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I grant you one (you) because I did find the imagery funny.


Figures a nazi would be a muslim too. What Sup Forums fails to remember is that nazis were real buddy buddy with mudslimes


The fact that you three actually take this seriously after all these years of memes about the creation and filming of the Raimi movies is without a doubt the saddest, most disappointing thing I’ve seen all day. l pity you.

So if this didn't make the cut why did the scene with Peter saying all holocaust survivors only survived because they sold out their kind, and while I thought looking right into the camera and saying look up the term Judenrat was a little too much I will say I get what Raimi was going for.

Im bringing up a point, i know its bullshit

I believe this one.

I'm just surprised they left in the scene with Macho Man Randy Savage admitting to sleeping with Stephanie McMahon when she was only 16 and went into graphic detail describing what he did to her, that scene really caught me off guard.

>Macho Man Randy Savage admitting to sleeping with Stephanie McMahon when she was only 16 and went into graphic detail describing what he did to her

>You know, I'm something of a Gay National Socialist Muslim myself

Back in the 90's there was a rumor that Randy Savage had slept with Stephanie McMahon when she was underaged, the McMahon family has never commented one way or another but it has continued to swell around in the community.

Raimi was really ahead of his time.

Iirc she wasn't 16 at the time. She had just turned 18 or something. Do note that Savage was twice her age and was already married. The only real proof of it is that Savage was never hired back in WWE.

I mean either way she was at least 16 so its no big deal

It was a big deal in the 90's.

>Beautiful asshole.
Sup Forums.

Jim Cornette says it isnt true and if Uncle Corny doesnt believe it, it probably isnt true.

And given how much he hates both Vince and Stephanie McMahon, you know Cornette would be all over this

>old Buck Defoe

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>Peter I'm dying. Come closer, there is something I need to tell you... You know that kid Jamal that lives two houses down the street? He...he's your cousin Peter... It brings me great shame to admit that many years ago I failed my Aryan ancestors by falling victim to the jungle fever. That sheboon enchanted me with her fat filled ass. I was weak Peter, Aunt May wasn't putting out until marriage, she gave me no choice son. I rode and dominated her so hard that her entire ancestry felt the oppression. Needless to say it was this moment of weakness that brought Jamal into this world. The kid never knew I was his dad. Heck he'd even mow our lawn every other weekend without even knowing the man who created him was sitting right there watching him. Peter...I want you to go to Jamal...and I want you to... hang the fucking spook. Every fucking time he'd mow the lawn instead of smelling like fresh grass it would smell like shit. I'll be damned if my lawn is gonna keep smelling like shit after I pass...

It wasnt retarded in the first place faggot

It was though.

wtf Raimi?

It was a different time.

I think you guys should kiss and make up actually no just kiss please... please kiss I want to see you kiss

>He just kept repeating "oooooooooh, Macho Man is cummin for ya" over and over, muffling her cries with a gag made of slim jims

>Not the fact that Ash Williams actor had insomnia in a trailer he shared with Randy during his time on Spider-Man due to Randy constantly fucking his wife; to the point he warned Tobey to "not get close to the van"


even more tragic is this footage of Norman that got cut

>durr, it totally was though


>I will never have Dafoe slap a green dildo across my face

W-why live?

Nice deflection cuck

What the fuck was THAT?!?

>Expect fun or interesting behind the scenes stuff
>Just boring dildo and nigger jokes


Dafoe's penis. You now know it in detail.

wtf man Sup Forums memes are fuggin epic u fucken noobfag

goddamn dafoe is hung

Does anyone have the Vietnam one with the ladyboy?

Dude Cornette loves Vince, he hates his booking and product but he's never had a bad word about the guy. It wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to protect him and his family.

Anyway, everyone knows it was Shane who had a bit of the old Macho Madness

Yeah it was a little out there, but Uncle Ben's 40 minute monologue about the jewish menace, and Peter later reusing the most powerful lines in his own monologue is still one of the most masterfully executed pieces of cinema ever created.

Half the film being a giant monologue in the car might have been a bit much.

But it complimented the hardcore sodomy so will, and with sodomy being so important to the Spiderman mythos ever since Stan Lee first bent Jack Kirby over a table I think it was necessary

What's funny(?) is my real reservation is that this meme has become subject to Sup Forums's own criticism of Tell over Show writing.
For some reason recent creators have confused the hyperbole of earlier versions like Ben's porn stash, where the details of his depravity escalate, for beating the details of the gag itself over our heads like .

For example the bullwhip's age and being a family heirloom was enough of a tell, but then the writer felt the need to literally spell it out by having Dafoe state who and what it was used for.