How does Sup Forums feel about Mira?

How does Sup Forums feel about Mira?

I don't think there's a single Nicole Sullivan character that Sup Forums doesn't like. She just gets overshadowed by Shego since the latter's show lasted longer and got a lot more exposure.

Mira is one of those characters like Wuya that people overwhelmingly approve of that just doesn't get much fanart for whatever reason.

I hardly even know ‘a!

I think she's the only example I've seen of the "princess who doesn't want to be treated like a princess" character type whose personality is such that you could genuinely forget that she's a princess if the show didn't remind you of it. I like that.

If the tits are blue, I'll probably fap happily.

feel about mira? hell i can't even touch her.

I wish Franny got more attention

She's been on my to-draw list for a while.

And she turns yellow instead of tanning. There's an episode where she gets burnt at the beach. She can also move through solid matter, but loses that power if she's too close to certain other aliens on her planet. Of course she gets stuck.

She actually gets more attention that Mira does. Especially relative to how much screentime they have compared to each other.

Turning yellow is tanning for her.

>no extra arms, eyes, or a tail
>no giantess or mini girl
>no muscles or thicc
>no loli or milf
>just a human with weird color skin

pretty meh

In other hand the great council woman of Lilo and sticht, hmmm

Mira has two pages worth of material in her tags on paheal and the drawbooru and even on more mainstream places like dA, I see more content for her then Franny.

And I think the only Franny material on HF is some hypno shit with a fembot Doris

One of many waifus in a underrated show.


That episode she became a slime thing was good.
Nos4a2 was the best character though.

She needs more cheesecake

Good taste

>like Wuya
user please, the thread's already about one A+++ redhead. I can't handle more.


>regular looking human
>paint her blue
>she's an alien!

Cut the bullshit user. Buzz Lightyear is retro pulp sci-fi. Randomly colored females as an alien race is 100% appropriate.

What do I think of her?
Huge tits by canon design.
Big ass, and wide hips, by canon design.
Underrepresented in the drawn smut department.

how haven't thought about this show since I was 6 or 7. I just looked it up,and of course Patrick Warburton was Buzz. Wow thanks a lot OP, I see they have pretty much the whole series on youtube.

>Taste this bad

It's a shame when shows with great characters end before their time. Not only does it stifle potential creative output, the show often ends up less-discussed, preventing future generations from discovering it as easily.

We need artwork of both of them together.