Hey, that's pretty cute

Hey, that's pretty cute.

You mean pretty suspect

He draw the dog with an Ahego face

to quote someone the last time this was posted:
"I'm pretty sure he's fucking his dog"

So what you're asking me is if he's fucking his dog?

>eating pizza whil drinking tea

This guy is 100% fucking his dog.


Is this a meme? I've seen it like 3 times already.

There's only enough room for one dogfucker around here, bucko

Are you retarded?

There's nothing wrong with using suspect in that context. Plebs tend to use suspicious because they don't realize suspect isn't just a noun.

Did even anyone notice that he's drawing himself rubbing his dog's belly?

thats some pretty strong fetish fuel user

does anyone have the nedroid edit of this?

Did someone edit his nose in the playdog panel?

If I had a dog like that I'd fuck it too.

I love canadian comics!

English is not my first language but I've been speaking it for about 17 years (I'm +23) and I have been browsing this site for almost 9 years yet I had never seen anyone use "suspect" instead of "suspicious" until recently. Smells like bullshit.

have you never heard the phrase "highly suspect?"


It's not that big of a deal you autists. Everyone else could care less.

>non English speaker telling other people how to write it

>tfw no dog gf

I want to watch my doggy wife do doggy things and wife things throughout the day.

Not that rare because of the average North American.


Big Booty Fluff

Fuck off Johnny Foreigner.

Try actually being well read.

I could care less, but it'd require effort

What about being a guy that owns a cat with big breasts that playfully seduces you.

Fuck off retard.

>English is not my first language
>I have been browsing this site for almost 9 years yet I had never seen anyone use "suspect" instead of "suspicious" until recently.
>Smells like bullshit.
That smell is you, darky.
Go be non-anglo somewhere else.

Irregardless of how you feel, other's could care less.

post the screen cap

It'd also require effort on their part to care less

Does anyone have the "I will not have sex with the dog" doujin/manga panel that was posted a lot in Raine Dog threads?

Stop being so tongue and cheek. For all intensive purposes this topic is pointless.

Look man, your not getting me to give this up. I know arguments on the internet are a diamond dozen, but I still like seeing it threw to the end.

I know on Sup Forums it's a doggy dog world but is it really worth it in the end? Case and point this argument.

It's all fun and good until one of you stops making sense for the sake of winning the argument and it all becomes a mess of shitposts.

Weave gone to far

I can see you're awaiting our next posts with baited breath.

He's just going to have to bare it

Na, bro. It's actually correct. Suspect is not used as often, being a slightly dated term, but is interchangeable with suspicious in most, but not all, cases.

Well, my mind is blown then.