Who is the best Judge?

Who is the best Judge?

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Name ONE (1!) dredd comic that I could recommend to a beginner like me


Is it possible for a Judge Dredd thread to survive without someone dumping 500 images in the thread?

Also, Anderson is best. Dredds literally killed billions.

>Dredds literally killed billions.
Isn't that just part of the job?




America is great but it isnt what i would recommend for a beginner. Its very serious in tone which isnt what the vast majority of Dredd is.

I would recommend the Dark Judges for classic Dredd and Titan/Enceladus for modern Dredd for a newcomer.

No contest. Say it otherwise and I feed you to the Kleggs

>for beginngers
How does that even make sense if you're not familiar with Amiee Nixon from Low Life, a long running spin-off?

>this chick was an undercover judge that feels that she got fucked over and wants revenge

Simple enough. I literally have not read Low Life myself yet.

Found it quite boring to bee haitch famm.

But Arnold A. Aardvark was funny.

ironically, it's only worth reading when it concentrates not on nixon but her fellow wally squad-member, dirty frank



>all female 2000AD coming soon

I cant wait for the stories with totally subtle and nuanced commentary on le evil white supremacists, feminism and le Trump

>Dredds literally killed billions.
Don't swing if you don't wan to get hit back.

And this would change exactly... what?

Sly Dredd is far FAR closer to the source material. The helmet meme is so annoying. Anyone with a brain can understand why the biggest movie star in the world couldnt cover his face for the entire movie. That as a point for why the movie is "bad" should be instantly discarded.

Sly Dredd is actually a good movie.

Judgeanon is that you

so that's where the zero suit samus design came from


I am the LAW.


Who is, incidentally, the best Judge.

Although that's being a bit unfair, I liked the Nixon stories and how they developed over time. That one in Hondo wouldn't have had the impact it did if it wasn't built on the previously established plots.

Judge Dredd: The Pit by John Wagner and (mostly) Carlos Ezquerra. Dredd is sent to the worst performing sector house in the Meg to improve things, escalating plot from low-key investigation to high action. Much more to do with "normal" crime investigation/crushing than the special circumstances of, say, The Apocalypse War (which is also a bloody good comic, but far less to do with Dredd's normal routine).

Alternatively: Judge Dredd: Rehab by Al Ewing and Karl Richardson.

>Is it possible for a Judge Dredd thread to survive without someone dumping 500 images in the thread?
Its near midnight in Brit-Cit right now, so its quite likely a lot of Dredd fans aren't around or are just heading to bed (like me)

>not elongating the -s

Why arent Americans fans and cant discuss Dredd?

I dont understand why more yanks arent Dredd fans.

And then they made out!

>>all female 2000AD coming soon

>why is this British character from British comics whose always had garbage adaptations in America not liked by more Americans?
truly one of history's mysteries


the flying fuck is wrong with you

I don't get the hate for it besides the helmet thing. Visuals were fantastic and very Mega City, costumes were great, music was amazing. There's plenty of action and wacky shit which I've seen in plenty of Dredd comics.

>its hard to click on 2000AD/megazine in weekly wino threads

Maybe try to come up with some points of argument.

AND it innovated. The flying bikes didnt exist in the comics until Hondo City which implemented them into the universe.

I'd love it if there were more American fans, but they're surprisingly rare. Even rarer are the non-Brit, Non-Dredd fans.

The thing is that its quite hard to get hard copies of it in shops - from what I've been told, for a long time the only way comics shops in the US could get copies was if they used some arcane ordering thing through Diamond where you had to order a very large stack of them in one go and you wouldn't ever get it on time anyway. Its easier now there's digitial distribution, but there's still the problem of getting people to look at it in the first place. Added to that, the 90s Dredd movie was panned and the 00s one was poorly advertised and caught flack for being thought of as a super-low budget remake of a shit film, so it didn't get the kind of pop-cultural hooks in that lead to more exposure.

Its not all down to US companies having problems either, for most of its life the comic was spectacularly mismanaged by its various British owners. Its really a wonder it even survived the 90s, let alone that it continues to be made.

Everything you said is true in terms of mainstream success.

But why on Sup Forums is it not more popular? Quality should be enough of a factor for how and why it should be popular. Yet Sup Forums will read the most generic fucking DC and Marvel trash over Dredd.

Wait Dirty Frank is a judge?

undercover judge ya


Let's see how well it sells

Wheres the all black issue? OR the all muslim issue?

2000AD is SO bigoted and islamophobic.

He's part of the Wally Squad, deep-cover Judges who quite often tend to have... issues, that make them unsuited to being a normal Street Judge. Like the guy who turned into a baby.

One part Hellboy Syndrome (its usually fairly high quality, so people read it, go "I liked that" and move on), one part significantly fewer fans in general compared to Big Two and currently running cartoons means that threads aren't made as often and often sink without trace much more quickly. Potentially some obsessively dedicated oddbods making threads non-stop about it could eventually create a critical mass of fans to keep threads sustained, but that could have dire consequences. Its possibly better this way.

For what its worth, 2000AD in general is pretty well-liked on /tg/.

Sly Dredd looks the part but that's about it. The humour was awful, Dredd just felt like every Stallone character and all the cameos like the Angel Gang or Hammerstein were just a waste. I will say I love the scene where Dredd walks into a Block War and orders them to surrender

This guy knows what's up

>why the biggest movie star in the world couldnt cover his face for the entire movie.

Wasn't he actually down for the idea but the producers/studio were the ones that said no way?

Yeah, he actually read a load of the comics to get the character. he was a fan.

Exactly. Producers financing a movie arent going to cover the dudes head.

Where's the guy who waifus the bowlcut thot?

Hot makes me sad that there's still no giantess anderson or even hershey comic

To me, the helmet issue was never just about keeping Stallone's face hidden. He could have kept his lid on the entire movie and that would not have saved it if everything else was the same.

The reason I think we are still harping on about the helmet nearly 25 years later is that it sums up in one neat visual that the people making this movie did not understand or care about Dredd. They took the satire, the weirdness and the charm of the GG's flagship strip and turned it into a generic sci-fi action flick. A mediocre one at that.

Both are close to the source material. It just depends on which. Tonally Dredd is all over the place.

so clearly you must hate Dredd 2012 because its even less representative of the source material than slys dredd was.

how so?

>Is it possible for a Judge Dredd thread to survive without someone dumping 500 images in the thread?
No. We've hit autosage before with multiple storytimes and like 25 posters tops, Sup Forums just has awful taste and Dredd thredds die quick to make room for another seven pages of arguing about capeshit.

>Dredds literally killed billions.
Speaking of which, is it just me or is the writing in the current arc really, uh, not good? Multiple times I've just went 'what the fuck?' and chucked my hands up.

I agree. The current 2000AD arc is trash.

Nothing. If anything, Hershey is already canonically gay. She's in love with Lady Liberty.

Every modern sci fi trope you know and love probably has its roots in 2000AD someplace. Maybe not every. But lots of them.

>loving liberty


You're amusing.

What else do you call the blindfolded lady holding the scales?

Lady justice dude.

First I had complaints about the dialogue between Dredd and the now-deceased female Judge, then after getting captured there's stupid shit like everyone being stripped naked but letting him keep his helmet so people "knew they had captured someone as strong as dredd" or whatever. Because anyone's really gonna mistake the ripped old guy with a chin the size of Neptune and more scars than a crossword puzzle as anyone else, right? Immediately comes off as "here's how we're getting around having to draw him always in shadow or from the back."

I'm wrong, you're right. That's implying Sup Forums actually spends seven pages talking about comics period instead of endless "What went wrong?" and steamed hams threads.
>implying my husbando isn't the curly-haired mutie

no contest really

Honestly, Sup Forums barely talks about comics period. I regularly hide all toonshit, fetish, webcomic, and capeflick threads and that hides up ~100 threads

isn't that all of them

Is this thread a fetish thread?

most of it is lusting over the fascist spanish space american cops in gimp suits

Not until Judge user posts.

He already went to bed.
but he hasn't been spanish since the earliest progs

As if there was any other choice.

I wish. Late shifts on Saturday.

Fetish enough for you?

Whoa, when I linked the post with Frank for some reason I'd read it as having Judge user in the name field instead of user. I don't know if I'm going crazy or just overtired but wow, that's pretty embarassin', huh. I don't know how I managed to post without the fact it didn't mention Hershey being a big fuckin' red flag.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

That sounds more like "everyone working on this is a grill" as opposed to every Judge being female.

You do know sexual relations with a judge is a crime, right?

>Not buying a customly designed head for your sov-blok sexbot
LMAO poorfag, you from britcit or murphyville with that kind of level of pathetic?

Yep, that's the plan. Everyone from cover artist to writers, pencillers, probably even the letterers (poor Annie Parkhouse gonna get herself some overtime) are gonna be women. They've already confirmed Dredd, Anderson, Rogue Trooper and DeMarco strips. Personally, I'm hoping they'll have Marg as guest editor too.

That's alright, user. I, too, know what it's like to see Judges everywhere.

Please, everyone knows the Dominatrix head model is one of the top-selling casts of all time.

So is the current Dredd arc in the progs actually written like shit or do I just have poor taste?

Judge Doom

Who'ssss thissss douccchebag?

I'd agree it's not great. Next week's prog has a really cringey part with two Sov judges talking about Dredd and it's almost like a Chuck Norris joke

A flat character

Don't sweat it like that, man. You're just as entitled to your own opinions and judgements as the next squaxx, as even the most finely crafted of epics might just not resonate for you, or the shittiest of one-offs might find you in a funny place that endears it to you. We're all unique beings, coming from and headed to different places, and it's this richness of perspectives that gives the world its colors. But yeah, current story is shit, moves like molasses and is quickly wasting the potential of Dredd dicking around the East-Meg One crater. But I'll forgive it if it fulfills the failed promise of Every Empire Falls and gives us Hershey personally leading a rescue mission.

>goatees are standard even on the females

This really Bigs my Jobs.

>it's almost like a Chuck Norris joke
I hope to grud you're not serious.

>Judge Dredd turned into a Chuck Norris joke
Welcome to nearly every post Day of Chaos Dredd story.

I wish I was joking

Just once, I wish they'd throw the Sovs a bone. Double points if that does not involve being the villains for the next mega-epic.

Like turds in rain, man.

>But I'll forgive it if it fulfills the failed promise of Every Empire Falls and gives us Hershey personally leading a rescue mission.
How many more times will you have your hopes dashed before you give up/give in?

>Red Med-Div talking up Dredd and telling Zima exactly how 'badass' he is
>when Zima is a fucking MC1 expat and knows exactly who he is and what he's capable of, nevermind the fact ALL Judges should be capable of 9/10 of those same feats
Fuck me with a munce pie, it keeps getting worse and worse.

If you haven't already, try hunting down Samizdat Squadron, or that Orlok mini from a few years back. Both good Sov-centric stories.

I'll never give up. I'll just write the stories myself and send them to Zarjaz. They already published two.

They already threw us/the Sovs a bone, there's a cute/stronk female Judge in Sov colors. Except she's originally from the Big Meg so she's not 100% Russkie at all, oops. And she's probably going to die in some stupid, last-panel way to save Dredd from some stupid shit because even though she's made it clear the Sov Block is her home she'll have some last-second change of hear or some god-awful shit like that. And if that happens I will fucking piss so much fury it'll cross the Atlantic in a glistening stream of cream soda-fueled hate and land in a burning pile directly on Tharg's goddamn doorstep.

>Judge Dredd is Satire of current american police in a futuristic backdrop along with american culture
>Dredd doesn't hate and murder black people

*Change of heart, I'm so angry I didn't press the T key far enough to regiser.

Godspeed, man. Someday I wish to have as much knowledge and dedication to something as you. Not shitposting, seriously.

>current american police
Dredd is older than you are.

>daddy Rebellion makes sure I have enough cash
>cousin IDW? do we really have to invite them?

>probably going to die in some stupid, last-panel way
I'm still butthurt with how they got rid of morph

Easy: while Dredd is undoubtedly a bastard defender of an oppressive regime, he also embodies a very british ideal of "justice for everyone", of belief in a system beyond the failings of men that punishes all crimes through all levels of society. An user once described it perfectly with a quote from George Orwell:

>“Here one comes upon an all-important English trait: the respect for constituitionalism and legality, the belief in 'the law' as something above the state and above the individual, something which is cruel and stupid, of course, but at any rate incorruptible."
>"It is not that anyone imagines the law to be just. Everyone knows that there is one law for the rich and another for the poor. But no one accepts the implications of this, everyone takes for granted that the law, such as it is, will be respected, and feels a sense of outrage when it is not."

John Wagner himself notes that for all his evils, Dredd still carries with him a certain sense of wish-fulfillment, not in being a badass law enforcer but in seeing criminals of all social strata get locked up instantly. Dredd, like the Law he embodies, doesn't discriminate. The only hatred he has is for criminals.
And of course, this is all without taking into account how much Dredd has developed over the years. Read Tour of Duty.

Appreciate it, bruv. Hopefully they don't kill her off before I get my break...

Good end: she survives and goes back to MC-1 and meets Judge Pax and the two have excellent sov adventures kicking ass in Old Country way.