Who has the better Death Marvel or DC?

Who has the better Death Marvel or DC?

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DC's death is more interesting. Also the whole "death is a skeleton" thing is kinda overused.

Well, there is something alluring about those skeletits

But emo girl death is super original

Marvels death has actual depth and she is used in just the right way. DC's is...well DCs. More people know about Marvels because her connection to a good villain

skeleton with titties
I'm sorry, what?

I've seen a lot of emo death in newer media, but I don't think I've seen it in anything older than The Sandman.

I might be wrong, so please tell me so if that's the case

DC's death is a sandman character, shes plenty developed

It kinda is considering Death of The Endless was a rarity in showing Death as not something to fear.

Marvel's Death is so powerful that the company itself is dying.

I dont know either of them, did they showed up in any cartoons?

Don't engage Ladderbro.

>DC's is...well DCs
I see you've never read Sandman.

can not recall the last time she was brought up.


Marvel's death is a personal favorite for me, but mostly because of this one page.

The way she stares down Thanos and he slowly realizes that not even offering the universe could buy him love. Probably one of the most savage things I've seen in any comics event.

Because Gaiman has very strict control on how he allows characters he created to be used.

Yet he let's Scott Synder use Dream for Metal.

Gaiman liked Metal. Get over it.

Gaiman is too fucking nice.

What? It was Dream or Daniel?

>Just because a character isn't shoved down our throats every week means they're underdeveloped.

You don't read real books, do you?

That is know as Kuleshov effect since her face is devoid of expresion your braid adds the meaning.

Been lurking for decades and I never knew DC had it's own death. That's probably a sign of their poor story telling.


>Marvels death has actual depth and she is used in just the right way.

Marvelfags and their constant delusions.

i agree, for a guy that's produced some excellent stuff he sure can appreciate schlock when it's in front him

>this character is so well written that nobody bothers to talk about her at all and no artist wants to touch her

Or it could be that you don't actually read comics.

Well it sounds like you just don't read comics though.

we do though
she's great

just because you only stick to the shitty mainstream comics and don't read better material doesn't mean the writers are shit. DC's death is a better character than 90% of DC's characters. also, if you had actually lurked for decades and still didn't know about DC's Death.... well then you are actually a literal retard

DC no contest

>whole "death is a skeleton" thing is kinda overused.
>Culteral iconography is overused.
Imagine being this massive of a hipster. I bet you also unironically hate super heroes wearing tights.

>actual character
>LOL skeleton with boobs!

Did you lose your job or something, Ladderbro? You are shitposting a lot more lately.

not the guy but even though I don't have anything against her being a skeleton, I am bothered by her having tits. that is weak as fuck. let her either be an entire skeleton or have a proper body and face

>their death actually died

Technically speaking, she appeared in sandman overture.

>their death died
No, she's still around.

I'm pretty sure the girl that inspired Death died of cancer like last month.


>One of them is gonna be the focus of one of the greatest hero movie franchises to ever exist
>the other is poorly written by DC
I believe people will speak with their wallets


doesn't mean death herself isn't around hell she's probably busy dealing with the consent death of the worlds in the dark multiverse

>Sandman is poor writing. Deadpool's cockslut is a well-written, deep character.

The STATE of mouseketeers.

Gaiman's Death.

Simply for being pure waifu material.


She does that every 100 years

Endless don't die, they're a constant.


good post

Recommended Sandman for someone that's only read the original series and Overture?

The panels with Thanos add the meaning.

Okay. I recommend you Sandman.

It actually was by the time Sandman came out

Is this fresh bait?

Fuck is this. Death is male.

DC's death literally outlives the multiverse.
How the fuck is she going to die

The Patricians Choice

if Gaiman wrote it, read it
that's all

everything else is just sloppy or awful


I don't know, have you seen that pelvic bone?


high cost of living

>been lurking for decades
>Sup Forums is barely a decade old

> (OP)
>Marvels death has actual depth
The absolute state of this board

>Liking Bendis


It was in 1989

He has literally no control over the characters you dumb casual nigger. DC usually "asks" Gaiman to use the characters because they want to maintain a good relationship with him, and know retarded fans such as yourselves will chimp out, and Gaiman "graciously gives his permission" because he doesn't want to burn a bridge with Warner who already made one of his books into a movie, and will probably eventually do a Sandman film/tv show and make him an EP or something. He also loves the characters himself and wants to be able to write them in the future, so he doesn't want to burn that bridge either. Sandmanfags need to read other comics and understand things about the industry or shut the fuck up. Lucifer was better by the way.

You trolling? Cause if so it's fucking flawless I legit can't tell if you're being for real.

>Devoid of expression
>Furrowed brow
>set jaw
Do you have autism by any chance?

huh, well whaddya know
thanks for the info user

She was used not too long ago in Black Ring.
Not to mention she was a fan favorite supporting character in one of the most iconic and well known comic runs of all time.
Fucking Samwise from LOTR was never used in anything else but you'd be an idiot to look at him and go "nobody has used this character in decades he is so underdeveloped".

Or you do, because the artist clearly was aiming for a vacant expression,

>Lucifer was better by the way.

Marvel's Death is a slut who has spread her legs for everything from Deadpool's horrifying rotten cock to Thanos' purple people eater.
DC's remains the only female Endless who hasn't gotten her tits out.
The waifu choice is clear.


You very, very obviously have not read the comic, the entire universe is at stake. It's an intense expression.

Yes, more consistent in its art, more direct and intelligent with its themes. Story flows better too.

>ones a stuck up bitch and the other puts out
Marvel for sure is the superior choice

>story flows better
holy shit no, the story is an absolute mess that meanders aimlessly from plot point to plot point without knowing what to do with the main character, focusing on everybody else except him

Funny because it sounds like you just described Sandman, fucking hell Lucifer himself got more characterization than Dream in that book.

Quality post

Knowing how it ends, knowing what's happening, everything is consistent from the first issue and on.
Every single story leads forward to the inevitable conclusion.
And you know everything about Dream very fast. He's a solid character that's consistent thorough. His characterization is a plot point, even.
I liked Lucifer enough, I stuck with it 'til the end. But it was not a story that was well planned or executed.

Marvel's death isn't as consistent as Death of the endless. Everyone wants to use their own version of death in Marvel but there is only one frequently used form there. This wasn't much of an issue in the past since editors like Jim Shooter forced more consistent characterization and continuity but that time has passed long ago. DC has multiple avatars of death like the Black Racer, Black Flash, Necron, etc, allowing each to maintain their own niche. I like Death of the Endless better in particular because of how she happily acknowledges the revolving door nature of superheroes.

You're just jerking off Gaiman to jerk him off, none of the single issue stuff has anything to do with the ending, the first arc, save Dream being released from capture could be removed entirely without changing the ending or even the story at all, even beloved fan favorites like Hob could be entirely removed without doing shit to the ending.
>You know everything about Dream very fast
I like Dream but this is because he's a shallow character. He's basically a walking plot point for the entire fucking story, which I guess "THAT'S THE POINT" but it doesn't make him any better for it, that all works towards the plot and themes, not characterization.

Do you like dick? If you get the chance, personified everything and anything into waifu.

she shoulda been in metal

dream couldn't even fix the last thing he showed up in

they both pale in comparison.

Yeah, but this is about comic books, not actual quality literature

let's not pit pratchett against gaiman when the two were great friends

You're thinking of Marvel.

If I ever find a genie the only wish I want granted is to make Endless Death real and my wife.

Holy shit, how can someone be so stupid

There are Discworld comics (illustrated novels, really). And Deá´€tH has shown up in other works that were comics.

>I'd been keeping it secret that the story would one day end. But, around issue 30, I began dropping hints. And it was explained to me that this couldn't happen: with a successful monthly, when a writer leaves, a new one comes in. I decided not to argue. But in every interview I did, I said I hoped they would stop it when I left, because if they did I would keep on working for them. That percolated into the world and one day I got a call from Karen saying: "You know, we really can't keep this going after you're done." That was the biggest thing Sandman changed: DC's most successful comic was stopped because the writer was done. Otherwise, the brand would have been tarnished.


DC continuing Sandman without Gaiman was actual concern at the time.

so Sup Forums doesn't handle smallcaps very well.
