Ultimate Marvel Chronological Storytime

Chapter 6: One, Two, Three, Four

>What's being storytimed?

Ultimate Marvel, later known as Ultimate Comics, was an imprint of comic books published by Marvel Comics, featuring re-imagined and updated versions of the company's superhero characters from the Ultimate Universe. The imprint was launched in 2000 with the publication of the series Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate X-Men, providing new original stories for the characters. The Marvel Multiverse, which comprises an infinite number of galaxies and alternate universes, calls this universe Earth-1610.

And anything that crosses over with it. All in chronological order.

>Why are you doing this?

Because there's a lot of good stuff that people ignored that deserves recognition and even the bad stuff can be fun.

>Can I just download it all instead?

Yes, but it won't be for a while. I overheated my last video card and am paranoid about having it happen again so will only be uploading when I am home.

>Where can I catch up?

Right here pastebin.com/7muZgPny

>Will this obnoxious OP be used every time?
No, just until I can think of something better.

Other urls found in this thread:


Getting this out of the way now because I won't have time tomorrow

































Not only is the Spectrum mini incredibly slow-paced, they're also repeating parts of it. What happened here? Were there issues with publication or was the writer struggling to meet deadlines?





No, outside of that is from JMS's Supreme Power







I've said it once and I'll say it again, this needs to be the final shot of a Hyperion film trailer

Supreme Feels














With a world changing, ground breaking, earth moving, landmark movie on the horizon let's take a look at the origin of Ultimate Black Panther who I prefer to 616 but what do I know, I'm white







Reminder that making him mute and an experiment was racist I am so glad I quit going to CBR





But wasn't the savage land discovered years earlier back in that scene with Xavier and Mags harvest MGH from Wolverine and using it to kill a raptor? And wasn't Magneto naturally resistant to telepathy when he first met Xavier?




I love the idea of a Black Panther that had everything stripped away from him and his life stolen only to have Captain America help him on his way home . We could have gotten a really cool miniseries that did flashbacks as well as current day Wakanda.

I have your answer right here i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/072/236/770.gif



I giggled



I like having this scene take place all the way back here setting up Ultimatum early















probably going too far to say that the writers were racist in rewriting the ult character that way, but they are drawing a pretty explicit connection here with the tests that ult fury went through, which themselves were based on real-life experiments on syphilis and mustard gas taht were conducted on black citizens during World War II
