Its only smellz...its a nothing, only the smellz

>its only smellz...its a nothing, only the smellz

I had sex with a black guy when I was in college.

Pretty good, better than any white guy I’ve been with. He bought me things and eventually proposed. I didn’t like him like that so I declined and avoided him until graduation.

Die, fag.

Where you top or bottom? Honeslty i like cute guys but i dont ever want a dick in my ass, is that normal?

>Anal sex is wrong

I’m a girl

>Going straight to insertion without any prep
It really is.


post tits and timestamp then, bitch

Then I don't want to be right

Why would I do that? I don’t want my goods on the Internet.

But yet you can whore yourself out to a subhuman nigger, and act like you have any self respect or dignity left. Liberal brainwashing has done irreparable damage to the mass female psyche

Have you been fucking black guys since? Most of my friends usually say it's not a big difference between black and white guy's dicks (especially on size) but I wouldn't know.

tits or gtfo


A toxic mentality like that is probably why girls would rather fuck black guys than you. :)

Not my problem because i dont want to associate wth nigger loving whores anyways

I don’t discriminate. Dick is dick. The last guy I hooked up with as middle eastern and the guy before that was black.


Meant for

Yeah because I’m sure you have a choice in what girls you associate with, bud.

>The last guy I hooked up with as middle eastern and the guy before that was black.

>Being this irrationally angry because girls won’t fuck you for being white

Maybe if you spent more time working on yourself instead of shitposting, we wouldn’t be taking your women. Silly Incel.

I can tell you’re a very ugly person inside and out. Is there a reason for all this pent up anger?

Nice sexism you stupid nigger

Has BLACKED poster done some research and figured out a way to make a Sup Forums related BLACKED thread that won't be immediately taken down?

...well played BLACKED poster, well played.

Because the world is shit and everyone in it is some dumb numale or a shitskin. I hate everyone, im not even a nazi because white supremacy is stupid because white trash are just as backwards and culturally filthy

Honestly i was trying to make a thread referencing the its only smellz video, shouldve known better to have post interracial then just normal anal

>Implying I care what a dry dick Incel says

You keep the N word and I’ll keep the white women. Deal?

You should seek some mental help. I’m not even trying to insult you but lack of sexual contact does do things to people’s mental state.

>dont use sexist insults they are bad
>someone insults feminism or a minority
Never change SJW faggot

Where is a good place I can buy a fedora at?

Delfecting again i see, how cute

And you wonder why women don’t like you.


I’m not even those other people you were arguing with.

Holy Shit. Interracial really is fucking cancer. This thread is horrible.

Yea, well you live you learn. You'll know better next time.

You might want to try Pepe Le Pew.

Blacked is patrician you fucking uncultured swine

Whatever you say, fucking hypocrite

i as a dominican/muslim find it super stupid how people always hate other for their race. do you people not understand we have the same DNA. then only thing we don't have in common is shit culture.

i know this from living in the USA for so long.

>White men are triggered by other race .
>white american females spread their legs for everything and will cheat if they find a exotic race.
>black americans are racist and violent with a shit culture.
>spanish Americans are always illegal or are super greedy.
>jew and Muslims are fucking trash

>puss lipped niggers with no higher brain functions besides rap videos, raping, and bling

How does it feel to be a fag?

>but lack of sexual contact does do things to people’s mental state.

Then shouldn't sexual contact be like mandatory or state assisted. Do your part, get your friends together and start up a charity that dishes out ass for free.

Men who cannot breed aren’t human. Your opinion doesn’t matter because you’re an Incel who expects women to fawn over him because he’s white. You should kill yourself, you’re a disgrace to the white race.

I hate muslims for their regressive culture that hates science and progress. Middle eastern women are hot as fuck

At least in not a nigger and always better then you, sexist man hating bitch

>I hate muslims for their regressive culture that hates science and progress. Middle eastern women are hot as fuck

I hate them too and even my mother won't except that she is part muslim from because of its trash culture

Middle eastern women are better then American females

Did Tyrone bully you, user?

>Better than me
>Can’t even pass on his genes


Nigga, I don’t think you even know who you’re arguing with anymore.

You're hurting humanity far more by passing your genes than he is for not passing his own.

The superior make always breeds. The inferior ones will be bred out. It’s nature

>Be black guy
>Don't even like white or black women.
>Mfw I like asian women

Like creating more nigglets is a good thing. Ill always be better then you inferior filth

“Superior” creatures arent dumb shitskins with weak brains, nigger

Not necessarily. Weak parents can birth strong children and strong parents can birth weak children. There are plenty of weak humans who have managed to breed through sexing each other.

Keep telling yourself that, Incel. Actuallly you can mediate on that while I’m fucking my white French wife.

everyone here are a bunch of racist retards. no wonder blacks take the white bitches and spanish people take the black bitches. you can't protect your own.

bet you want that spanish cock now ;)

And yet if i called you a virgin that would be sexist to you, hypocritical coon

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

Is the Incel seriously calling someone else inferior? You can’t even do what literal retards do every day. Disgusting filth, kill your self right now.

>hurr, if you hate our stupidity your racist
>minoritys will always fuck white women
Arent you proving our point at how much you hate whites, racist beaner

>spanish people take the black bitches
They can have them. Never in my life have I seen the most scummy women and that is coming from a black dude

You kill yourself you sexist nigger ape

Well I’m not a virgin so I don’t even know where you are going with that. This is what Inceldom does to white men. Can’t even think straight.

The guy in crushing on at work is a Spaniard. :)

It sure is comics and cartoons in here

I'm Spanish and I have never seen a guy around here show interest in black women.

And yet here you are being a sexist and using racial insults, how tolerant you social justice scum truely are

But I’ll miss out on all the white pussy you’re not getting.

What region? Madrid? Ciudad Real? Tarragona? Asturias? Albacete?

>i don't hate white. i hate whites,blacks,jews and you

>most scummy women and that is coming from a black dude
could be they don't want to date your poor asses anymore after spending the last o lets say since pangea time with you. white women are just stupid and never been around a black person before so they don't really know how cheap,poor,greedy and shit family you are.

Incels aren’t human

No one will fuck a fat hambeast like you, so by your logic you arent human either cuck


I always love how easy it is to trigger racists into tumblr style rants. So insecure it hurts.

let me guess you were born in America and live in the white area right.


Should've guessed. Be careful; he might get offended if you refer to him as Spanish. Depending on his political alignment.

I always love how easy it is to trigger feminists into rants whenever a more attractive character is in skimpy clothing. So insecure it hurts.

I’m assuming this was directed to me(the girl). I actually do crossfit(it’s how I met the middle eastern guy youre so jealous of). Keep projecting.

I was born and live in Spain, around the south east of the country, actually.

Who said I'm a feminist? This is what you've become now, a knee jerking moron. Go outside and breathe for a bit.

I’ll keeo that in mind thanks!

nigga, i call your bluff. if your from Spain you either are blind, live in an area that's been Americanized or you white as snow.

>Getting mad at a person's preference

>Sup Forums is filled with angry incels

Yep I’m not surprised

>I actually do crossfit
Keep telling yourself that, maybe you can ignore the orbital ring youve built around yourself

I'm from Albacete and I've never seen a black woman dating a local man.

Are there any other superheroines who canonical accept travelers down the Hershey highway?

>Haha why don't you want to date a black dude in a wig and dress
>Your not from spain


Don't be alarmed if he yells a lot; he's not angry, Spaniards don't know how to modulate their volume.

Why are you projecting so hard? Is being fat the reason why girls don’t like you? Just hit the gym. A couple pounds lost can go a long way!

i'm from there too and i call you bullshit again.

Honey Bee

>HAHA i can't distinguish a tranny from a real female

Me cuesta mucho creer que seas albaceteño, la verdad. Sin ánimo de ofender, escribes como un negrata. Me resulta algo cómico que un albaceteño aprenda inglés y escriba como un nigga en Internet.

Nice assumption, also why would i want some bitch who wouldve hated me if i didnt fit their extreme unobtainable standards

Why are there so many Sup Forums-tier threads on Sup Forums lately?

>Being this angry girls would rather fuck better looking men than you
>Being an Incel
>Being so insecure that you have to conjure up an unflattering mental image of an anonymous woman to sate your insecurity

This is sad. All the time you spent here bitching at people who might not even be real could have been spent improving yourself so you can get your dick wet.