/swco/ waifu winner edition

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Discussion topic: Prequels suck


Counter argument: prequels are good and you suck

>Star Wars Comics and Cartoons not in the header

What is your opinion about /rlg/ capeshiter ?

Double counter: you're intoxicated

this literally sums up every prequels argument on this general we've ever had but with less autism

Shut up you make the thread next time trog

Why are all the Inquisitors filthy Xenos?
What does Big E do with all the human Force sensitives?

>absolutely fucking up the op

Triple counter: If I was intoxicated, I'd being doing something much more fun.

Post your expectations for the ending of rebels

well maybe if people would stop responding to the inflammatory comments with legitimate responses we wouldn't have to argue about it all the time


yeah Girls is actually fucking fantastic. Everyone who hasn't watched it assumes it's just Lena Dunham's feminist fantasys that makes men look like shit and women like queens but all the men on the show are super well written and likable and all the women are pieces of shit/psychopaths. And that's not because they're written to be flawless but they come off unlikable. The show makes it clear that they're meant to be unlikable. They make the cast of It's Always Sunny seem like Mr. Rogers.

The dude who plays Ray was god-tier too. And I liked Charlie a lot in seasons 1 and 2. I was so happy when they brought him back for that pure kino bottle episode in season 5 because I hated Desi and wanted Marnie to leave him and get back together with Charlie but that was just a one-of thing. It was disappointing but it works from a writing POV since we feel how Marnie does at the end of that episode. Series finale was kinda fucking weird though. The 2nd to last or 3rd to last episode with mostly just her and Adam was incredible but the last episode felt like a random episode in the middle of a season that had nothing to do with the rest of the show

Intoxicated-user, this is your fun on a friday night

but the prequels suck

>when someone says something about CGI and that one autist spends the next 2 hours posting the same BTS photos from the PT that show practical effects even if no one was ever implying there weren't any

t. just lost the argument by using fallacies
I win nerd on to whatever bullshit is next on the agenda for this thread

And they were all cgi, there were hardly any practical effects at all


Marnie suuuuuuuuucks though. Like maybe my least favorite even over Hannah to be honest. Charlie deserves better.

People just don't seem to get that you're SUPPOSED to hate the main 4 characters. Adam is the grounded one for the viewer to relate to while these girls are annoying as fuck and (eventually) learn that they are so.

And yeah, Ray was great too.

would The Phantom Menace have been better or worse if they released it without CGI for Jar Jar

you don't think hes here, is he?
right now?
in this very thread...

Sounds good. Where can I watch it? Netflix? hulu?

What are some neat weapons that aren't used/hardly used in star wars that you lads think are effective and should be used more?
Some mortar action would be cool as shit

Compared to other movies, they did have inordinate amount of CGI, so while there was practical effects, it's a fair thing to say that it had lots of CGI. It was near Avatar-tier in levels of reliance on CGI

i know you're baiting but please dont temp him

Post Krennics

Uhm why is Krennic so angry in this photo? Did he lose his hat

user you've been following the conversation right he's just being ironic for the shitpost
honestly worse because people would meme about another le epic crazy black guy in media. Feels like black people can only play that or the total badass role. Is a little annoying


I'm about 75% sure he's also the guy who overuses "Goalpost moving"

man this is kinda sad.
The guy stuck with the shitty character and part is the one acting his heart out, only to be erased from the movie in the end.


>frog posting
please stop anons


Marnie was my favorite of the 4 but that was because I related to S1-2 Charlie and Marnie looked and sounded a lot like the girl I was dating when I first started watching it. It was also kinda weird because the dude my ex started dating after we broke up looked exactly like Desi, it was creepy. Plus Allison Williams lives in the same building as a girl I was close friends with for the rest of HS and they used to walk their dogs together so I guess I was just biased towards her character. I understand why people hated her though.

When she was young, her heart was an open book. She used to say live and let live.

HBO but I think the first 2 seasons are on Amazon Prime Video. They definitely were for a while but I haven't checked recently.

At least they kept his faux-Jamaican voice lines

I wish we could get a close up of him in this scene, his face is amazing

Sry user is wojak posting allowed ?

Allison Williams is definitely attractive, so she's got points there, but she's just so unlikeable. Her arc as a "musician" was so painful. And she and Hannah are such SHITTY friends.

The beach house ep where they all rip into eachother is some of the most satisfying, cathartic TV I've ever watched.

you DARE insult
[T H E
B O S S]

I'm not trying to be a jackass user it's just that Sup Forums uses the frog a lot for shitposting so you seem more like Sup Forums tourists, and yeh you can post wojaks

Damn, I can't afford it and my internet people are nazis. Guess I'll have to wait
thanks for the responses

>Did he lose his hat

Anyone have the brackets for the best waifu/husbando thing?

Honestly of all the shitposters i legitimately hate him the most
the dickgirl shit is annoying but its ironic and can be easily ignored, this user thought, he is 100% grade A autism. He has to prove his point, a valid one i get it, but he doesnt post one image or 2 but his entire damn folder

TLJ was amazing and if you didn't like it you are 100% misogynist

You know my hat and my title are both superior

ok thanks user

No, but Obi Robi won for husbandos and Barriss win for waifus

make me fag boy

What's really sad is that some people actually believe this.

>hat puffs up at the sight of conflict

ah no worries. The first 2 seasons are /comfy/ as fuck. Afterwards the cast has their individual storylines that don't really overlap that much, but it's still good.

This site is good for finding out what streaming services shows are on. I know a lot of sites do that, but I like this one cuz you can check off the services you use and see what you can watch without having to switch between them all


>yeah Girls is actually fucking fantastic
You're a long way from tumblr, sweetie

wow nice argument
if it ever does get added, I'll check it out. Thanks

>people who like things I don't like are tumblr

Reminder that Episode IX will start with Rey, Finn, Poe, BB8 and Rose having to rescue Maz Kanata from a space pirate (maybe even another Hutt) and Dj will return to be killed off

there are people who take shit like that to the extreme on both the left and right, you just gotta learn to filter them out. It's not like Alex Jones or Stormfront or whatever represent the opinions of everyone right of center. It's the same with insane feminazis on twitter or tumblr in regards to the left. Like shit, I consider myself a feminist but I hate the far left just as much as you do because they just make rational left wing people look bad and are dumb and annoying. It's just a vocal minority. That combined with this reactionary social media era is imo what divides us most as a culture. Both sides are like Kylo and Rey pulling the lightsaber towards them and causing it to break in between them because neither one would compromise and instead pulled harder. Rian is cleverer in regards to symbolism than people give him credit for.

So I got a Solo trailer going for me, which is nice.

reminder that the next 2 years are going to be people shitposting nonstop about how Episode IX will remake ROTJ and when it doesn't they'll complain about muh subversion

Hey everybody, Kanan's gonna get laid!

>People will bitch

In other words, same shit different day.


holy shit what did Ron mean by this

Shut up, tumblr.

>If everyone is tumblr no one is



You're literally the one calling people who don't like what you do tumblr. that is some delicious irony

Ron Howard, nigga. Does your dad even work at Pablo?

What does Ron have to do with Caddyshack or Kashyyyk?


I just want Hux to splinter the order by telling Ren to go fuck himself in the next movie

>Ron Howard
>GroundHog day

Is he even alive any more?

The Caddyshack meme was in direct response to there being no SOLO trailer. SOLO is directed by Ron Howard. You're either very new, or have been away for a while.

It'd be funny as shit if Ren fucking killed him in VIII with the force push.

fucking hux shipper

>I consider myself a feminist
Leave. Now.

nah I want there to be an entire subplot of Hux planning on killing Kylo and taking over as Supreme Leader and when he finally get his chance at the end of the film Kylo just Force Pushes him away without even looking and Hux falls to his death down a chasm

>Hux spends Episode IX like Wile E. Coyote trying to catch the Road Runner and failing every time
would honestly redeeem the ST desu

>Hux's scream as he falls to his death gets more and more distant and we hear a splat

But your image shows that Hux clearly wants Kylo's saber to penetrate him from behind

>implying hux and snoke didnt plan snokes death together
>snokes in a fresh bod chilling in his own private castle on his own private world

Hey swco I'm just some random guy on the internet just wondering about some stuff for no particular reason. Specifically about if there were any lesser SW characters you guys think would deserve a high-end figure. Maybe like an overlooked fan favorite from the TV shows, games or comics. Just a bit curious, that's all.

Sy Snootles desu senpai

My boy Poggle the Lesser deserves a Black Series

>deserve a high-end figure

what do you mean high-end?

like a nice import $100 figurine from Japan?

in that case, hmm, maybe some evil waifus like Bariss, Pryce, or even hell even Tolvan if she gets fleshed out a bit more

Darth Talon, for hotgluing

If only Kotobukiya would do some quality sw waifus.

>Gib Milk'ees was a male Gungan who participated in the ground portion of the Battle of Naboo as a Militiagung of the Gungan Grand Army. Known for his short stature and large stomach, Milk'ees was renowned among his people for his ability to hibernate for unnaturally long periods of time as well has his unchallenged appetite, surpassing even Boss Nass in the amount of food consumed in one sitting on more than one occasion, most notably in the Great Feast of 34 BBY, which caused the death of several small Gungan children after Milk'ees attempted to use them as weapons when threatened by Boss Nass. Milk'ees died in 32 BBY, shortly after the Battle of Naboo, after his heart suddenly expanded from excitement over the Gungan victory.

literally /ourguy/

The Jaina Solo and Mara Jade Bishojo figures are friggin nice.
More stuff like that.

I'm sure as in anything its all licensing

an SS figurine would be pretty cool tho, niche, but cool.

>Milk'ees died in 32 BBY, shortly after the Battle of Naboo, after his heart suddenly expanded from excitement over the Gungan victory.

Episode I Anakin with backpack, podracing helmet, and pit droid.