A man bends over backwards for a girl, but she still ignores him like the rejecting bitch she is...

>a man bends over backwards for a girl, but she still ignores him like the rejecting bitch she is, and he is somehow the bad guy
Fuck this show

Hey did this show manage to do something interesting yet?

didn't he try to kill the bears or something
fuck him

They deserve to die for being apart of a dumb dull show that opend the door for more SOL shit like craig of the creek or summer camp island

>Women aren't allowed to choose who they want to be with for themselves, and are obligated to go out with a guy if they make an attempt, essentially becoming participation ribbons that you can put your dick in

This show is Boring & Gynocentric. Boring for the obvious reasons and Gynocentric because EVERY male character is presented lousily. Female Characters are always saints. Whoever created this garbage. Fuck them to hell.

Stick to TTG, it's probably your kind of show

Have you not fucking heard of nice guy syndrome? Read about asap so you can avoid being retarded

Or have a literal Nice Guy web comic storytime

I hate TTG for being just as dumb and unfunny, fuck you

>crazy white guy does crazy white guys shit for puss he believes he's entitled to
>stays crazy when he doesn't get it

>Lars and Sadie had the exact same episode except genders reversed
>Sadie did nothing wrong

>We Bare Bears need an antagonist for an episode
>its a guy

Because it was obviously trying to say the not so subtle “men are evil and are violent mosnters for even wanting to fuck women”, not even steven universe is this insane.

Didn't he do something like hide supplies or know a way off the island? And then try to kill the bears for finding out? He coulda just raped and killed her and then left and nobody would have known.

Then go fuck the first gay guy who flirts with you since apparently everyone has to never say no to anyone ever

Its true though. Nothing he did was out of the ordinary for a white guy

That's stupid for either gender, though. Unless you really think you are obligated to fuck 400 pound Bubba or your 95-year-old great-great-grandma just because they decided that morning that they wanted to screw you. Or else you're an asshole who deserve to die for not I dunno, being an on call male whore, I guess?

Seriously why does this board give people shit for not fucking every goddamn person who wants to fuck them, even if they don't like that person? Isn't that a good thing?

I never said no one can say no, im saying that this is obvious men are evil bullshit written by a feminist or a male guilt faggot.

Sounds like the show for your level

Life is crazy right? You should kill yourself. That would show them.

You're being deranged, honestly. What's next? They're slutshaming the audience because they are depicting panda going on a date with a girl instead of using his tindr app?

>completely ignoring the fact that he prolonged their stay on the island in order to induce stockholm syndrome on her,so she'd fall for him so he could suddenly reveal that he had a functioning raft stashed away somewhere.

You reached just to make this thread, didn't you OP? That's cool.

...There are a ton of normal guys in the show too
You're looking way too hard into it

>everything I don't agree with is feminist propaganda by default
You're paranoid

Well, yeah. I mean, do you WANT things to go back to caveman diplomacy? We’re certainly not letting you run this, women are terrible at leading positions.

>summer cucked island



People like the San people who actually live like our ancestors did for most of history are often actually really chill and cool, ironically.

Nobody is obligated to fuck somebody just because they're being nice for them. If you were stranded on the island with that guy, would you let him fuck you in the ass just because he's bending over backwards for you?

If he was keeping me alive than yeah I would

>Nothing he did was out of the ordinary for a white guy
Go away dobson

Difference between obligation and being the bad guy

But he hid supplies from you. This is after you find out.

see he should have let her flounder on her own till she came begging to him for help. then told her to fuck off until she offer to fuck him. then it's her idea.


>white people amirite guys

He kept her trapped there on purpose OP. It wasn't right.

What you should be complaining about is when Steven Universe did the same plot with the genders reversed and the woman was in the right.

He was actively stopping her from leaving the island

A mudslime occasionally appears in the background

knowing this show it prob managed to fuck the formula up.

Also compare: Steven Universe, Lars and Sadie island episode.

Sadie was in love though.

>ywn trick user into giving sexual favors for his survival

Impossible. We bare bears is way too bland to try and push any sort of agenda

According to Steven universe if a girl hides the way off an island the man has no right to get mad

It may be and but come on, do you see all the sandniggers in the background

It never said she was in the right. But it never really punished hey for it either, and it was wrong so they should have.
Another thing in SU - they make it clear that both Greg and Rose have an over fetish for.. pink haired giantesses? I feel like I'm another context it would be wonderful to be attracted to the physical...

That's 100% corrent, no one owes you anything if you do things for them without them asking, but it feels like they do to you since you feel entitled to female attention.

She was being a stubborn roastie who wanted nothing to do with him, fuck that bitch she deserved to be raped at tht point

I never understood this episode because the guy was keeping her there for what? Over a year? and at no point did he not just go full rape lord on her? I mean, he is keeping her trap there and she hadn't reciprocated for all that time, his mind should have snapped and the bears should have seen a man with a leashed naked women.
>completely forgot that she could overpower him easily
>he might have already tried raping her but she beat him back and just pity him not knowing his other actions
right, nevermind

>completely forgot that she could overpower him easily
Once again proof this whole episode was anti male shit

Yup that one guy was obviously suppose to represent the entire male gender
You're very smart

WBB is the most boring, and unoffensive show and yet I've still watched every episode. They're clearly doing something right.

I like this

Unlike the girl, you are just a whore

Fuck you for encouraging that dull piece of shit with your ratings.
At least user puts out unlike that prudish dyke