Post-Lion King Disney Renaissance

>Hunchback of Notre dame

For some reason as a kid I never really got into these, maybe I was turned off by the use of digital 2D that started showing up around then. But are these good and worth watching?

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Yes, but ONLY if it's the 10th Anniversary cut.
Yes, it's easily the funniest movie on the list.
>Hunchback of Notre Dame
Big yes, if only to see Disney handle really dark subject matter in a surprisingly artful way.
Big yes. The last truly great movie Disney made before their early 00's slump.

Hercules, Mulan, and Tarzan are all fantastic Disney movies. Shame they're all going to be remade into live action movies

Hunchback also has the best Disney song

Pocahontas fucking sucks.

Pocahontas is meh. But that's coming from a History teacher and I can't really ignore the sheer amount of bullshittery going on there. Catchy numbers.

Hercules is pretty good, all around. Good music good story good humor.

Hunchback of Notre Dame would be a fucking national treasure if not for the gargoyles, and even then they're not -AS- bad as many on Sup Forums make them out to be. It's also a nice example of cucking in cartoons. It's also also a nice example of sheer fucking darkness in a disney movie. Probably the darkest of them all. On an unrelated note Hunchback is my favorite.

Mulan has pretty good numbers and the 'woman empowerment' is not to cancerous levels. The humor is okay and the story is good. And that chinese art. Mmm.

Tarzan is nice. Decent music, good art, dark as fuck ending for the villain, and entertaining.

All in all, all the movies are worth watching at least once. (Pocahontas excluded)

Pocahontas is the only one I’d consider “bad”. There’s about 10 good minutes in it and everything else isn’t every good or memorable. The rest range from good to great.

How was Brother Bear? I was only partially aware of it when it came out

Watch it for the art, not for the story.

Thanks guys. I remember having Pocahontas and Mulan on tape and just never bothering to watch them, sorry parents. Good to know though that nearly all of the rest of the 90s Disney is still worth watching

Has a reason been determined for why the 00s fell apart? Was it the primitive 2D/3D blending that wasnt as nice as the rich hand drawn mattes of the early 90s movies? Did they just run out of good stories?

(((Bob Iger)))

The Rescuers Down Under was better then all those.

I'm fairly certain it all boiled down to Disney trying to be hip. What came out around the 00's? Emperor's New Groove (Still fucking good, worth watching, but not similar to the Renaissance) , An Extremely Goofy Movie (still good, but heaaaavy on the HIP), and a SHIIIIIT TON of supbar Sequels. Not to mention this was the same time that Disney started having Disney-Chanel Movies pouring out like bile from a sick elderly dog's maw.

The only few redeemable movies from that time, other than those mentioned above, include Atlantis and Lilo and Stitch.

That movie's good, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Probably better than... 1/3 of the list.

There were a lot of reasons, most of which can be traced back to Michael Eisner. He started meddling in the actual content of films more, usually in the form of scaling back violence and scary imagery and inserting god awful jokes.

A good example comes from Home on the Range. When it was being played somewhat straight, the script made it clear that Alameda Slim was rustling the cows to be slaughtered and sold as black market beef. Eisner objected, since he was working on a deal with McDonalds for Happy Meals and didn't want kids eating hamburgers putting two and two together.

So the team said, fuck it, we'll just go full farce. Now Alameda Slim is rustling cattle to use as an army so he can storm the White House and declare himself President. Eisner again objects, saying now the villain has no menace.

In the end, the team had to just awkwardly imply that SOMETHING BAD was happening to the cattle, but couldn't out and out say it.

By the way, that deal with McDonald's never happened. So it was literally all for nothing.

It goes on, but that should give you a good overview.

everyone always forgets that one even though it came out after Mermaid and before Beauty and the beast.

The first half of Treasure Planet was bretty gud

That was around the same time too Roy E Disney was having trouble with the board of directors. I personally think once he lost control of things that was the downfall. He still had alot of old school values that could've made the films great but he was overruled

you've never seen them? Hell yeah, they're worth at least a single watch.

Atlantis is weak. Don't listen to this liar.

How the fuck did I forget about Treasure Planet? Add that shit to the redeemable list. Treasure Planet is a treasure that actually contradicts the issues with Home on the Range like has said.

Here though. Look at this list.
All the movies with the Disney logo attached to it in the first four years of 2000.
Now, from the list, remove all the Pixar and Ghibli films as they were distributed through Disney and they, in no one, influenced the construction of the film.

You can see the problem...

>Big yes. The last truly great movie Disney made before their early 00's slump.
B-but... Lilo & Stitch...


Atlantis is pretty good, I’d say. It’s not the strongest, but I actually liked it a bit more than Treasure Planet, which I also thought was good.

This guy's an asshole
The story definitely isn't the most moving part of the movie, but you should still watch it

Right, second-to-last truly great movie made before their early 00's slump.

Lilo and Stitch came out after/during the 00's slump, not before

>forgetting about the indisputable, best animated film to ever come from the bowels of disney

No that's what I was saying. L&S came after, so Tarzan couldn't have been the last great film Disney made before the slump.

Then Tarzan is still the last great movie they made before the early 00's slump. Lilo & Stitch just happens to be one of the first great movies released after the 00's slump.

Incidentally I'm bored as shit to be arguing semantics.

where do you draw the line?

Plus Fantasia 2000 and Emperor's New Groove came out immediately after Tarzan.


Watched it not too long ago, It was worse than I remembered. The moose were a lot more annoying than I once thought. Still looked pretty good though, and the plot's decent.

did they really not have a movie in 2017?

I think one of their films from this year got switched with a Pixar flick, so Pixar had two.

surprisingly i agree with all this

Wait, other way around, they switched so Disney got two in '16 and Pixar got two in '17.

So Disney got two in 2016 and Pixar got two in 2017.

They are all very good. Well animated. They don't reach the high quality of Beauty and the Beast or Cinderella, but the only terrible Disney animation was Brother Bear. Hercules is pretty boring. Meg is very into herself. It's that 90s Alanis Morrisett vibe. But the music is beautiful.

>For some reason as a kid I never really got into these
Literally the same for me, never understood why. Today I like all these.

>No Hunchback on Netflix but Pocahotas, Mulan, and Hercules are there


Reminder that they completely swapped the real life personalities of John Smith and Ratcliffe. Smith was a jerk while Ratcliffe earned the ire of his men by being too generous in trading with the natives. While trying to trade with them, they ambushed, skinned, and burned alive.

Iger only took control after Chicken Little

>the next two disney movies are sequels

holy shit just end it disney. they probably dont even care anymore because superhero films are 90% of their revenue

Hercules and Tarzan already got recent live-action movies without Disney's involvement.

Next you're going to tell me that tree couldn't talk.

We're talking DISNEY'S Hercules and DISNEY'S Tarzan, coming to a theater near you.

Hunchback 'was' on netflix not too long ago. They just cycle through the movies. They don't put EVERYTHING on there.

This movie was SO AHEAD OF ITS TIME that even today nobody talks or cares about it.

It's a terrible fucking movie.

I don't remember liking the characters much at all. Pretty generic and forgettable.

>don't care

Man I don't know what world you live in but Frozen and Wreck it ralph made fucking bank for these people. The amount of parents that bring their kids to movie theaters is huge and then you have the autistic adults who get in on this stuff. Like those two movies printed money for a company that I'm sure already isn't hurting

Best part of this movie were the carnotaurs. And the tie-in ride.

>It's a terrible fucking movie.

And movies are fucking terrible now.

See? It was prophetic. Ahead of it's time!

Pocahontas tried so hard to be politically correct, but it didn't work and even SJWs attacked it.

>In 1994

I thought it was interesting how for the theatrical release they changed many of the lyrics to sound less racist, but when viewed twenty years later it actually sounds more racist and political than their original lines.

Lion King 3 is also great

the intro and the ending are kino, the rest is hot garbage

Are you 15?

if HE can do it

Second half was bretty gud too

It's ok
Like it a lot
>Hunchback of Notre dame
Probably the best movie in the lot
Very good.
Never liked it.

It's been a long time, but it still feels weird that there are no more Disneytoon sequels. It was like they'd never end.

I’m pissed they never got to shit all over my favorite movies. I mean don’t get me wrong, the sequels were hardly ever great, but dammit I wanted to see some.

I always laugh that the A Team at Disney worked on Pocahontas expecting it to be the next Beauty and the Beast and have people take it seriously despite it being a Cartoon while they shipped the B Team on to that dumb animal movie The Lion King.

Pocahontas is too fucked up for me to watch. So many cultures and peoples lost forever. The consequences were never the same

Hercules and Mulan is a timeless classic. Megara was the first Disney girl you could love for her big brain, sassy as fuck. I mean Jasmine was the first girl with a mouth but she was still a naive brat.

Honestly I never liked Pocahontas. Both the story and the song were just okay. The Hunchback is great but I always felt too long / complicated compared to the other D movies. Tarzan is good.

>Hercules is pretty boring
how can one person have such a fucking shitty opinion, it's the most action focused disney movie there is. go fuck yourself

>whines about historical accuracy in Pocahontas
>doesn't mind even worse bullshit in Mulan and Hercules
I do not comprehend.

>woman who sold her soul to Hades to save her boyfriend's life is "into herself"
Oh I am laffin.

>Mulan and Hercules
u wot m8

Hercules lifts (and completely butchers) Greek mythology and Mulan is supposed to portray Chinese struggle against the Mongols (it doesn't).

>Post-Lion King Disney

The Emperor's New Groove was the only good one.

Mythology is not history but I'll concede to you on the historical background setting aspect for Mulan.

Imagine having taste this shit.

The soundtrack and tie-in ride is the only good thing about the film

I mostly agree with this, I would start the modern period with Princess and the Frog (for the attempt at reviving the renaissance) or Tangled(because that's the impetus for ALL their current CGI slate)

Funny as hell, I love Hades to death
>Hunchback of Notre Dame
Great film, although Gypsies IRL are fucking scumbags, and I can’t take Frollo seriously anymore thanks to the Frollo Show
Damn good, used to be my favorite disney film, but Lion King and Beauty and the Beast have overtaken the spot as I grew up and my tastes have changed over time
Great film, I wish for it to come back in Kingdom Hearts, and it’s honestly The last high quality Disney film for me (Early 2000s are good, but just weren’t the same quality)

Pocahontas is one of their most beautiful 2D films because of it though.

I haven't seen it since I was a kid but I have some of the fondest memories of this movie. Is it just nostalgia I'm having user?

Hercules, Mulan and Tarzan are fine, I don't like the other two. Also Hercules came after Hunchback of Notre Dame, not before.

I always forget it exists.
>The Emperor's New Groove
Funny movie it's alright.
>Atlantis: The Lost Empire
It's okay.
>Lilo & Stitch
Not bad at all.
>Treasure Planet
>Brother Bear
>Home on the Range
Absolutely Dreadful.

Probably not. I saw it years ago and was young enough, and I never thought it was that great, so if you remember it fondly, you must have liked it when you were a kid originally as well. No telling what you'll think of it if you rewatch it now though.

It's often held up by people as an underrated hidden gem of Disney's. I think it has a bit of a cult following.

Is it the modern Black Cauldron?

No, because it's actually good instead of being something with lost potential.

>Home on the Range

I didn't even know this existed.

You didn't miss much. It's not so much hateable as intensely mediocre. (It also had the ignominy of being Disney's last 2D feature until The Princess and the Frog came along.)

I mostly agree with that list so I'll just accept that thing as not worth the time. Something that strikes me as obvious is the fact all those movies were made to humor animators first (aka letting a bunch of autistic enthusiasts with no storytelling skills take control), then expect to make money because kids are stupid and can be fed anything kiddy friendly.

recently similar thing happened with Bighero6 and _Frozen_

how do you think Disney would look like now, if Eisner promoted Katzenberg instead of himsel f for CEO? Would it be more edgy?

I think the downfall of Disney's 2D animation started here. When I watched it it felt more like a long TV episode with silly humor than a movie.

it was supposed to be another epic musical, execs meddled so much they created a very funny movie, not very epic though.

It was Disney's white flag.

>We give up, have some loud obnoxious hideous dreamworks faces and snarky animaniacs to entertain your dumb kids before 3D animation makes us completely irrelevant

Especially bullshit since the Incan empire is a super-fascinating setting, and their society was quite unlike anything else ever seen in history.

And before you annoy me with "whataboutAladdin" the original 1000 and 1 nights was a collection of stories taken from all across the islamic world from iberia to india, which is reflected in the movie's artstyle. It's not Las Vegas, it's not an endless referential bonanza, it very clearly retells the story of Aladdin.

Then they decided to make another epic with Treasure Planet and found out that their target audience had contracted a severe case of shit taste when they weren't looking.

Treasure Planet is awful. You can't just have your movie be in steampunk space for no reason. That's like if The Little Mermaid was set in a fire kingdom and they all swim around in lava. Why? What's wrong with the ocean? Would Moana be a better movie if Maui was an ayy and had a lightsaber instead of a hook?

Watched one and two. Simba was dubbed by the same voice actor as He-man in my country. It was powerfull.

God I hate Zeus character in Hercules. They turned the most brutal and masculine god in Greek mythology and archetypical father figure into some autistic one-dimensional nu-male trash. Hades and Megara are great though

>You can't just have your movie be in steampunk space for no reason.

That's not a complaint I expected to see on a board dedicated to magical boys and adults in tight latex suits.

>Good work defeating that villain and saving the townsfolk, stranger. Now put on this green jumpsuit!
>You know, in the past 80 years, you're the first one to ask


It's still gay even if you're the pitcher. If you want thunder-god masculinity then look no further than Thor, now there's a guy you'll never see dressed up like a woman.