"As a loyal viewer, I feel they owe me."

"As a loyal viewer, I feel they owe me."

"They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free! What could they possibly owe you? I mean, if anything, you owe them!"

"Worst episode ever."


Giving the producers my valuable free time and attention so they can make a profit

Why were the Simpsons writers so salty?

The episode was meant to satirise shows that were growing stale and divisive, which they were by their eighth season. Sure we look back on it and seven as golden age seasons, but that’s because the bar’s been set much lower since.

they're technically right

Not just the Simpsons, the Animaniacs writers got really pissy when they found out about people criticizing them on the internet.

They had a long-running beef with Usenet neckbeards, Comic Book Guy was meant as a satire of them.

whom are you lying to user?

To be fair going to the Simpsons group on Usenet would make you salty.

Their mistake was letting that shit get to them to the point where they seemed to ignore all criticism and the show ended up where it is.

Cable's not free, Bart.

>Following the airing of "Sideshow Bob Roberts" in October 1994, a poster on alt.tv.simpsons wrote a tirade denouncing the episode as "blatant" liberal propaganda and that "Groening or someone else on the staff must be terrified of the upcoming midterm elections. I personally would like to see Matt Groening hung from a tree by his large intestine and left to slowly writhe in agony."

>The 10/24/94 Life In Hell strip showed Binky the Rabbit looking at a computer screen with the Usenet poster's rant on it as he remarks to himself "Why do I suddenly feel so refreshed?"

I hate when I'm just watching a show and all of a sudden the show overtly tries to discipline me as a viewer for the actions of some stranger who pissed off the creators. It's like, here I am just casually watching, then I get scolded for some reason, and now I've become some crazy person defending viewers as a whole and protesting the idea that a creator has no obligation to his audience.

Holy crap, it was Sup Forums before Sup Forums.

>"They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free! What could they possibly owe you? I mean, if anything, you owe them!"

Jews are the most entitled motherfuckers in the world, holy shit. Stable highly-paid employment isn't enough for you fuckers?

>"They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free! What could they possibly owe you? I mean, if anything, you owe them!"

I can't get over this. How can you work in the entertainment industry and not understand that your paycheck derives from the viewer?

If the show vanishes from TV, I'll be fine
If no one watches the show, it dies

Hence it has more reason to be thankful of the viewers than they do of the show



wow I had no idea none of the people involved in the show got paid

how could they keep it going for so long even after it became garbage?

The Simpsons writers did complain on some of the DVD commentaries that people accused them of putting agendas in episodes that weren't actually there or were done for irony's sake.

To be fair they're entirely right

Examples of this?

In retrospect you can see how wrong they were, because that slippery slope is steep as fuck. Not two decades have passed and we ended up with mainstream cartoons and comics that are just clandestine political propaganda.

Is this the logic SU writers have when they try to justify all the awful townie episodes or how the crsytal gems are being written off there own show?

Only iffy scene in an otherwise great episode. The Simpsons at the time was known for great satire but this is just the writers lobbing a grenade. Particularly awkward because a huge part of what has kept The Simpsons going is merchandising. That thing that people have to pay for.

Sadly it only got worse after this and the show started dropping various jokes at the fans expense rather than consider any criticism that the show had declined.

The Simpsons writers were once great, but they were ALWAYS fart-sniffing Harvard alumni. They really do revel in being smarter than their audience. Every chance they get to have one over at the audience's expense, they take.

The townie episodes are justified by the tweet that said "there is no filler, worldbuilding takes time"
I'm sorry, but you got invested in a show literally without writers

This is honestly why I don't fully respect the staff behind the Simpsons. They make excuses whenever people point out a major flaw about an episode or the state of their show. I especially think Al Jean is a stubborn jackass whose blinded by success.

While South Park has been a bit rocky in recent years, at least the creators behind that can still acknowledge when they fuck up big time.

*entirely alt-right

As I mentioned yesterday, I've never known any 8 year old girls IRL who were familiar with the works of Edith Wharton and this was just an excuse for the writers to show off how literate and well-read they were.

They made strawmen to mock because they can't handle criticism. Same has been true for the writers of Animaniacs and Teen Titans GO!.

Fuck, it's been a while since I've seen Renamon. Is that thing still a furry sex symbol?

Renamon, Lucario and Krystal will always be the Holy Trinity of Furry Porn.

She'll always will be, friend.


man, the simpsons really have covered everything

Al Jean won't accept that there's anything wrong with Zombie Simpsons and also he's a massive Lisaboo, probably one of the biggest on the staff, and enables a lot of Lisa cancer episodes.

fuck you she will always have a vagina in my heart

>when they try to justify
thankfully they've given up trying to communicate with their fans. It's always the same complaints that will obviously never be satisfied.

Oh don't worry, I was just correcting myself and didn't imply she didn't have a gender lol.

Unless it's something like The Principal and the Pauper that has been disowned by both the fans and the staff.

What are you talking about?
Political propaganda existed even before the Simpsons.

>we ended up with mainstream cartoons and comics that are just clandestine political propaganda
>mainstream cartoons and comics

It got even worse by the Scully seasons, for example on the DVD commentary for "Simpson Safari", they said they deliberately put random shit from different areas of Africa into the place the Simpsons were in simply to tick off complaining Usenet posters.

The writers decided early on that nothing bad was allowed to happen to Lisa, she couldn't get seriously hurt or be in slapstick situations or be shown naked or anything like that.

What did they mean by this?

But see, that one is actually funny.

Who the fuck cares about world building utterly shit characters, especially when they end up ignoring the characters people love. Why are they so attached to townies and so hellbent on not focusing in the crystal gems anymore?

Theyve compeltly forgotten about the gems, and no one likes or cares about fucking ronaldo or nanefu. Fuck you for defending the crewniverse or townie shit

I'm an SU apologist and I know this is bullshit. Just because it's canon doesn't mean it isn't filler.

>burning your entire show to the ground just to spite a couple of people on Usenet

I swear, Lisa at 8 knows more books and classical literature than I do at 28.

I think this is actually doing this bit right. Acknowledging the crazy critics without getting bitchy. Still makes you wonder why they'd be thinking first and foremost of their worst critics when they've just hit a milestone to be proud of thanks to the loyal fans and critics...

They decided early on as well that they were going to use Lisa to voice their beliefs.

>This is honestly why I don't fully respect the staff behind the Simpsons
Also the voice actors except for Dan Castallaneta and Hank Azaria are pretty loathsome.

I would have just kept the Ullman short Lisa myself.

For Me, the Simpsons died after the final episode of Season 12 aired.

It was over, it should have been given a burial after that episode.

We all knew the party was coming to an end when the 10th season was ending. I suppose we needed a season or two to wean us onto other shows.

What I really hate is when they tell a joke on the show that is meant for the viewer obviously but another character on the show breaks the rhythm to stop and congratulate the character on the funny thing they said or they just stop and break the fourth wall and look at the viewer or some other similar thing.
It started happening a few seasons in and only got worse and more prevalent as the show declined in quality. How can you with any decency or pride in your work or self awareness pat yourself on the back on air?
Like you just stop and jerk yourself off in front of everyone because of how good you feel about yourself for telling a shit joke that doesn't stand on it's own otherwise you wouldn't need to point out to the viewer how funny it is and that they should appreciate your "cleverness".
Terrible, appalling writing.

Why are they loathsome?

Nancy Cartwright is a Scientologist and Yeardley Smith, Julie Kavner, and Harry Shearer are kind of douchebags.

Why did Simpsons decide to make a episode that shilled for Buddhism? Lisa the Buddhist is a god awful episode, I'd say preachier than the vegetarian episodr.

King of the Hill did a episode that focused on Buddhism and they didn't need the Christians to all suddenly behave immoral and faithless.

Try actually reading something other than hentai comics, dipshit.

That you should probably be doing more with your life if you've watched a show up to five hundred episodes yet keep going on about how much you hate it.

Cool it pal.

Nothing "clandestine" about the shit in today's shows

That wasn't real Buddhism, it was the fake California Buddhism.

That's worse considering Lisa shits on every branch of Christianity, including ascetic ones like the Amish.

teen titans go's haters strawmanned themselves though considering how huge a shift the original teen titans cartoon was from the comics, so how can you say NOT MUH TITANS

there are no mainstream cartoons user

What does that have to do with go's straw man episodes?

Have you considered that YOUR point is wrong or autistic? Do you really think that Sup Forums tier opinions are worth of anything?

I used to listen to shearer's radio show a lot, its funny.

read the first 6 words again

Shearer is a talented guy and quite funny but he is an asshole extraordinare and he's been complaining about the show since the early 90s.

No, they haven't. The TTG writers kept crutching on immature fart jokes and WAFFLEZ, and when people started writing bad reviews about the show having terrible writing and humor, they cried like a bunch of autistic toddlers about how Teen Titans wasn't that good and how all of its fans are the REAL manchildren here.

Only a true autist would sperg about how all discussions and opinions are irrelevant lol, it's what you defensive fags do anytime your favorite things get criticized.

But the comics are stupid.

TTGO is hit or miss, but it has a lot of great episodes, your criticism which focuses only on the weak episodes makes me think you haven't actually watched it.

>hey it’s a great show if you can tolerate the 50% probability of terrible episodes!
I don’t want watch “hit-or-miss” episodes if all the first dozen episodes were misses. I’m sure you’re one of those waifufags who only liked it since the “loli Wonder Woman” episode aired.

That’s...debatable really. I’d argue it’s range lies between “goodish” and “how the fuck did this get approved”.

As much as people love to hate Mike Scully, the good thing about his tenure as showrunner was that he didn't give a shit about Lisa and she probably got the least screentime in Seasons 10-12 out of the show's entire run.

idk man, I was fucking dead watching that episode where Robin complains that cartoons don't teach any actually valuable lessons so the entire episode is about how to buy rental property as a long term investment

It literally doesn't have a point. Unless your point is that the strawman episode was kino which you haven't stated and is contrarian to the thread

ok I see you're having trouble

read them again

>They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free
>for free

>They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free
Time is money, and attention is limited. And that's something that I don't think people understand.

Let's say I watch TV for an hour.
3/4ths are dedicated to the program. 1/4th is dedicated to commercials. Were I working min. wage, that's approximately $2/h to watch TV. And that's being conservative.

That's my ticket price. If you expect me to watch your show without complaints, it needs to be 1/4th my wage per hour. Otherwise, I will hold it to the same standards as any other product I paid for and disliked.

To be fair, when you consider the average fanbase on Sup Forums, you can well understand why any TV writer would be pissed off.

Scully era was basically The Homer Show. Most episodes were either about him getting a new job or a hobby, or about someone else with him tagging along as a sidekick.

It's not free, if it was free there wouldn't be commercials.

I might be a minority here in Sup Forums, but I prefer seasons 13-15 over 11&12.

>Your opinions on our show are invalid because you have no life
Goddamn I forgot how salty cartoon writers have been towards criticism online

>tfw I instantly change the channel to something else the moment commercials start playing and then flip back to it when they're over
Somebody stop me!

any favourite episodes from 13-15?


You must not have been paying attention to other episodes