristocrat under Wrathia's court) then Wrathia just stealing fish planet's crown. Like she gets Nevy to sign up as a subject kingdom and then dumps her. Fucking ouch.


>Michelle's said that on a scale of one to ten, Pedri loves Wrathia at an 11.
That could be interpreted as supporting the theory for a love potion too. It's over the theoretical maximum, unnatural.

OH and look at Wrathia's wardrobe when she's spying on Pedri and Nevy. She's wearing lighter blues and pinks, similar to Nevy's colors.

Hi there is this the cuckeen anonymus session of the week?

Ah, you beat me to it.

So yeah, I think Pedri and Wrathia are just goofy around each other which is adorable and a bit scary

>update arrives four hours earlier than promised

Well it's good to know my ship between two gigantic world conquering dinosaur aliens is genuine.

Pedri, that crazy smart motherfucker

pound and break up with one of the strongest warriors in the vengess empire after using her to get to the real one he wanted to bang, who was totally into him for being such a strategically inclined asshole


other way around.

So wait, this pretty much confirms that all of Wrathia's warriors are all giant colossus?

I want to see pacted/vial Odin physically dismember the Strategos after they inevitably try to assassinate Ava.

>two girls can't make heirs to the throne
I mean...do we know that for sure? We're talking about weird elemental demon aliens after all