Is puppetry a form of animation?

Is puppetry a form of animation?

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Is animation a form of puppetry?

>Animation is a dynamic medium in which images or objects are manipulated to appear as moving images
nope unless you take pictures of those puppets then make animations out of them

that's why they call animatronics animatronics

Puppetry is great for sure.

But the objects are manipulated to appear as moving images.

Do you know how to read?

>But the objects are manipulated to appear as moving images.
Then live action must be animation too.

3D animation is all puppetry except it's all happening in a computer.
If 3D CG can be animation, so is puppetry.

So live action is animation and thus the concept of animation has now been rendered meaningless, because you can't live in a world where puppetry isn't considered animation.

Holy fuck

The things have to be inanimate to begin with

Yes, by definition.

Nobody uses this kind of a definition.

You are mentally handicapped.
Puppet on film =/= Theater puppetry.

Which is the best Muppet Movie, lads? My vote's either the first, or Caper.

Stop pretending it belongs here. Sorry but it´s Sup Forums for you.

Don't be a faggot. Bringing life/animation to something inanimate IS animation.

I bet you'd rather watch Steven Jewniverse than The Muppet Show.

Keep the ad hominem to you. I´m not on board with Sup Forums-pop culture.

I see, then you don't understand that Puppetry is Sup Forums material because you're being intentionally facetious.

Powerful doublethink, comarade.

Nobody knows what the hell puppetry is considered, because nobody running this site wants to clarify. It's like back when Moot declared Digimon to be Sup Forums material, but that ruling doesn't seem to stand anymore as far as anyone can tell.

Until further notice puppetry is Sup Forums. It's better here than Sup Forums.

Animation is basically to give life to something that doesn't have, Puppetry is animation but with Puppets instead of drawings

As far as original stories go the first Muppet movie barely edged out Caper for me because of the music. It's a very comfy movie to watch, and despite its set time period it has a weird sense of timelessness to it.

Muppet Movie > Great Muppet Caper > Muppets Take Manhattan >>> Muppets Most Wanted > The Muppets > Muppets in Space

As for movies based on already existing stories, I only watched Treasure Island and Christmas Carol. Both easily would sit on top of this list because they're equally amazing.

Muppets technically has the loop hole of having a cartoon
Muppet Babies
It's more Sup Forums than Dragon Ball

How long do you guys think it will be until the next big Muppet show?

Also I think considering how successful Black Mirror has been and how anthology shows are growing in popularity that they should make another attempt at The Storyteller but possibly go darker and have it on Disney's streaming channel.

No, live action is not animation.

Remove the film component of a live action film and put the actors on a stage instead, they'll still move of their own accord.

is bringing the dead back to life animation?

No, it's reanimation. Completely different.

>puppetry isn't animation
>but stop-motion is
the state of neo-Sup Forums

>or objects
didja read

But what if you do it without Jeffrey Combs?

Just necromancy then. Less Combs, less class.

Animation is fundamentally about delving into the piece frame by frame to craft and perfect it as much as possible. Live puppetry is to animation what doodling in MS Paint is to pixel art.

Team America was discussed here all the time.

Ergo, it is animation.

Something like claymation is, but not a guy with a hand up the butt of a piece of cloth. Nope. That being said a lot of animation fans like puppet stuff. It's fictional characters doing their thing.

No, but we let it in here anyway because it doesn't fit anywhere else.

>they'll still move of their own accord.
But do human beings truly have free will?

Yes, unless its done by asians, then it belongs on Sup Forums

Most Wanted would be below In Space for me but other than that, totally agree.

>Puppetry takes less skill than farming things over to Korea

Fuck you.

>How long do you guys think it will be until the next big Muppet show?

It's dead, Frank Oz has given up on Disney and pretty much declared The Muppets a lost cause. It was a thing of its time, Disney doesn't uinderstand the characters or what made the Muppet Show much like the American channels at the time didn't understand its pilots/pitches.

the worse part was that it seems the show was starting to come into its own after the rehaul, but it was far too little too late

Don't worry user, we'll get The Muppets (2018), featuring the Muppets trying to find work in the world of movie extras... After that, Gonzerek, about an autistic version of Gonzo living in a nursing home acting strange but ultimately kind.

You try holding up your arm for 30 minutes straight, I doubt you will even make it 15 minutes. When you're a puppeteer, you act with the end of your arm. Your arm is your trade, the moment a puppet goes up on somebody's arm, the puppeteer ceases to exist.

And Steve Whitmire took the fall because petty execs needed someone to blame for its failure, since it was him bucking against the hack writers of the first half of that show.

I'll say it, the new Kermit fucking sucks. Matt Vogel isn't a bad puppeteer, he's very talented, but his Kermit is... Really off. Not enough where it feels like a new take or anything, just... Off.

It must really suck for Vogel, his legacy characters were Jerry Nelson's and now he's forced to do Kermit.

Plus isn't it a bad idea, like PR wise, to replace Kermit with the guy who played the fake Kermit in your last movie...?

It'll be hard, Disney sure as hell isn't capable of making a Muppet Christmas Carol tier movie to win people over with for Matt like Steve had.

>tfw the only original Muppeteer still working is Dave who you literally can't imagine being recast when it comes to Gonzo

That must suck even more, having your closest friend forced out of a job for simply wanting to preserve Jim's vision for these characters. Not much else to keep him there and he'll probably retire soon.


That feeling when reading through this thread

I love that commercial.

>mfw nobody can read and understand an entire sentence
So fucking ignorant, holy shit.


If you're unironically autistic, yes, puppetry is animation.

Also, vaccines cause your illness, and every other conspiracy theory ever is true, including everything Trump and Hillary ever said about each other (sure, they're liars, but you can trust anyone as long as they're saying something negative!).

If puppetry is animation, are guys in costumes animation too?

I agree. When a Muppeteer performs a character, they become that character. They know exactly what a character would do or say in any situation, and they know how to grow and evolve the character. You can see this best through the interviews where everything is unscripted, and the puppeteer seems to disappear just leaving the puppet. While Steve was never able to achieve the same "bond" with Kermit as Jim, he sure came darn close, and I don't believe that anyone is as qualified to carry on Jim's legacy than Steve.

I get what you are saying and I do think that user needs to learn to read, however I think the spirit of that phrase was talking about things like claymation, not puppetry.

Puppetry isn't animation, because puppets aren't manipulated to APPEAR as moving images, they ARE directly moved by puppeteers.

The Oogieloves are puppets too, assuming that they're just a cheap version of how the Gorgs from Fraggle Rock work.

if that is so then why does papercraft and origami have a board separate from Sup Forums? can't explain that.

This is correct

i like this

Because you're turning an inanimate object into another inanimate object you fucking retard.

It's the difference between building a LEGO creation, and then turning that creation into a stop motion cartoon.

>Puppetry isn't animation, because puppets aren't manipulated to APPEAR as moving images, they ARE directly moved by puppeteers

Your interpretation of the definition of animation is objectively incorrect. That's not me being a dick -- you're legitimately misinterpreting it.

Animation is not limited to images, as you would imply. When I pick up a keychain with keys and dangle them in front of my kid, I'm animating those keys; I'm making them move. I don't have to take a picture of the moving keys in order for them to be considered animated.

Also, if you'd bothered to finish reading the *first paragraph* of the Wikipedia article quoted, it goes on to say

>Other common animation methods apply a stop motion technique to two and three-dimensional objects like paper cutouts, puppets or clay figures.

Explicitly includes puppets.

Part heaven, part spaaace...

It may or may not be 'animation', but it is 'Sup Forums' - which is an entire class of media itself.

or have I found my place?
You can just visit, but I plan to stay.
I'm going to go back there someday.

How would you classify a puppet show on stage? Does the lack of it being filmed/it being performed in front of an audience change anything?

Puppetry by its very definition IS a form of animation, it being on a stage doesn't change that.

>stop motion
>moving objects in a sequence to make to it appear like it's moving
>just moving an object around, which has actual movement, off the illusion of movement

If you don't see what's wrong with your statement you might have brain problems

What do you mean? Animation is made to give off the illusion of movement, puppetry is physically moving around an object. I can't believe I have to explain why puppetry isn't animation

Does all animation belong on Sup Forums? Comics and Cartoons doesn't say animation, though we are basically a western counterpart of Sup Forums, which means animation produced in Japan. Animation involves anything that gives inanimate objects or drawings motion. There's no distinction between puppetry and cartoons in this case

Since we are western Sup Forums, I think puppets belong here.

>Is puppetry a form of animation?
>Well, "animate" comes from the Latin phrase; "to give life to."
>Yeah, so?
>How can that be called "animation" when they're dead on stage?


Yes, by definition. You would have to be a pedantic asshole or a complete retard to disagree.
Case in point, manages to post a definition that consfirms puppetry is a form of animation, while thinking it supports the opposite opisnion. It's amazing in its stupidity.

imagine a pop-up comic book existed, with interactive cutouts that let you spin a wheel or make the mc throw a punch. It's physical, as you say. Is this animation?

kermit was the original fursona

Yes, and it would be a very interesting thing to talk about.
Besides, it's a comic book, it belongs to Sup Forums anyway

Post your puppets


>Marty Robinson, Pam Arciero, and Dave Rudman are the only puppeteers left on "Sesame Street" that have worked with Jim Henson himself