ITT: Stuff everyone except Sup Forums loves

ITT: Stuff everyone except Sup Forums loves



Comics and cartoons.

I loved Saga vol. 1 though!

>Sup Forums does absolutely nothing but bitch about this show yet still obsessively watches it


Yeah, Sup Forums is right about this one

>nb4 "it's bad cuz agenda"

Garth ennis.

Sup Forums likes Punisher Max, Hitman, The Boys, and Preacher


Also Dastardly & Muttley storytimes have been pure love. The subset of Sup Forums that reflexively winges about "edge" hates ennis but lots of anons love him.

Three words:

Marvel Comics

You could have posted most currently airing cartoons there.

it's not for kids

the art for this is great



>Stuff everyone except Sup Forums loves
Sup Forums's literally the only place I've seen anyone hate on 3d animation in favor of "based 2d."

>the art for this is great
I always recommend people ignore everything not done by Aja. The holiday special was moronic and the "Kate fucks off to the West Cost to do her best Veronica Mars impression" issues were almost as bad.

2d is based though.

there's panle when the Daughter said: that her parent never see her home planet again?!
any one remember the page please

I like the art, cannot stand the characters at all in this though, I dont know if its the dialogue or how they act.

Spawn honestly needs a new cartoon. Maybe on adult swim.

I love the walking dead, saga AND King's Batman! Do I not belong here?!

Ive read Saga. Its honestly ok but kinda shit when it comes to pleasing me. I feel no motivation to complete it.

There are no new cartoons in production, but Todd MacFarlane is directing the new movie.

It's the exact opposite.

>Do I not belong here?!

Only if you can't deal with people shitting on stuff you like.
If you can, welcome friend

I never knew this wasn't a commonly hated saga until I talked to other comic readers.

Sorry, but i fail to see the value in a comic only known for full frontal tranny shots and a dragon sucking its own dick

Anybody that followed these characters before Civil War hated it. Anybody that just got into comics in 2005 loved it.

You know, like Identity Crisis.

Sup Forums liked this book. Maybe there's a retroactive hate by people that like to shit on Marvel, but initial live reactions were good.

That worries me because when Frank Miller directed his own movie it was hot garbage.

I like Saga idgaf

Legend of korra. Her show is considered inferior to TLA by everyone but jesus christ the hateboner on Sup Forums makes you think it's the worst thing that ever existed.

A lot of avatar fans liked the show. Even if it wasn't good as the previous one.

Most indie comics are only good for one volume. Then the creators either become too aware of their fanbase and begin pandering, or they just lose their focus and fuck up the pacing. I can't tell you how many indie comics I've really enjoyed and then dropped like a rock after a dozen issues or so.