Why is this being promoted as an "African" or an "African American" movie when the Wakandans are genetically and...

Why is this being promoted as an "African" or an "African American" movie when the Wakandans are genetically and culturally very different and only look black superficially?
It would be like saying Kryptionans are caucasian people simply because they happen to look like Europeans.

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Was this you too, OP?

>It would be like saying Kryptionans are caucasian people simply because they happen to look like Europeans.

Don't people say that though?

this doesn't really matter
you'd be surprised how similar cultures that haven't had any real, strong contact/mixing can be
Popular dances in africa today resemble a lot of the things that are happening in America's clubs
But honestly, it's likely that Wakandans had plenty of exposure to American culture. Like the rest of the world, it's easier to just steal American content online and stream it than to produce your own. I seriously doubt that there's a young Wakandan who doesn't know who Beyonce is

>Guys, no they aren't Africans, they only live in Africa and have black features

Its almost like arguing over skincolor is silly.

>Live in Africa
So have many people


Yes, we call them Africans.

Why is this being promoted as an "American" or an "human" movie when the Kryptonians are genetically and culturally very different and only look human superficially?

I didn't know Wakandans could fly and blow air cold enough to freeze oceans.

It is. Lumping all black people into a single race is silly because Africa alone has more genetic diversity than all other continents combined. If I selected 2 random Africans they would likely be more genetically apart from each other than a white and an asian person.

Why is Firestorm being promoted as being a "Human" and "African American" hero when he is chemically and biologically two different people fused together, one of whom is a white person?

American isn't a race and Superman shares American culture at least. Wakanda has it's own culture and there is no 1 "African" culture.

>Wakandans had plenty of exposure to American culture
...this movie keeps getting better and better.

Niggers are a superficial species.

>Wakandans are genetically and culturally very different

No, dude... they're pretty fucking African, just High Tech Unconquered African.

Fucking niggers

I'm white and I'm proud
We tamed this planet once
And with Trump as my lord and savior we shall do so again
The day of reckoning is close brothers and comrades

You do realize west Africans are completely and utterly different from say east Africans in the Sudan and Ethiopia

Africa is just as ethnolinguistically diverse as Europe and Asia are to lump them in is to say basques are the same as the rest of Europe and the Ainu are Japanese.

I don't wanna sound like a little bitch, but are you just assuming that all Kryptonians are white? Because last I checked, they had people of different skin colors like humans, too. Seriously, I don't wanna sound all tumblr and shit, but when were all Kryptonians only white?

you blew it. keep the first three lines only, bait works better with just that

>This thread again
But I'm going to answer it as succinctly as possible: the art direction, scenery and wardrobes borrowed plenty from several African countries, as well as the made up language used by the Wakandas, forgot the name but it's going to be featured in it (T'Chaka used it in Civil War). Those things, even though they're all made up for a comic book country, conform a a pidgin of cultures in which Africans in general (not exclusively Americans) can see themselves into. It's not supposed to be accurate but it still borrows influence, and plenty of it.

>but when were all Kryptonians only white?

Any point after they forced all the black Krytonians back onto the the Island of Black Kryptonians, and then had the planet explode.

Is this where we're at. Are we trying to pretend that the africans aren't black?

>white people

Pull the other one and go back to Sup Forums you white supremacist fuck tard!

This is Sup Forumsmblr now!

Superman is white. Why do you think Will Smith turned down the role?

I laughed.

No, just that not all black people = the same people.

Can we ban all Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossboarders until a few months after Black Panther comes out?

Boy you are seething.

>Implying I go to either board
I actually read the comic and I think Disney is falsely trying to advertise it to make it seem like Wakandan's aren't basically Marvel's version of Elves.

Well yeah, Superman the character is white, but his species probably isn't wholly white though. Like this guy says there were probably a few Kryptonians with darker skin tones if we follow divergent evolution.

Hey everyone, look at my new original African character.

>Marvel's version of elves
Mate, they're just a "what if Ethiopia sat upon a massive pile of super space-rock" scenario because Jack Kirby wanted to make a pulpy African themed sci-fi setting for the Fantastic Four to travel to.

It's not even that far out from reality actually.

I fucking told everyone as far back as 2008 that allowing live action was retarded and a mistake. I'm still here and the original mods have probably fucked off and I'm still sayong banning all live action Sup Forums will fix this place faster than banning cross borders as there is a fifth column of shitposters who parrot shitty fucking memes

Live action killed comics in general. Now Marvel and DC specifically write every comic as a draft of a future movie.

don't forget Sup Forums

What did you say?

Well, will they need the white man to exploit it?

>According to the IMF, Ethiopia was one of the fastest growing economies in the world, registering over 10% economic growth from 2004 through 2009. It was the fastest-growing non-oil-dependent African economy in the years 2007 and 2008. In 2015, the World Bank highlighted that Ethiopia had witnessed rapid economic growth with real domestic product growth averaging 10.9% between 2004 and 2014.
Ethiopia is the only African country that held of being colonised by Europe. Compared to other mineral rich countries like the DRC who have seriously undeveloped infrastructure and ripe corruption, it's doing rather well.

This post is try so god damn hard it hurt. Take your (you)s and leave lol