Bionicle Storytime

A recent thread and video game leak has me nostalgic so let's read some Bionicle! My LEGO magazine subscription started around the Toa Nuva stuff so I've actually never read a lot of this earlier stuff so this is new for me.

Oh shit, didn't mean to post this yet lol. I still need to finish the storytime I'm doing. Sorry giys, but SOON

>this thing actually made Sup Forums talk about things they LIKE with almost no trolling for several threads straight, each one of which reached bump limit

Okay! Let's get started!
>Sup Forums talk about things they LIKE
I don't believe you

Keeping the ads in since they're all Bionicle related




Kopaka was always my favorite
































I always wished I could see them collect and use all the masks. There's so much time there comics just skip over.







Thank you bionicle storyman.


You are welcome, user



>I don't believe you
Everyone likes Bionicle. Fact.


My mom didn't





Yeah I remember they would bundle the comics with every issue of Lego Magazine each month. As a kid it annoyed me that the comics would just skip events in the story and it made me confused as fuck. My brother and I would think they skipped issues or something until we realized they had a sent a comic every month so they couldn't have.







God, this did not digitize smoothly.




























Heck yeah! Onua was my favorite. Those claws were neat




