How to fuck up Joker's personality in just two panels

How to fuck up Joker's personality in just two panels.

Seriously, it's like they try to make nazi characters more likeable and kickass.

This is just sad

You're what's fucking wrong with this board.

I'm just going to assume that you are a nazi

>Being ok with hypocrites like Joker
Typical SJW moron

And I can assume you are an ANTIFA

>I'm butthurt about this of all things

You're a faggot user

>"Hur hur! Maybe I'm a bad guy but at least I'm an american bad guy!"
Typical american idiocy.

yeah, it's gay af in this context but it's suppose to be a reference to the rocketeer movie i would imagine.

See guys not even the JOKER likes nazis!
Seriously though, it was clearly played for laughs. People who post this shit on facebook as a political statement take the short bus to school.

What kind of God would give you dubs?


You don't have to be seething about images, my European friend.

>Seriously though, it was clearly played for laughs.
>anti-nazi paranoia in a country that never actually suffered by nazi like other countries have

I imagine the Joker would actually find it to be good comedic value to have patriotic standards

>I'm an ESSJAYDUBYA because I can appreciate the Golden Age Joker being a patriotic citizen
You shitlords never even consider the context of that image - it was a time when even the mob was helping the FBI root out Nazi and Italian spies, and the Joker was just an eccentric mobster at the time. "Eccentric", meaning he does unpredictable shit for the lulz - like arbitrarily deciding that treason is the one line he won't cross.

But you don't care about that, you just want an excuse to bitch about the modern Joker/shill Naziism.

This is the one motherfucker who gets it.

No we all got it, it's pretty obvious.

Same with most American outward displays of patriotism in my experience.

Allow me to explain it to you, autistic one.
Joker is...a clown. I know these days he's just a goth/punk rocker, but he used to be...a clown. He only did things because they were funny. Him being the villain he is and drawing the line at being unAmerican, is funny. Get it? It's ironic, thus humorous. Jokes, Joker, JOKER.

This. fuck off op

It's a personal dig at Frank Miller

what? why? He'd probably make a joke about how he also tried to GAS all of Gotham or teaming up will be a real GAS and then sit on a whoopie cushion and laugh his ass off.

fuck me, it's so simple. The Joker is an asshole. He isn't a nice guy.

No it isn't. I know Bruno the Trans Nazi was in TDKR, but she wasn't henching for the Joker until All-Star Batman & Robin, almost a DECADE after Batman/Captain America.

they most certainly were
it took three superpowers to kill them and they kicked a lot of ass going down.

hello newfren

>Defends Nazis.
>While bashing SJWs.
>Doesn't realize that the Nazis WERE SJWs and that Fascism was a Socialist movement centered on ethnonationalism.
You are retarded.

You strike me as the kind of guy who relates to Rick from Rick and Morty.

>what? why? He'd probably make a joke about how he also tried to GAS all of Gotham or teaming up will be a real GAS and then sit on a whoopie cushion and laugh his ass off.
>fuck me, it's so simple. The Joker is an asshole. He isn't a nice guy.
Once again, dubs are wasted on this literal-minded idiot who has never even read the story the panels are taken from.

This story, you see, takes place DURING WW2. This isn't a modern Joker who knows about Nazis from history class and movies, this is a Joker in the 1940s. Most Americans didn't even know about the gas showers and mass graves and shit until AFTER the war.

And even if he DID know, the Joker would probably take offense that you think he'd immediately go to FART JOKES.

neocommunists are such a fucking brain dead plague.

a product of the american education system everyone.



>the nazis were the only ones fighting the allies

did you forget japan and italy whom they left out to dry

or russia who they backstabbed like a little bitch and failed completely and utterly to defeat despite having the upper hand


This is 40's Joker who probably wouldn't work with Nazi's.

Really though, if you think about it, the Joker is essentially an anathema to what the Nazis stood for and represented. The Nazis were hardcore authoritarians with a very streamlined way of getting rid of people they didn't like and weren't a whole lot of fun. The Joker, by contrast, feels that it's a waste to not make theatrics out of killing people, and makes a point of sharing his twisted brand of "fun" with the world. Nevermind that he would be right behind the Jews on the Nazi kill list, if we're being realistic.

Modern day Joker would probably still team up with the likes of Red Skull, but would likely find him very boring and 2serious for his tastes.

Go back to Sup Forums

>schindler's list
>jews thrown in gas shower
>everyone starts screaming and panicking
>it's a normal shower
>water starts coming out

Classic Joker prank, that.

>Can't argue against historical facts.
>Resorts to bashing America.

Joker would work with Nazi's only to wind up betraying them and Joker-gassing them in their own gas chambers. Possibly while revealing that his mother was Jewish or something or that the best comedians and comedy writers are all Jewish and hes killing the nazis out of respect for them.

That's not funny though.

>the best comedians and comedy writers are all jewish

I only came to this thread to watch faggots defend nazis while also touting their unparalleled patriotism.

You cannot be a proud american and a neonazi.

>who is GLR

which part of national socialism is incompatible with patriotism?

>it's like they try to make nazi characters more likeable and kickass
Maybe you're one of us.

>everybody on Sup Forums is amerimutt

i thought Sup Forums unironically loved this years ago. It was so out of the blue, only the Joker would have this sort of ridiculous reaction.

It’s a joke. Why are you getting so upset over The Joker not liking Nazis?

The part 400,000 americans died to protect.

Dog bless usa

Trying to write the joker is the easiest way to tell someone can't write.

>The part 400,000 americans died to protect.
protect what? USA did dogshit in WWII


epic insult achmed

So many people are being called nazis for no reason now that Sup Forums feels the need to defend nazis.

Joker confirmed for being butt hurt over holocaust jokes I bet.


>The part 400,000 americans died to protect.
so, we aren't talking about ideologies, but about facts?
National Socialism has nation in it's name, you can be a patriot, work with values it had, and somehow manage to not kill anyone, being both proud american and national socialism. If we're going the way "someone was killed in a name of ideology, therefore you can't use it anymore" what exactly can we be? Not christians that's for sure.

Wtf are you talking about? Are you defending your political ideology or the actual Hitler led Nazis that America declared war against? You brought up "national socialism," not anyone else. Sounds like you're trying to water down your Hitler fetish.

Supporting Nazism is as treasonous as supporting ISIS.

ISIS are the good guys

ideology, you moron. And what do you think "nazism" stands for if not for abbreviation of National Socialism?


>Nazis WERE SJWs and that Fascism was a Socialis

>Nazis can't be likeable

that's bullshit from a crossover
meanwhile canon joker doesn't give two shits and was briefly the ambassador of iran

This board is autistic, OP is a brain demaged isiot that deserves death, most of the 36 IPs here are from retarded people - and not any one - the cuckiest Sup Forums babies.

Only fucking person here who understood why they included that. How somebody cant see the obvious is incredible, I even believe that most of you think that this is something "bew", when it already has been maaaany years since this was published.

>Modern day Joker would probably still team up with the likes of Red Skull, but would likely find him very boring and 2serious for his tastes.

He'd love the costumes and the showmanship, but find them boring and annoying as people and gas everyone within five minutes of meeting them.


Everything he says is 100% true.

Joker wouldn't mind working for Iran because all Iran did was kidnap some people. Nazis were in war with America and trying to turn the world in a boring, sterile, stilted German run machine.

i honestly believe that in whole human history at least one being was murdered in the name of pacifism. Maybe a bloodthirsty general for example.

Reminder that these people wouldn't be here if Sup Forums didn't exist.

>Nazis were in war with America


Most Americans were against getting involved in another one of Europe's shitshows at all, until the Japanese attacked us, unprovoked, on our own soil. Then America went to war with the Japanese.

We only fought against the Nazis towards the very end of the war for shits and giggles.

This guy gets it.

The Joker's entire MO is that he only does things when he personally believes there's a dark humour and cosmic irony to them.

What's more ironic than a genocidal maniac who cares little for any system of politics or morality arbitrarily finding fault with a guy because they happen to believe in an unpopular one?

You'd never see a black person doing this.

Too late for that, we've already had 4 years of people calling sjws nazis

the fuck did user mean by this?

When? Fascist hypocrites, sure, but aren't they the ones calling everyone else a nazi at the drop of a hat?

Obama has had his share of Nazi name calling thrown his way, not as much as Trump tho.

(previous statement repeated continuously for the last 30 years)

at this point pretty much everyone was called a nazi.

That's every president ever, though. The only difference is the extent.

Presidents have been called Nazis for as long as Nazis have been a thing.
Yes, even fucking FDR was called a Nazi.

"Feminazi" numerous videos on youtube entitled "nazist or sjw?"

They are one and the same user, they are both lunatics obssessed with identity politics that believe that they are champions of justice. I am all for calling Sup Forumsfags sjws, they deserve it.

literally your post

>If you are not with us, you are part of the OTHER SIDE!

See, this is what I am talking about, you has no evidence that I am from "the other side", and my distaste for your identity politics is your only evidence. This is the equivalent of just calling other a "nazi" without reason.

Who is "us"?

The "altright" has enough things they could actually be called out on, but only SJWs accuse their enemies of being just like them, while trying and failing to appropriate insults that only apply to them.
>You're the real snowflakes!
>You're the real ones who claim twitter posts are "triggers"!
>You're the ones who need safe spaces!
>You're the real cuckolds!
>You're the real SJWs!

It hasn't worked every other time, so I'm not sure why you're expecting it to work this time.

If right wingers behaved this way, they would be saying "You lefties are the real fundamentalist Christians! I bet you work on a farm, or in some trade skill, and are able to grow facial hair!"

>I want to spread chaos and mayham
>But that one guy belongs to a country that is in war with the country I terrorize but also live in
>Guess I hate him now, evoungthough that war doesn't concerns me in the slightest