She could have crippled that guy

She could have crippled that guy.

It only a tragedy when a woman gets crippled.

Barbara wouldn't stand for it.

It would have been hot if the girlfriend got in a fight with Barbera for doing that to her man. With lots of clothes ripping. And mud.

That would have been 10 times better.

And it was played up as her being a mental wreck. It was to show that she was losing her shit

It was vacuous GRL POWA and you know it.

Timm is such a fucking hack.

He must be self-inserting or something with how he has batman fucking ALL THE CHICKS.

We're supposed to feel sorry for her when she gets shot. They did a terrible job of doing it.

Definitely. I wonder how that guy would feel if he found out she got crippled after nearly crippling him.

I don't like this idea, I LOVE it. Someone should think of names for the two randos and then write a story about it.

Is he attached to produce any other movie?. Is he attached to the Squad: Hell to Pay movie?

Why did this guy had such a fucking gigantic nose
Either he was Shlomo or Penguin's son

Haft of me want to agree with you all. But I also think this crap movie doesn't matter and all of you are just feeling threaten.

Babs was/is absolutely worthless as batgirl, on top of that basically every other one does it better to boot.

She was literally just a (bitchy) checkbox.

She only became worthwhile at all as Oracle, filling a niche in the batfamily and the wider superhero community and actually having a reason to exist.

If you were going to add her to a modern adaptation you should have her already in the wheelchair, no joker shooting her in the spine required.
Joker getting to walk away after doing something like that just continues to make the upholders of justice look lame and ineffectual.

No, that’s James Tucker.

Why didn't Batman just cripple Joker like he crippled Barbara?

I'd make it so she lost the use of her legs during an Earthquake, saving one of the batfamily maybe even Dinah.

>Babs was/is absolutely worthless as batgirl, on top of that basically every other one does it better to boot.
What did Steph bring to the table that was any better or unique in any way?

Seeing as they basically turned the modern batgirl into Steph...

what movie is this?

The Murdering Punchline.

I know that the book is absolute tripe, but Burnside is probably my favorite Batgirl look.

The Deadly Pun.

The Homicidal Prank.

Would the first few minutes of this movie have been bareable if it was a Batman/Batgirl vs Joker prologue?

The Lifeless Quip

Underrated post. Sup Forums slow on the draw.

More like the other way around. When they changed Steph into Batgirl they drop everything recognizable about Stephanie Brown and made her so generic that Kristen bell could play her.


This is a universe where regular people break concrete walls when they get thrown into them, who gives a shit.

Oh fuck that's good.

Tarr's designs are cute, her women are all gorgeous and her sense of momentum is fantastic. She's a very capable artist and it's interesting to see another side to Gotham, even if that side is "hipster underbelly".
