What went wrong?

what went wrong?

Isn't it half softcore porn these days?

op asked for wrong not right

Art is really sloppy now and could really use a proper inker


I dont think you've seen the last few issues

What makes you think something went wrong? Savage Dragon is a creator owned book that's come out for over two decades and Larsen can do whatever he feels like doing with it. Dude is living the dream.

I think he meant quality wise

Larsen may spend all his time drawing porn and suffering from TDS, but gosh I wish the Shogun would give him a call. Even if he was just doing the layouts

No one was buying it.
Larson said; "Fine. Now I'm making the comic with blackjack and hookers!"

Art and writing has gotten worse. The whole thing is stale and just going for sex, shock value, and political stuff. That's nothing new for the comic but it's even worse. I would've loved Larsen in his prime drawing all the hardcore porn that he's doing now.

Just post the Trump cover and /thread me.


What's the problem with it?

Has something gone wrong?

This. I think it's crazy but also great that this guy literally gets to do whatever he wants with his property now.

Nothing, he's having fun and making enough money to keep doing it while running Image comics. And he's still changing the comics at his own whim, not according to sales, critics or fan mail. He's just doing what he wants to do, nothing wrong with that

Highly inaccurate. Trump is not a giant.

The rot set in years ago - Larsen jumped from status quo to status quo almost as much as Carol Danver's ongoing. Dragon's a cop again! Now they're having adventures on alien worlds! Now it's his son!

It's the same with any Image book that made it into triple figures - they've already told all the good stories, so now they have to spin their wheels so they can keep making money. Kinda sad how Image have basically become Marvel in that respect

Larsen took the bluepill.

look at the enormous hands

its not really Image that makes that decision. Larson wants to keep going, like Kirkman (except Kirkman does co-own Image)

>It's the same with any Image book that made it into triple figures - they've already told all the good stories, so now they have to spin their wheels so they can keep making money. Kinda sad how Image have basically become Marvel in that respect

Casual spotted. You can tell because he thinks Image works the same way as Marvel.

Ever since 2008 Larson has become way to political.

Oh bullshit, he was always political as far back as the 90's. Everyone complaining just got more sensitive because other people were bandwagoning their political causes.


oh god, I forgot that guy existed.

And wtf is Electro doing with hand cannons?

Nothing. It was never a quality product in the first place.

For his penis to fit in her it would have to be smaller than his fingers.

That doesn't mean it's not shit.