Who had a worse case of Poochies?

Who had a worse case of Poochies?

Fairly Oddparents:


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horse show

The only thing that makes sense is sparky. The rest of this is retarded. Fuck off OP.

>Because he's a literal dog
>He thinks a "Poochie" is "the introduction of a dog character"

You're a goddamn retard.

Susie was around since the beginning. And Kimmy added a new personality to the mix. Dil was the only horrible addition because after him nearly every plot revolved around keeping him from hurting himself. Tommy became anxious and overprotective instead of brave.

>Susie was around since the beginning
Susie didn't get added until 75 episodes later.

Susie might be a bland affirmative action character, but she came in to early to qualify as Poochie tier.

Fairly Oddparents.

this. And Dil never talked...on a show about babies talking among each other every episode

FOP. At least Susie was someone that challenged Angelica all the time and knocked that uppity bitch down a peg.

75th segment maybe, but she was added in season 2.

he also his first appearance had them establish that babies could talk as soon as their were born.

Susie was needed to put Angelica in her place.

The only takeaway from that is that Dil was exceptionally retarded, if other newborns can talk and he can't.

It would explain why Dil was so eccentric in All Grown Up

Of those, the additions to FOP were generally worse, but it felt like the Rugrats additions were far more present and had a much more negative impact on the overall show. Probably because Sparky and Chloe only came very late in the show and lasted a single season each, and Poof disappeared without explanation.

>Poof disappeared
Timmy wished for an abortion

>Poof disappeared without explanation.
So did Sparky, but that's only if you count in-show.

T. Shimmerfag

>tfw autistic babies can't into baby-telepathy

The bigger question was why was Angelica still able to despite being like, a fully talking 3 year old.

My 3 years old brother used to translate to us what my 1 year old cousin was saying, magical as fuck


He did talk, just only single words. Like, even to other babies he spoke in babblng and baby talk.
I remember "Poopie" was a common one. Chuckie was "Chubbie." Phil and Lil were "Fillip" and "Lillip." Angelica he just called "Yucky."

Do you suppose humans have a built in universal language and we just teach it out of our children as they grow up?


annoying and ruined the show dynamics
don't really mind

holy shit annoying
mary sue, but I wasn't really annoyed by her until All Grown Up
inoffensive Asian girl Tommy, but she's cool in All Grown Up. I like her mom more though

At least with Rugrats both dill and Kimmie became part of the cast after a movie so nobody was left trying to figure out who the fuck was that new character who showed up out of nothing and a movie is a good backstory since it's higher production and all the first movie was all about Tommy and dill, not that I can say the same for Kimmie

Was it just me or did it kinda feel like they were pairing Chuckie and Kimmy up? Weird

You gotta remember humans have been using speech to communicate for possibly over 200,000 years, so we would defiantly have some universal language in our instincts. I'd say its more like we refine that language rather than teaching it out of them

I remember there was an episode of All Grown Up where someone was secretly filming people for some reason and Phil and Lil got caught admitting that at some point they dropped Dil on his head as a baby. They were wondering what he'd be like if they hadn't done it.
Then there was a scene where their mother had to awkwardly apologise to Didi after everyone found out. Dil's mom was pretty chill about Phil and Lil possibly making her son retarded.

>Fairly Oddparents:
He was alright, I stopped watching the show after Wishology, because the next couple episodes were pretty mediocre.
I saw it, again even as a kid, as an obvious ploy to regain viewers.
Undeniably trash. The worst possible decision.

Very natural character, introduced in a movie even. But then again, I barely remember episodes prior to him, I was that young.
Another natural character. thought it was nice for Angelica to get friends her own age, and for the babies to have someone older than them on their side.
Not bad, just boring. The movie was good, but after that, she didn't really bring much to the table.

The real poochie to Rugrats is that babysitter from the last couple of seasons. I only knew she existed because Sup Forums's talked about her before.

Animals can communicate with sounds and they don't have a spoken language. I doubt it's much different for human babies. It's not like our DNA is completely removed from everything else on the planet.

I've never seen or heard of this and I really want to.

...what? That's not real

Susie was added pretty early on, like during the show's prime. Dill and Kimmy came after the first movie when it felt like they were dragging things out.

It's pretty real user


>Phil: I wonder what Dil would be like if we never dropped him on his head... (Lil shrugs)

It was just a passing quote when Tommy was filming everyone privately sharing secrets.

Fuck me it's real

It's on youtube
>All Grown Up S01E05


Maybe newborns speak a different "baby language" than one-year-olds? The rugrats never actually communicated with the newborns. They may not have understood them.

Dil is Tommy's brother user

Fairly Oddparents dropped their dog character entirely without a word.

Susie was added as an antithisis to Angelica as she was getting to be too much of a massive bitch.
Dil at his worst just neutered the height of adventure as they had to drag around someone even less capable than they where.
Kimmy was just a hyperactive Tommy with no planning skills.

Poof just ended up taking over the show for a while, being a dull 'perfect' character for everyone else to bounce off of.
Sparky was so shit, he's just no longer in the show.
Chloe is a god damn Mary Sue.

Susie wasn't a Poochie, savage.

>mfw they got BTFO by their mom for a simple justified quote

>The real poochie to Rugrats is that babysitter from the last couple of seasons.
Wasn't she only in like 2 episodes?

Except Shim was a Poochie.


No. She was in several. Didn't make sense because they could have just not paired Grandpa with some hoe.

if it was refinement though then we should still understand babytalk it would just be incredibly simplistic to us. Instead we don't understand ANYTHING those two are saying, except through body language and tone.

Her answer was "nah, apparently my husband was a total weirdo when he was a kid too, it's paternal line genetic. I'm lucky Tommy came out more like Drew"

>your brain and speech patterns change because of degradation and lack of use
It's why we can learn every language as a baby, but it gets much harder as we get older. We do have a universal language form, but it gets lost to the years.

That scene wasn't nearly as dramatic as you're making it out to be.

Not him, but it was. They made the comment, people gasped and Dill felt like shit, their mom glared at them and apologized afterwards. What says is pretty true though.

Dil was a cunt who constantly caused problems but never got in trouble, only sometimes Tommy got in trouble for Dil. Dil was cunt and needed an abortion.

>pretty true
I may have paraphrased a bit, it's been ages, but I'm definitely certain the concept of "he gets it from his father" and the word "genetic" were used.

That was like, the first episode.

he mellowed out a lot once he got older, though albeit improbably weird. He was a loyal brother who really looked up to Tommy. He may have been a cunt back then, but he remembered and appreciated Tommy for suffering through it and always being there for him.

Everybody has those years in their life. A lot of people hit them in middle school or highschool. Dil hit his when he was a newborn.

>Kimmy added a new personality to the mix.
Tommy but a girl is not a new personality

not quite, but close.

He was less than a year old, jackass.

I think a better description is, rather than bringing anything to the table directly, she brought new things out of Chuckie.

Having a brasher, niaver Tommy that Chuckie felt personally responsible for the protection and wellbeing of forced him to often face his fears rather than cowering while Tommy saved him.

Nah, I watched All Grown Up. He was an utter cunt there too. A special snowflake to the extreme, the episode where he ran away to the circus to spite Tommy really cemented that he'd always be a terrible, awful character.

>characters written by adult writer is unlikable but that's okay because he's a newborn

>characters written by adult writer that is 2 or 3 years old are somehow likable non-cunts

Nah fuck off

I just remember the episode where Tommy uses him as a personal vietnamese sweatshop so they could gets some money for concert tickets and he works so hard for him because he idolizes his brother so much he literally drains all of his weird out.

I'll chalk it up to inconsistent writing.

>post season 1 FOP
>post season 3 Rugrats


Wasn't it Glitter and not Shimmer?

you are in the know of how unreasonably angry and edgy you are coming off as, right?
go get some sunlight shine on your virgin cheeks and stop trying to be aggressive online like you'll earn cred points for it.

>newborn is as mature as a baby that has lived for years
Chuckie wasn't that likable. Phil and Lil were backstabers whenever the benefited, autist.

Both Stargirl and Shim were Poochies, or rather they were originally such. Shim at least became a liked character.

Sounds like Glitz really screwed the pooch.

of the two Oddparents

>making me thing of Glitz Pitz Grubba fucking a dog

Rugrats had more of them. You have the wacky grandma, the orange haired kid, and the babysitter. I don't count Suzie, she was introduced very early in the show. All in all though Rugrats was partly a slice of life that could naturally introduce new characters. This is no contest, Fairly Oddparents went overboard.

Aunt Miriam? Also, being in a few episodes is not grounds for being a Poochie, sperg. It has to be an addition to the main cast.

Season 8 was a mistake.

Nah man, Chuckie def banged Angelica years down the line.

Instead of Susie, (because Susie was added early on) you should have added the Rugrat's babysitter voice by Amanda Bynes

Same we said about your birth, but we gave it time to confirm it at least.

Kimmy and her mom were good for the closure of Chuckie's arc (and the series should've ended there).
Dil was annoying though.

since the fuck when was susie was a poochie?

You guys didn't forget about Harold, did you?

The whole show was a mistake.