Is Coco racist, Sup Forums?

Is Coco racist, Sup Forums?

Who told you it was? Stop going out of your way to listen to stupid people.

Why would it be? Explain, in detail.

no its not racist, but im sure you figured that out yourself.

I don't think "mexican" is a race.

>there was a Portuguese kid on my soccer team and he always troes to hold my hand which I thought was very taboo but when I tried to kiss him he punched me in the nose

>mods deleted the weird pedo's ramble but not this b8 thread

what was it?

Welcome to fucking Sup Forums.

it was about how he likes to fanatsize about brown kids, and how he tried to kiss a potrugeues boy and things the main kid in mexican has nice teeth and would be good at sex. it was really lame b8

>no black characters
I'm afraid so, OP

Hella diverse.

Found in the archive, didnt even post it with porn, what a coward. Also dont think he saw the movie he called miguel coco.

Suprised theres so little porn tho. Hiro was a shota bomb, was it becausr of a lack of other guys who had penises?

>a lack of other guys who had penises

A lack of boners, how ironic.

She's extremely old and senile, you shouldn't hold it against her if she is a little racist.

If by racist you mean the nu male phenomenon where everything depicting non-European cultures in media is regarded as somehow being hateful, backwards, and intolerant, then yeah, it's very racist.

It's only racist if the group it's 'targeting' hates it and is offended. I have yet to meet a Mexican who didn't like this movie and its portrayal of their culture. Most everything held as racist towards Mexicans tends to be enjoyed by Mexicans. Funny how that works.

i saw it in Mexico. they love it down there. they had it all over the malls. mexicans liked it, thats all that matters when it comes to your stupid question.

Damn it user!, for the last time "mexicans" are not a race.

And the south koreans and french liked communism, obviously most countries dont know what is good for them until told to pipe down for a couple years to reflect

mexicans love shit like coco, which embraces their traditions

only white man's guilt faggots who are super sjw hated it. they protested sombrero mario in mario odyssey and shit, while actual mexicans thought it was cool as fuck

mexico went full fucking mariachi for the winter olympics nation entry for fuck's sake

Got some proof of that? I'll go ahead and believe you, if you can prove it.

Rhee was a literal dictator and gunned down multiple student protests for communism, France leaned heavily socialistic but the martial law after it squashed any actual move towards it. After they realized that sucking red dick was a terrible idea bit would have fallen for the meme in the heat of the moment

>people living under a political system is the same as people not knowing if they're being portrayed as lesser because of their skin color.

How have you not drowned in your own spit yet?


funny "irl" not that many sjws I can think of made this complaint for Coco or the Mulan casting news


>mexico went full fucking mariachi for the winter olympics nation entry for fuck's sake

Grew up with Mexican family (am American). They don't give no fucks if it looks stereotypical, so long as everyone has a good time.


>mexicans love shit like coco, which embraces their traditions
Does that include grave robbing...? ;-)


Probably. Also, the incest isn't as hot with a skeleton.

the fucks my grandma gonna do with those gold teeth?

No, it's pandering. Disney is trying to reach the Mexican audience.

Offtopic: His dog's name is Dante... then he is supposed to be Beatrice since his dog will follow him to the hell?

watch the movie, it's explained why he calls the dog this name

No, it isn't. Now stop listening to Tumblr, that boy is not a good influence for you.

See pic

sjws see mario with some mexican hat as racism so sjws would do

>is trying to
no, they pretty effectively reached the hearts of the Mexican demographic. Melted the hearts of the chinese officials as well, and they're usually stingy about allowing talking skeletons to show up in their media.

>blaming tumblr
>clearly reeks of Sup Forums

>South Korean likes communism
As a South Korean, we fucking hate cummunism
Those cummunist politicians in North is trying to kill us, and when I was in the army, those fucking pigs trying to attack our land with tanks
Even little kids these days in our contry play some songs about “whose gonna kill Kim Jun Un first”

Nope. You cannot be racist against mestizos. To be racist against a group they first need to have an identity, and mestizos have none.

>clearly reeks of Sup Forums
If you say so.

>mexicans love shit like coco, which embraces their traditions

Which, oddly, is why it did so well in China too.

right and wrong. technically they love socialists not commies and the youth have become almost like americna sjws

they are very much like the modern american youth getting sjw'd hard, and the only east asian country that feminism has a big influence on society, but dont have a radical movement like antifa, third wave feminism. at most they shit on japan on the internet, censor some problematic shits like online games, moe anime in the entertainment industry, dont take a violent act irl

although porn is illegal there in the first place.

Re~memmm~ber me,
I can't stop eating tacos~
Re~memmm~ber me!
Send half my check to Mexico,
I live inside an attic, and I have some 18 kids.
A straight up demographic bomb, transplanted by the yids!
Remember Mee~
Can't even speak español~
Remember MEEE!
I just some Aztec four foot troll
And in 20 years when the robots take all of my yyooobbs
I'll be a nig-tier eater slob,