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First for titty monsters

Filoni's next show will be about...


more ded waifus/husbandos


>With the defeat of the greedy, discord-sowing Jews, the Naboo and Gungans can finally live in peace in their own ethnostates, mighty races in control of their own nations' destinies, separate but equal.
Damn, Raimi really nailed it in TPM.

>You know what I think, Kallus? I think Geonosis wasn't enough. Those bugs deserved to be gassed, every last one of them. All Separatist sympathizers should share their fate, especially those fucking space kikes.
Jesus christ Filoni

How Anakin & Ahsoka fucked and where having a secret love affair.

FYI: they fucked again in the Sith temple, that is the reason they were both limping at the end of S2.

E chu ta!

H ow ru de

>pic related

>dat edit

Anakin never gave Ahsoka's dick the much needed attention. He was 100 % commited to that Padme ass. Poor little 'Soka stayed blue balled.

Would Vader give adult Ahsoka the crispy dick?

Adultsoka gave Vader the orange dick. That is why he is limping at the end of Twilight of the Apprentice.

They'll probably want him to give a backstory to the First Order and generally clean up Abram's mess.


vader has no sexual desires

Only regrets.

you honestly believe that?


Did someone say titty monster? Cause that means it's time for milkies!

>>People think Vos and Vader will cross paths eventually

Because of an easter egg in Vader's comic.


>Jesus christ Filoni
Don't blame him, it was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.


>specifically designed to kill Jedi

>no Jedi was killed by it.

They had role play sex. And Vader has whose in both canons too.


That's because the majority of the jedi we see are main characters, only a few jedi actually die in clonewars/movies (not accounting for order 66).

Sit down boy.

I'll give you points for creativity.

We really need a version where SS is standing next to Sabine and she is stuffing her bra as well.

>Implying she didn't ever take the time to "inspire" the 501st between missions

Anyone have this growing up?


there still needs to be some Sabaphra flat bullying

meanwhile, I'll enjoy some imperial tits

FutShsoka shop please

Back to her pedo village.

What exactly is inspiring about getting fucked in the ass by your teenaged alien commander?

Oh wow. This is such an original post. So creative.

The only body problem SS has with her body is that it's in pieces.

They can rebuild her. They have the technology.

Can you /d/ faggots fuck off? That user was actually trying to start a discussion.

Name 1 example in Star Wars of this happening.

If only...


Such an original whinny bitch comment.

Stop being a chode. Noone knows or cares where she went. All we are gonna get are autistic theories and shit like the last 30 fucking times this gets brought up.

Darth Vader

Darth Maul


Best I could do.

Perfect. Thanks.


That's a cute chassis.

Meebur Gascon hosting a talk show.

they kill some in the AOTC arena battle on geonosis, but
>specifically designed to kill Jedi
do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

Great book and it's something we desperately need for this nu-canon which has shit for all when it comes to world building.

I want a Walking with Dinosaurs/Dragons A Fantasy Made Real style miniseries out of this

How the fuck does someone think this is acceptable

One thing I liked about this scene was how it subtly subverted the happy ending. Given the movie's title, it's fitting that aside from the music being a modified Emperor's theme, Sheev is standing just right of center smiling for his own reasons.


postmodernism finds no value in beauty, only in the subversion and destruction of all things pleasant and good

I wanna squeeze those so bad.

I was going to say this is a parody of the terrible Finn fanart that was floating back a while ago, but im not actually sure, this might be the same artists genuine attempt at drawing Kylo

>terrible Finn fanart
please tell me you have it

This is why I stick with the prequels and the original trilogy. Worldbuilding is key

Brace yourself

Jesus Christ

>She never got the triple J implants she always wanted.




What the fuck

Phasma is cute

She looks like a bitchy mom

Their twitter can't be rea-


fuck off and die

this x1000

death to degenerates -- star wars is wholesome


Were you not familiar with those abominations before?

I try to stay out of cape shit, holy fucking shit
How can someone be so delusional

This x1000

For those unaware that's Captain America and Tony Stark

In Dead space.

exsqueeze me?

here you go. It's a fucking wild ride

And here's the sad part, he (she? I've never known) wasn't always like that.

not even once


I see skin on skin contact.

Damn that's actually good
How do you go from this.....

>kills his nephew
I thought Jaina killed Jacen?

Prolly got him on a technicality

You know, people say that, but it's everyone's own decision to follow a certain style or influence. Good tutoring helps, but if you only want to impress a community of lunatics, you're gonna end up doing some dumb shit.

Anyway, back to Star Wars.


So who's the guiltiest?

Honestly I don't mind any of them.

I mainly hate the porgs just because they're a part of the post-Disney canon