This is Cleo and Cuquin, from Nick Jr.'s new show of the same name. Say something nice about them!

This is Cleo and Cuquin, from Nick Jr.'s new show of the same name. Say something nice about them!

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I hope toddlercons won't get a hold of them. That's my nice thing to say. I know it's in vain, though.

Wait what?

Are they actually doing something with this.

Let's hope the porn artists don't get a hold of this too fast, this is too pure to taint.

>Are they actually doing something with this.

You underestimate Sup Forums pretty badly, I see.

Cleo and Cuckqueen


holy fucking kek lmao

they look weird and I don't like it
I can't tell if I'm going deaf or something, but I can't understand anything these kids are saying

>I can't tell if I'm going deaf or something, but I can't understand anything these kids are saying

Yeah the sound direction is kinda off not just the voices but the score, anyways the voices seem a bit dampened as if to give them a more childish tone.

member the movie?

are this from that super old Spanish cartoon From Franco's (fascist Spain) era???

obscure and old shit

Cuquin is kind of cute. If only she was 16.

Cuquin is the baby

I wanna fuck that young girl

I may be degenerate but I'm not regenerate enough to fap to a baby.


God fucking dammit this was my first thought too I hate this place

Are you people... talking about a show for little kids?

a /pol approved cartoon


All the shows for older kids we would watch are shit.
Instead of looking to content for our own age group we are now looking lower.

hes a big guy


Killing commies doesn't make you a fascist, user. It just makes you sane.

Oh great, those furfag Isabelle fuckers have a human 6 year old to replace her

the new boss baby cartoon looks good.

>Human Isabelle and the Brazzers Bald guy as a Baby: hijinks ensue


>Cleo and Cuquin

Heh, I just noticed his shirt. That's cute

Cuquín literally means lil' cutie
or lil' well-dressed (in cuba)
you learn something everyday