So... Why was this panned again? I just finished watching it, since it's flooded the web...

So... Why was this panned again? I just finished watching it, since it's flooded the web, and it wasn't a bad movie; not the greatest thing ever released, but no different than any of the other Marvel films. I don't get the hate for it.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's hip to hate DC, just like it's hip to hate on Star Trek.

Disney paid off the critics to bash it

It wasnt great, but I thought it was fun.

Just gonna post this here before someone posts PS2 Steppenwulf.

What the fuck did I just watch?

Quality film-making, apparently.

>DC books run a wide gamut of quality over nearly a century.
>Pick up bits and pieces from a few mediocre stories and a minor character from a great story.
>Fall below even the mediocrity you're basing yourself on.
>In a market saturated with this genre


Like seriously, are you bitches for real? "It didn't stab my dog, so why do people dislike it?" You don't get a participation trophy. If you can pick up something mediocre like Johns' Justice League and have a better time than watching the movie, the movie's not very good. It failed to even reach the bar set by "Who the hell is Bruce Wayne?", much less any of the actually interesting JLA runs. What's there to like?

Who am I kidding? This is a Sup Forums thread, you cunts don't care.

Oh so you hate DC comics? Marvel have had maybe 5 readable comics the past decade.

>Why can't the movie be even half as good as McDuffie JLA? Why is it even worse than Johns'? I just want some kind of standards met.

Go away, Sup Forums, I'm sick of your shit.

I'll list 'em for you for the crack.
>Legion by Spurrier
>Vision by Kind
>Uncanny X-Force by Remender
umm... Hickman Fantastic Four at a push...

I just wish it was more like BVS.

Why did this thread deflect to Marvel not only before 10 posts, but in the very OP?

>Disney paid off critics
Silly user... They did it for free.

you misread what he said I think.

to be fair I did too.the combination of the first and second points when skimming look like "dc is good to shit and so what did you expect." Upon taking more than a moment I realized you'd said they took parts from the mediocre instead of the great and that they didn't even adapt those well-enough.


ANGR and Superior Foes were good.

Because tribalism is alive and well, just traded the tribe for corporations.
All in all though, I did like Justice League, and so far Mamoa as Arthur and tsundere Mera got me pretty psyched for Aquaman

because everytime a marvel movie comes out it's not compared to other marvel movies but to BvS because then they get to meme and talk shit about WB.

it's not "free" when you invite them to private screenings and events and send them home with goodie bags and send them "for your consideration" dvds to make them feel like professionals come Blu Ray release time when they post a picture like a good shill and remind everyone this last one was totes the best of them all so far.

This is why I stopped taking Midnight's Edge seriously. Those guys were fanboying for this movie and TLJ so hard and it was clear they were Disney shills, when they avoided tackling on the Inhumans controversy.

>it's not "free" when you invite them to private screenings and events and send them home with goodie bags and send them "for your consideration" dvds to make them feel like professionals come Blu Ray release time when they post a picture like a good shill and remind everyone this last one was totes the best of them all so far.
Why isn't WB doing the same thing?

Don't remind me. They shit on STD so hard but call people haters and trolls for doing the same to TLJ. They're even asshurt enough to get into arguments in the commend section.

How many times this must be explained?


That's it, WB took lazy decisions and paid for it.

>when they avoided tackling on the Inhumans controversy.
Wait wait wait, there's like an entire 40 minute video about the Inhumans going wrong.

They do but Disney was there first. When people don't get that Blu Ray from Disney and they can't bask in the clicks and views they get from day one "reviews" they quickly decide to go with the company releasing more movies annually because it means more consistent traffic.

Also, with the recent aquisitions Disney is so fucking powerful that everyone pretty much has to do what they say or they're locked out of press events. It happened last year with the LA Times IIRC.

>Directors think that Watchmen Directors Cut is an under-rated and under-appreciated masterpiece
Okay, but remember that you need to be tucked in at 8PM if you wanna get your numnums and story before bed!

Its funny that they give shit to STD for throwing its old audience under the bus in search of a new one, when TLJ does all that. It makes them look like that company loyalty is at play and will attack any and all companies like Sony or CBS, but turn the other eye when Disney does it.
>They're even asshurt enough to get into arguments in the commend section.
Yep. I recall that when commenters were calling out Connors for giving a pass to TLJ for being "Star Wars" out of his own words, he deleted the entire fucking vid in shame.

That is mostly a review of the first two episodes (which summed up as "well that sucks") and when it comes to talking about behind the scenes issues, you can tell they are walking on eggshells and use the most vague language imaginable.

Yeah, sure that's why Pirates 5 got such rave reviews and box office

I genuinely enjoyed the movie.

Honestly, I'm hard pressed to think of anything that really bothered me other than Lois serving no purpose.

Superman's resurrection and confrontation with the League was a cool scene.

>not the greatest thing ever released,
This is why. I'm not saying this as a Marvel vs DC thing, because I like both and liked the movie too, but DC movies have been dragged through the mud so hard (whether deserved or not) to a point where they're very easy targets for critism. Therefore in order to get any leeway in public opinion it has to make some of mindblowing film in order to be taken seriously because at this point we've seen a lot of DC films and a lot of comic book movies already.
So when Justice League comes out and it's honestly an okay comic book movie but JUST "okay" that's not enough, especially when some bits that made it "okay" may have felt like changes done to be more like Marvel, like the "quips" that people love to bring up, I suppose.

TL;DR: "It being no different than any of the other Marvel films" already means it didn't do much on its own to stand out.

>I don't get the hate for it.

You might just have to accept that you have bad taste in movies.

Because DC fans are triggered over the success of the MCU

So... You do something different that was enjoyable, Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, and your panned because it's not a Marvel movie. Do exactly what Marvel does with their films, with Justice League, and it's panned because it's more of the same. So, WB can't win, pretty much? Unless it's Wonder Woman, because than it doesn't matter since it has a female lead.

You know nothing about the films I watch. What is a "good movie" in your opinion?

Because there are only two settings when it comes to these movies.
Worst thing ever and God's New Gift to Mankind

It was a a giant meh, what made people shit on it harder was that the added suff was way to obvious even for the general audiences. BvS also turned off a lot of the audience. Combine those two factors and you also get an awful BO. I mean they found SS more enjoyable than this.

The movies were bad regardless of the style

Zack the Hack is a bad director, no matter if he try to copy Nolan or Whedon style because he can't copy their talent.


CG moustache removal

Marvelshills hate it because it was an actually fun enjoyable capeflick
DCshills hate it because it was like a Marvel film which means it was actually a fun and enjoyable capeflick

Is this the theatric version or the slightly extended one?

I never saw it in theaters, so no clue

well i saw the movie so i guess i can tell you what i didn't like about it.
>the effects
these were honestly the worst effects i've ever seen in a big budget blockbuster. steppenwolf looks fucking terrible and i see no reason that they couldn't just use makeup and prosthetics to make him not look like a video game character in every scene he's in. characters like superman flying around look really unnatural, it's like cgi is in this weird uncanny valley stage that we still haven't quite gotten down 25 years after jurassic park. you cannot post webms from marvel movies that also look awful and claim they make the movie worse and defend or ignore this
>the story
just kind of throwaway, really nothing special. a big bad guy wants to collect some macguffins that will cause chaos and destruction the world over. gee that sounds familiar. it's just an excuse to get the justice league together but it sounds like the plot of most standalone marvel movies.
i went in expecting at least some dumb fun action scenes to enjoy, but due to just how bad they looked and how little they made sense, i couldn't really get any enjoyment out of them short of schadenfruede. i'm supposed to take aquaman seriously in his movie when he and all the other atlanteans jobbed so just some guy on their home turf? the movie is full of crap like this.
>the superman is ressurected scene and doesn't remember who he is so he fights the justice league
this was fucking stupid and needlessly padded an already lengthy movie. i'm not saying don't have a conflict here, but this was a terrible way to handle it and i just felt like my time was being wasted.
while i actually enjoyed a lot of the interactions between them as they all have decently fleshed out personalities, i can't say i enjoyed a lot of the performances or actual characters and dialogue. a lot of flash's lines were just fucking bad and gal sounds a lot worse than she did in wonder woman, i don't know what happened there.

Did it have the scene where Supes walk though the ship looking for his suit?


Wasn't an excellent movie but was very fun to watch. My theater went apeshit and made it more fun as an experience.

Then it's probably theatrical release

My gripe with Flash was that he was more Wally than Barry. And I get he's supposed to be "some young guy whose still green", but I mean, it's implied that he's already dealt with Captain Boomerang, to a degree, so I don't see why he'd act so cowardly all the time, outside of being the comic relief.

It probably would have flopped harder critically and been an even worse financial disaster.

My gripe with Flash was that he was more Wally than Barry.

Stop this meme, he's more Bart than Wally.

More Wally written by Timm*

Is that better?

>So, WB can't win, pretty much?
Yeah, pretty much. Like you said, Wonder Woman gets to be great because (besides actually being pretty good) it features a strong Female lead which Marvel hasn't done much of.

I personally thought WW fell apart in the final act of the film, especially with Ares, but that's just me.

they can win they just have to make good fucking movies. they haven't done that yet. actually they did do that a few years ago when this one movie called the dark knight came out, you know, the one that everyone still considers one of the best superhero movies of all time to this day and the one that directly influenced the choice to make the dceu dark and gritty as my shit. there's no company bias because normal people, the mass viewing audience, isn't Sup Forums. we don't have company wars in the normal people world, people just want to see good movies. or at least bad movies that suit their agendas like wonder woman.

You're starting to sound like a falseflag

Based Elfman.

Everyone consider TDKR good except memers


TDK would have been much better for critics if it had quips, a post-credit scene and a team dynamics with a rag tag bunch of misfits.

Because it was fucking awful.

This. OP when people say it's bad they don't mean from an entertainment perspective, it's garbage from a plot, character devlopement, etc. perspective.


Who the fuck thought those effects for Flash look good at all? CW does a far better job with Flash effects

not only that but this flash is a total faggot

Isn't this rush hour?

ITT DCfans with bad taste in movies.
Let's see:
Superman is badly mauled by CGI, the movie tries way too hard (and awkwardly) to backpedal Superman into always being a beloved figure of Hope, even after the previous two movies had "Superman is alarming and controversial" as key plot points.

Batman's character is completely shit upon; he's now desperately worshiping the Supercock. Convinced that Superman is simply a better human being, (apparently because Martha?) after fighting him once and going to his funeral. Spends the entire movie being ineffectual, whiny, pathetic and at one point suicidal.

Wonder Woman. Her character development from her solo film was problematic, so let's just ignore that this film. She's still unenthusiastic and tore up about Steve, and never got around to "being like Superman". Which is an odd thing for Batman to criticize, as he just tried to kill a guy for being that. But again, Batman is butchered.
Aquaman. Turned into PG-rated Lobo in a hail Mary attempt to keep him from being a joke, and to be the team Drax. Is still an ineffectual joke in the movie.
The Flash is easily the most annoying character in all of comic movie history. Hammy, try-hard nerdy, he just goggles and apes and quips and pratfalls his way through the entire fucking film. It's like someone saw the Robot Chicken episode with Snerkles and thought "That is actually a great character!"
Cyborg. Decently acted, looks worse than "face pasted over CGI" Green Lantern. Only there for a contrived plot raisin. Still the least awful.\

The villain. Steppenwulf is the latest in DCEU's line of garbage CGI villains, who would have believed that Shannon's one-note hammery as Zod would be the high point of the entire franchise? But there it is.

The Story. Aliens come down in blue beams to steal the Magic Plot Item, abloo-bloo-bloo we need Superman because WW is suddenly a wimp, Superman comes back and easily wrecks everyone. The End.

wasted potential and decent ideas poorly executed like the rest of the dceu

>So... Why was this panned again?
No idea.


is there a >shadman
edit yet?


The movie was objectively a hot diarrhea mess, keep whinging DCuck

>Sup Forums
I can think of one big reason why they wouldn't mention his name.

>the background is on loop while Flash is running
Is this an upcoming episode of Flash? Is that the new Savitar?

It got the rating it deserved. It was entertaining but bad. The problem here is all the shit Marvel movies that got praise.

The Fat Conductor laughed and said, "You are a faggot."

>The Flash is easily the most annoying character in all of comic movie history. Hammy, try-hard nerdy, he just goggles and apes and quips and pratfalls his way through the entire fucking film

Haven't bothered to watch it, but the general criticism is that it tries to ape the Marvel formula too much, but with worse effects and worse villain somehow. Funny how fans from the start of the DCEU claimed that it would try to set a tone that would distinguish itself from the MCU in that it would take itself more seriously and be less quippy while having deep and complex characters that engage the audience on a higher level of thinking or some bull like that, claiming better villains on top of all that. I watched MoS and thought it was okay, sat bored through BvS, and made an utter mistake of paying and watching that burning pile of horseshit called Suicide Squad, skipping JL was the natural course of action.

How did we go from this

to THIS!?

well the comic book flash is a smarmy cunt too, a likeable one, that is.
The movie just poorly adapted flash.

The greatest crime a superhero movie that was hyped to hell can commit, is to be average.

You know ONE thing I don't get about DCEUfags who also happen to hate the MCU?

>Marvel makes a bunch of formulaic movies, which range from not being too good, to being okay, to being great
>they hate on these movies
>WB makes a generic, uninspired mess that's, in many ways, even worse than the MCU's worst movies while also simultaneously ripping off its quippy, more lighthearted tone
>DCEUfags eat it up and talk about how it's "not that bad"

So can we admit that you guys are just hipsters now?

What if I like Man of Steel, BvS and Wonder Woman but think Suicide Squad and Justice League are garbo?

they're all from Sup Forums of course they're contrarian for the sake of standing out and pretending that they have some kind of ascended taste when really they're just eating the same kind of trash as people who like mcu movies. i like some mcu movies sure, but i won't pretend they're high art or anything, they're competently made action blockbusters even if some are forgettable at best and thor 2 at worst.

At least that doesn't make you a fucking hypocrite.

>i like some mcu movies sure, but i won't pretend they're high art or anything, they're competently made action blockbusters even if some are forgettable at best and thor 2 at worst.
See, that's the thing. Most MCU fans openly admit that they're not really GOAT-tier or anything, just competently-to-well-made superhero action movies. But DCEUfags act like their movies are high fucking art and it's frustrating to no end considering how flawed DCEU movies are, even Wonder Woman, which I genuinely enjoyed a lot.

Wait what, what's the story here

Fuck, I'm so glad we got what we did and I didn't even particularly care for Steppenwolf. The concept version looks like it misses the point of the New Gods entirely.

i enjoyed some of wonder woman, i thought the interactions between the characters were nice and it's something i thought was decently done in justice league too, but god the final act just kills the movie for me. like this surprisingly mature theme that evil doesn't have one source you can just eliminate and it exists naturally within people, that's kind of cool. but no, we needed a big dumb video game boss fight at the end.

That looks like dogshit

>Haven't bothered to watch it, but

aaaaand the rest of your bullshit opinion is invalid from the start.

The final act and Ares could have been great. All they had to do to make Ares a great villain is to change his motivation from "Huurrr I wanna kill da Humans" to "I want to make man stronger through war".

And when he was in the armor shrouding Thewlis face completely and distorting his voice wouldn't have hurt.

It wasn't most normies says it's the best DC movie other than WW and it was a huge step in the right direction. The only people that hated it are butthurt Snyder fanboys and Marvel console wars fags.

This. The movie wasn't horrible, it was alright. Just that, alright. But coming off the massive success of Wonder Woman and the equally massive failures of BvS and Suicide Squad, DC's answer to the Avengers didn't stack up at all. It had no hope in high hell of succeeding anyway, filming began straight after BvS was released, and the characters in the film that weren't Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman had no solo film to develop their characters and tell the audience what to expect from them. Add in dogshit cgi and a completely bland and butchered steppenwolf, and the bad ended up outweighing the good.

The efforts to repair tone and characterization were certainly a step in the right direction, but I doubt it'll be enough to save the franchise's financial situation when facing off against Marvel's future movies.

that's a lot of implications there that marvel fans are starting console war fights. i really don't see that too often, it's almost always the other way around. if someone talks any trash about any dc movie it's out of the fucking woodworks to trash marvel instantaneously. i'm not even being defensive to marvel but i hate that i have to specify that because i know for a fact if i don't someone is going to call me a brainless marvel shill for just saying that dcfags are way more defensive about their movies than marvelfags.

As a DCfag, it fucking infuriates me how WB dropped the ball so hard on this one. I have my issues with the MCU, mainly that the extensive universe pandering done by modern media and the predictability of many of the plots make it pointless to watch any of them apart from the crossovers. WB had the chance to make a true competitor to Marvel and THEY FUCKING BLEW IT!

MoS, BvS and SS are awful awful movies. They are terribly cut, awfully paced and hilariously over budget for subpar effects. That doesn't mean Marvel movies are just better, but DC is so fucked in their production space. They just keep rewriting and recutting every movie in an attempt to grab anything that Marvel succeeds at. GotG was well received and so was our Squad trailer? Let's hire the trailer company to cut it and make the first 30 minutes a music video! They desperately need a loving touch from a comic fan. Even Wonder Woman ended up having a weak ending (not the worst crime, but a bit disappointing from a strong otherwise movie that fumbled the last 30 minutes). WB won't be able to fix their mistakes though. They know and everyone else does that they bit off more than they could chew and fucked up spectacularly, Best hope is to pray that Capt Marvel will be a great all ages movie that captures the best feelings of the DC

>but I mean, it's implied that he's already dealt with Captain Boomerang, to a degree, so I don't see why he'd act so cowardly all the time, outside of being the comic relief.

IIRC, all he did to Digger was push him and then the cops cape. Which is even what he says in the dialog, he doesn't know how to fight, he just pushes people. He's never been in a dangerous "fight alien beings who could easily kill him" situation. He's intimidated because for the first time since gaining his powers he's faced a situation that has actual stakes and danger to him. He's afraid he'll fuck up because he's so green compared to everybody else. He has no training, he just runs. And as we see in the movie, he trips and falls around occasionally because he sometimes doesn't pay attention to where he's running.

>all he did to Digger was push him and then the cops came
I never got why this was considered "tangled with a metahuman and survived" to Waller. Like, if you needed a reason for Captain Boomerang to be on the team you can just say "he's really skilled at using boomerangs and has a bunch of specialised ones that can be useful." You've already got a stripper and a guy with a skin condition on your team, why do the film makers feel embarrassed enough by a guy whose skills would actually matter on a stealth ops team like this to make up some bullshit reason for him to be there.