ITT: Characters who are HUNG

Dicklets not welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:


She looked at his but though

That's his ass, tho

His cock is so big it dangles between his legs. That's the gag. Jesus...

Sooo... who is this guy?



Daaaaamn, Spiderman hung like THAT?!



I always read that as Clint having a case od Dick-ass, not as him being hung. But I guess it works.

Post House of M / pre Secret Invasion Clint Barton (technically, he wasn't Hawkeye at the time)

Love Sausage cannot be stopped




underappreciated post


Hilde is just a slut

Literally "Chad Thundercock"

man that really didn't go anywhere FUCKING BENDIS

As everything with him. And when he does hook two characters, it suuucks hard, because they're boring pairings.

See the cases of Jessica and Luke, or Jess and Clint.

At least these two had an actual cute, sweet scene and then fucked.



Hilde is gonna lift that hammer




That first panel is hilarious. Actually so is the third one. This whole page is different levels of funny honestly.




Th-thanks user.
I don't remember showing it to you, though.


Enough innuendo, post bulges.

I'm gunna finish her... Nice and slooow.
*unzips pants*


>For this month.

Below his knees.


Rip John Henry

This is why we need shadman in the world to put white guilt girl in her place

I miss runaways. I miss old Chase before he turned into an emo fuck. I miss Gert. I miss comics with teen characters you liked as people and not just poorly written doofs. I miss when lesbian couples and characters sexual identities were woven into the rest of the story and not the entirety of a characters identity.

Homer did that user.

What? Made his dick appear a foot long? No way Homer is that good at editing.

Theres a reason he managed to hook Shehulk and have a kid with her.

Hey man.
I thought Jess and Clint were cute.

Nothing implies that, tho

You seem to be obsessed with the idea, tho. You hungry for sausages?

He's an Idiot Savant.

Nothing in the episode implies that. Flanders has a foot long penis and it's canon

t. Dicklet

>Nothing in the episode implies that.
I think ned said that Homer was very generous with the blurring.

>t. closeted fag


>tfw 8 incher
Feels good lad. Ill fuck your girl for you.

He literally says it right after the video cuts off.

He doesn't. Unless you can prove otherwise Flanders' monster cock is canon

Same, pham.

This thread is gayer than the literally gay thread that was had a few hours ago.

then why are you here

this one is for the femanons.

They were, should've, but often they were written bland. Could have been a lot better. Jess has a lot of character, and she didn't show it while Bendis wrote them. Not always, not much.

Just post character with big dicks user.
>pic related

>The nigger is right here
doing gods work



Nothing gay about discussing dicks dude, we're just discussing interesting trivia. Kinda says a lot about you that you automatically conflate dicks with homosexuality.


I mean people want to see a dudes package that's pretty gay.

God you're all so fucking gay. Faggots.

Why? Plenty of circumstances where looking at dicks isn't gay. Why is that the first place you go?

>men cant look at any other men, fictional or not, or theyre GAY
what a way to view the world. when your doctor gives you a check up, do you punch him and call him a faggot after he checks your balls for lumps?

Big fat dicks are hot.

Actually, that makes it better.


user it's ok, come out of the closet. No one cares

I bet billy is big for his age.

That's why his nickname is "Baseball Batson."

t. Homo

no u fgt






Can we have less insecure closeted guys and more pictures of packages please


>dicklet stark
user, I... even the pic you chose has his bulge pretty much flat...

don't be jealous Carlos

Bloody Hell, that's no Beast Boy. That's a man right there.

meta AF
nice one

>Love Sausage cannot be stopped
This is demonstrably false, user.

>That grin on Hilde
Freya’s nether regions, she is thirsty.

Can I get some sauce?

Image search turns up a few imger and tumblr links that don't mention the artist nor issue.

But Ribic already drew Thor's cock, and it's nothing special...

Jr's not too shabby either.


How can white humans even compete?!


oh you....

How can blackbois even compete?!