Venoms Design

Let's face it Venom can work without the Spider logo as shown in the Ultimate Spider-Man Comics and game.

His design will be the best part of the adapation.

Purple Carnage.

Dude, half the fun of Venom is how he mingles with other heroes. Venom without that is just a Hulk story.

purists will complain no matter what.

I probably the only one that likes the ultimate venom design.

>ultimate Venom
>just slimey Hulk
kind of like how Goblin was just firey Hulk
does Bendis have any imagination?

Ultimate Venom is great

ultimate Venom had a good idea but was just boring and plane in execution, kind of like most of bendis's ideas
Spectacular Spider-man did the ''Brock and Pete are childhood friends'' origin much better

Personally I think the Ultimate comics handled the Post Symbiote Arc better as it felt better paced and the characters more developed. The way they semi adapted the game into the comics felt off and didn't work as well.

And yeah Spectactular was great. It would've been amazing seeing Peter and Venom fighting Carnage together

Venom isn't Hulk. Hulk's whole shtick is "good goly gosh i don't want to be hulk anymore" and sometimes they play with hulk gaining intelligence or the personalities mingling or bruce getting to be hulk or whatever every now and then, but the core of his character is sad social recluse who runs from society because his alter ego is a massively destructive monster with a short temper.

Brock isn't really like that. Brock is totally okay with the symbiote (most of the time) and actively uses it as a villain or vigilante because he loves his job.

I would be totally down for a stylish, violent venom action movie that's just him going after supercriminals.

I meant Ultimate Games handled the Post Symbiote Story better not the comics. Since the comic story was a weird clone saga thing

>We never gonna get another game like ultimate spideman

>if we ever somehow magicly get a sequel
>it will star Miles

How fucking great was this game

holy shit I miss it

Unironically my favorite depiction of Venom.

>tfw comic book games will never have a cel shaded look like this again because muh movies

Venom's design falls apart without the logo

It would look better without texture tbqh

Web of Shadows and both Prototype games had elements of it, some even improved.

Taking away the logo takes away the personality of the suit. It's a constant reminder that it used to belong to Spiderman, and that deep inside the suit still misses being attached to Peter.


Thing is the part with the lack of logo is a plot point in the USM videogame and shows 1610 Eddie having second to no control over the suit.

Only when it appears (and after he eats Carnage) does he get total control over it.

Nah. Spider-Man 3 managed to spawn Dark Origins and tried to make Eddie an asshole like his movie version. There is a good reason why comic fans and writers refuse to acknowledge that it exists and why they ignore it.

I like Ultimate Spider-Man's way of the logo, have the Logo be the completed and perfect from of Venom.

Introduce Venom without the Logo and if there is a second appearance and an agreement is worked out, have him obtain the logo as a type of power up, maybe along side a Red and Blue tint to the suit itself similar to the design from STAS.

>Red and Blue tint to the suit itself similar to the design from STAS.

I honestly don't know what people see in this. For me it looked out of place.

yo cock is fasta dan you

Those fucking kraven posters and the gigantic
rhino head at the carnage fight left me blue
balled over two awesome boss fights

>the gigantic rhino head at the carnage fight
What? Wasn't Carnage fight happening in several labs?