Happy Love Day everyone!

Happy Love Day everyone!

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You didn't get Lord Huggington?

in my country today is shovel day, I don't even know why we have a shovel day.

Shovels are great. Happy Shovel Day.

i don't have a gf or a shovel

thanks, and happy shovel day for you too!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
That is their color
That is their hue

What country is that
I want to say... Finland?

To bury all the Valentines Day suicides.

Love is is bullshit. A myth. It never existed. Science proves this. Grow the fuck up! vice.com/en_us/article/vdbjpj/science-says-love-doesnt-exist

I remember once I was compared to you
I really don't know if they meant it as a compliment or an insult

since no one here has a girlfriend or any kind of human contact let's make today Sup Forums's official shovel day


>that feel when no shovel

Happy Shovel Day friends!

and a clank to you too my friend

Happy shovel day!

>Lend my cousin my shovel.
>He never gave it back.
>tfw shoveless on shovel day.

I'm a bit sad. My shovel of 12 years snapped in two dudes g one of the biggest snows of the past few years. We kept most of the neighborhood clean until it snapped at the very last bit of snow

I don't have a shovel, but should I get one for myself or leave hints for my girlfriend to get me one?

>Formerly Chuck's

Get her a shovel.

Bitches love shovels.


I celebrate both

Well at least one of those can be fixed with a trip to the hardware store.

yeah i guess i could just hire one of the mexicans in front of home depot to be my gf


Show lovel to your shovel