/CTG/ Channel-tans General

Be My Glomley Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

>How many Channels do we need?
All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.

And last but not least, remember to have

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


starting the threads early after what happened last time i see

Welcome to /CTG/!

Requesting the forbidden MGM

Howdy ho, here I drew Jetix-tan in robotic hyper form

Requesting Valentine Card with Jetix-tan, Gulli-tan and [AS] Stony


LogoTV added
Studio universal added
And ABC australia replaced because of the one user who pointed that out to me, thx

cute dasha, can ya doodle a cute mgm please?

Sure, user

great thank you, happy st. valentine day


I also can do with Pokemon, Digimon crossover of Channel-tan

>Those colors


Thank you
In my country we also celebrate "Macлeницa" (goodbye winter-slavic day)

I love that cheeky smile on her face, she is plotting a new marathon

That's like those power-ups from Megaman
Or Astro's battle mode from the original manga.

She reminds Jackie Lynn from SVTFOE, XD

That's quite cool, honestly.

Yep, I made her more like in Megaman X style or Hyper mode from Marvel vs Capcom.
But she reminds Astro Boy in battle mode.

Hot garbage, bro.

Wasn't Jetix-tan a fusion between Megaman and Astro Boy?

That's her face when WAG sends her the test tapes of the new episodes of TTG.

Coolio Dasha, watchadoodlin today?

And who can be as Reno (from Astro Boy 2003), Chi-tan (Astro Boy 1963) and each others, if Jetix-tan as Astro, DJ-tan as Uran, Toony as Cobalt/Jetto, Canal+Family as Niki, Tech TV-tan as Cora, FOX-tan as Dr.Tenma, Fox Kids-tan as Tobio/Toby Tenma, Papa Turner as Dr.Ochaminozu/Elefun?

Idk, can you give me ideas for [AS] Stoner, Jetix, Mondo Media and each others?

Cute fanart user I like the way you drew her outfit there.

Stoner making hearts with the smoke of her cigarettes

I need to be free from my sickness, but I feel really bad and bored today.

Sure, user
or Stony eating sushi with Samurai Jack

How about pic related with Stoner?

Nice idea

Heyo everyone.

Wassup Grox

How are you?

I really like that background, really fits CN. Also, love the pose.

Hey dude, welcome back

And what about cute pic of Papa FOX or WDC-tan hugging Jetix-tan like this?

Greetings Grox, ready for some cute Jetix?

Requesting YouTube being greedy

I also can do cute Stony hairdressing her hairdo



I love those jeans and the new hoodie with a galaxy pattern

I also would see channel-tans playing football

I really like that background, really fits CN. Also, love the pose.


CN-tan: Cree Summer
Nick-tan: Lara Jay Miller
Disney: Rachel Macfarlane

And some additional voices

Spike/Paramount-tan: John Dimaggio
BET-tan: Reagan Gomez-Preston

I love her new hoodie she looks cute and just look ready to some adventures a la Firefly

I know Sup Forums hates/loves Tara Strong but I'ld like to suggest her to AT&T


She looks so melanchonic here, maybe it's her expression.

got any suggestion to Viacom and Papa Turner?

There is something hypnotic in this draw that makes me stare it a lot.



Oh darn man this style bring back memories of those early 2000's cartoons on CN
Good times for sure, anyhow that's a cool fanart my dude

Now she needs an ouija board and her squad, so they can have some fun.

A curious but good intrepretation of CN, good job user!

Tom Kenny for Viacom, but no idea for Papa Turner

DC Douglas

I wanna cuddle with Syfy

I suggest Eric and Hannibal to Stoner and Foxxy

thanks for draw the bae user you rock hard lol

I wonder if with her new outfit her powers became stronger.

I'm weak for style similar to this. So, I really like this drawing.

Vin Diesel as G4 Canada
Chris Rock as El Rey

I think this will be a good form to fight Mondo Media in the near future

She's sitting in the middle of nothing. Fitting for SYFY.

Make this happen pls.


Beautiful user, the monochrome style suits her - just like a classic science fiction movie

Just have Ted Turner voice Time Warner, he's more or less a copy of him.



I swear that I do love a lot her new outfit, I want it, seems pretty comfy.

G4: Louis CK

Oh god he has a beautiful voice, so classic

I need more of this Syfy she's neato along with her gang of course

Qubo: Bob Bergen
Universal Kids: Anndi McAfee
Toony.tan: Annemarie Blanco

I see a black hole right there in those jeans

This is based something real
I have a sack of Scrooge comics but I definitely don't have them just for only Disney's reason here.
Also I'll take Valentine requests and maybe I'll do them later today or just post them next weekend

So how is nick reacting to the new ninja turtles?

Paramount Studios Tan



She is always excited about the new shows, she loves her shows.

Can you do Jetix-tan with Valentine chocolate? I really want see it

Wooah, Stoner what the hell you did there? that's one cute af Disney right there!

A quick Valentine request: UPN and WB dancing together.


Those comics are really fun to read and some sagas have stories worthy of their own show.

She not only has the Uncle Scrooge comics, but she has got the special and autographed editions!

Disney is also a Paperinik fan although she is sad because not many American fans know these comics.

Requesting a two-panels comic
Disney and CN holding hands
Nick gasping and blushing

Those eyes show us that she is not so bad after all

St. Valentine Request: the main trio with hundred of chocolates and gifts from their fans

Here Disney-tan as Uncle Scrooge (Ducktales 2017) I did

>Stoner [as]
Mae Whitman
>Teletoon at Night
Jessica Straus
Mila Kunis

Approved, it's just... perfect

Yet another cute couple.

I used to have tons of these comics back in my childhood.


That's adorable but now we need the Tiny Tans cosplaying as Huey, Dewey, and Louie

I loved Disney comics when I was little too


DJ-tan, Toony and Nick.Jr

Hey Perla, how you doing today?
That's a cute couple ready to fight crime!