French reviewers don’t like Black Panther

French reviewers don’t like Black Panther
>”Boring, lacking imagination, weak plot and ugly CGI, black panther is probably on of the worst marvels since a long time"
Is it over for BP?

those are mostly positive reviews.

Holy shit
This will flops hard in EU and Asia

3.2 out of 5
It's not positive

It's Get Out all over again.

yeah, but you've got to see from whom
>20 minutes
two sheets of paper given out for free in the parisian subway
>France television
only give mild and positive reviews or no reviews at all
>IGN France
another tabloid
The only ones that kind of surprise me are Le Monde and Le Figaro.


>"Ugly and Bland, failing to tackle the racial problems of USA, the movie ends up being a caricature"

Huh? Since when was 3 stars not a positive score.

>Black Panther does poorly
>SJWs and Sup Forums hold Disney to its promise of splitting BP earnings with the black community
>the franchise is tanked because they lost money between production and handing it out to the black community
>alternatively the franchise is tanked because the amount they give out is not "enough" and the black community turns on them
Whoever loses, we win

The only time anyone has mentioned it to me is to say they're not going to see it. It's going to be Justice League again with me being billy no mates at the pictures.

5 is great
4 is good
3 is mediocre
2 is bad
1 is terrible

B-But you CAN'T not like this movie, its the black people's movie! I wasn't aware that not liking it was an option.
What happens how? Will black people stop whining about there being a majority of white people movies, since they can't make a good one of their own?

>the amount they give out is not "enough" and the black community turns on them
That's a given, there can never be enough gibmedats

>alternatively the franchise is tanked because the amount they give out is not "enough" and the black community turns on them
You mean BP? or the MCU as a whole?

Because if the latter, that'd be a huge blow for Disney.

3 stars is a 6/10, so it's decent. 5/10 is mediocre. 7/10 is good. 8/10 is great. 9/10 is excellent and 10/10 is masterpiece.

Also, same problem as usual with aggregated reviews : here when the Inrocks and Rolling Stone give you less than 4 or 5 stars when converted (can't remember about the Inrocks but RS has a 6 points scale), you really blew it. But it's still halfway one the stars rating once you translate it so you can still write it off as positive-ish.
Honestly surprised they aren't whining about not having actual african actors, since they usually bitch and moan about how american movies always use american actors to portray foreigners.

MUHAAAA The French!

Black Panther won't ever be as bland as the dullest leader in the history of leadership. Seriously each episode following the boy president and his pals from Brussels as they face assorted opponents has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the hipster imagery, the mandate’s only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of marketing techniques, all to make politics unpolitical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Soros vetoed the idea of Le pen directing the country; he made sure France would never be mistaken for a country that meant anything to anybody? Just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his agenda. The Macron presidency might be anti-Trump (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-De Gaulle presidency in its refusal of convictions, daring and glory. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the speeches were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the speech was terrible. As I listened, I noticed that every time Macron went for a decision, the teleprompter wrote instead that he had to say "in the same time."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Macron's mind is so governed by clichés and dead metaphors that he has no other style of speaking. Later I read a lavish, loving review of LREM by the same Sarkozy. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these citizens are voting Macron at 21 or 22, then when they get older they will go on to vote for Sarkozy." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you vote for Macron you are, in fact, trained to vote for Sarkozy.

lol now frenchie's opinions matter because they fit your agenda. you going to start putting baguettes up your ass now?

This is why the 4 star system is best. The line between 3 stars and 2 stars is important. Telling me a movie is 3 out of 5 stars doesn't tell me anything other than the fact that the critic doesn't have the balls to be honest.


Score aren't inflated in France. 2.5 is average. 3 is better than average.
It's not like the US score for video games where everything under 8/10 is shit.

>implying there is a system better than thumbs up/thumbs down

The Chinese wont watch it cause the overall design and atmosphere are a bit too simple

Blade would probably make money there, cause the protag is already an obvious badass edgy nigga to cut everything even on the poster.

3 is above average, 2 is below. This is not very complicated, with a bit of work you'll understand someday.

Get REKT mouse!
I always loved baguettes

Oh sweetie, do you remember when reviewed Wind Walker back in the day, had loads of negative things to say but still gave it 10/10 because reasons?
And how they still do the same for every big title that gets a 8 or a 9/10?
A lot of publications have exactly the same problems and only use the very bottom of the scale if they want to pan something, the very end if they want to really praise it and positive ratings are equivalent to "meh.

Eurofag here (I say that painfully since fuck the EU and its attempts at becoming USA) but the reason it won't do well over here is that it's not anything to do with black characters - it's to do solely with the fact it's aimed at black american culture. We don't have that here.

you guys are the fucking shills. keep making all these fucking black panther threads. bad publicity is still publicity, faggots.

International profit, yeah. I'm sure the domestic profit will be quite nice.

>bad publicity is still publicity
not when it doesnt sell, mouse

I wish this movie could tank hard in Africa but they probably don't have enough theaters for their market to have any sort of impact on the Disney bottomline.
But how great would that be?

die you degenerate shill

There are like two cinemas in whole Africa

Frenchfag there, not surprised. Capeshit is getting old, it doesn't have that whole "cultural treasure that msut be defended at all cost" the USA has with them. And ou black people still rememeber which African country they come from, many ebing first gen immigrants from dictatorships shitholes that seems to be painted in such a good way by this movie.

Don't take all those at the same value. 20 minute is especially NOT a reliable source, you have to know it's a free magazine distributed in the Paris subway, that is 50% advertising, and he rest is pasted "news" from the internet. All their multimedia reviews are positive, and about products they sponsors themselves.

Surprise, surprise, the French want substance and art to their movies. Watch some French films and see the comparison. They are all pretentious, artsy movies and I like them

>20 minutes, closer, IGN France, Direct Matin, télé 7jours, télérama in the list
>This French score is accurate!

Not too long ago the usual moralizing clickbait platforms tried to go on a little crusade to tell the europeans about how racist they are for not even importing that sort of segment of american productions.
They don't realize that there is no market whatsoever for Tyler Perry, Marlon Wayans or Queen Latifa. There is such thing as culture clash, even among people of the same race because race alone is not an indicator of shared culture.
also this
That's the magic of agregator, reliable and credible critics like Les Fiches are put on the same level as well known shills like 20 Minutes.
>mfw reading 20 Minutes and half of their "informative" content is directly copy-pasted from AFP threads
at least we're not paying for that shit

Still a much higher rate of negative reviews than the worldwide average.


>>mfw reading 20 Minutes and half of their "informative" content is directly copy-pasted from AFP threads
ironically make them more neutral than most mags, though.
France24 should be renamed Africa24 considering how they cover the slightest shit in Africa but you'll never heard about anything related to your city.

Marvel isnt that popular outside America. Only some well known capeshit heroes are. They dont go to a cinema just because its capeshit.

Maybe American journos and some Americans unironically dont know of it.

>The score that's smack dab in the middle is above average
>But you have to change it from being out of five to being out of ten first!
>Or have it be a system that lets you give less than a full star!

Well that kind of makes sense since they are supposed to cover international news first. But yeah it's gotten pretty bad lately and it wouldn't be that annoying if they also covered other areas well, like South America which you never hear shit about even on that channel which is supposed to exist for that purpose.
Still, makes them more interesting than fucking BFM telling you what Macron had for breakfast this day and doing that 24/7.

since the 4-5 stars were given out by socialist and left wing critiques. If you remove those and leave normal people, then you end up with it being around 3*.

I just saw it and I'd say it was a 6/10 desu. Way too long, plot is kind of boring, villain is charismatic, but doesn't get enough screentime to properly develop his character. Action is decent but nothing amazing. Also the attempts at quips and humour were particularly painful.

Solid capeshit movie, kind of in the middle of the pack as far as the marvel movies go.

>Libé and L'Obs are not socialist magazines but Le Figaro is

This is actually quite a surprising twist. I was under the impression that the French love non-whites, as there are so many of them in France.

how do you call a paper that reprints 8 articles from the new your times?

Libé and L'Obs are freaking communists, that if they could would set fire to their own country. Le Figaro is at nationalsocialist, and that is at best.

We don't like americans.
Doesn't matter whether they are white, black, brown or canadian, we just don't like americans.

for a good long while now. the modern review system is
5/5 - rare, usually bought reviews for arbitrary broad-appeal award bait
4/5 - nearly everything gets this
3/5 - what you get when the publication wanted more bribe and you refused
lower - basically don't exist, reserved for identification of badthought

>Libé and L'Obs are freaking communists
Yet they gave the most negative reviews in there, and the point was that the "left-wing critics" like this while the "normal" ones didn't. And funnily enough some of the big left-wing publications like L'Huma aren't on the list anyway
Just pointing it out m8.
I don't think the people are 20 Minutes or fucking Closer are interested enough in politics to even have any form of alignment on any political scale. They're just fucking shills in the case of 20 Minutes, or the print version of clickbaiters in the case of Closer.
I'll be waiting to hear what Radio Courtoisie thinks of it, I want to hear De L'Esquin himself call it a sign of the impending fall of America into complete ethnocultural degeneracy.

Lets be more precise here. You don't like anyone who isn't french, and to be even more precise you don't like anyone who isn't french and isn't from the same region. And in the most extrem version anyone who is not from the same region and same district.

The marketing put me off a lot. The movie also looks like another generic MCU flick with even shittier CGI, like that bridge fight. And wow, another villain dressed like the hero, so awesome and groundbreaking. At least I don't have to deal with black people if I went at the premiere which I won't. Not sure if I'll even pirate it.

Jesus, who is being added to the godhand in this scene?

>failing to tackle the racial problems of USA
Why the fuck this argument gets brought up all the time? Black Panther is not an African-American, he's just African. There are black people OTHER than the American ones.

That's not true, we kind of like belgians. They're like the retarded little cousin who trips in the carpet every time and you always chuckle at it. You don't hate him.

the stuff that counts left in France is borderline trockist, fourth wave feminist that no one in the west classes other then insane. The newspapers that count as left in france may have given in lower reviews, because the BP wasn't made in to a transhuman furry. who the hell knows. I know that reading anything, but La Croix, just makes no sense, all other newspapers lie and are some sort of communism.

Maybe if american producers didn't make such a massive fucking deal out of race and racial issues, then they wouldn't be called out for adressing it on the most superficial level.
Maybe just maybe if all the fus about racial representation died down, then people would stop giving a shit about this complete non-issue.

Surprising that a country like France that has more niggers than the rest of Europe combined, isn't shilling Black Nigger.

>There are black people OTHER than the American ones.
Not to American liberals. For example, Americans call Black Brits, British African Americans. Yes, they are that retarded

That what you do to Belgians since around mid XVIII century is not classed as "love" by any country in the world. You censors pro activlly made TinTin never get a woman, because the censors would not allow the comic to be sold in France. But you are right, aside for germans in XIX first half of XX century French never hated anyone, you just treat anyone the way Brits treat non whites, as sub human.

also I was wrong about the news papers Corse-Matin, was good once too, and you could trust people that wrote in it.

You are suprised that people that have to learn close to people from africa, more then anyone else, save maybe for sweeds right now, do not like those people from africa? How did construct that way of thought? Because if we went that way Poles should love Jews, Jews should love Arabs and Russians should love dudes that are Caucasian.

They could've mentioned events like the Rwandan genocide or the Apartheid, but nooooooooo it has to be the civil rights movement, because if it didn't happen IN AMERICA, it didn't happen at all.

"african-american" is progressive-democratese for "black".
A jamaican in the US would count as "african american" while an egyptian or afrikaaner 2nd gen migrant wouldn't despite being the very definition of african-american if you stick to what words actually mean.
Y'know what I am very much aware of how shit cansors were on the belgian publications in the 60s but I have a very hard time believing that it was even a plan to have a love-interest in Tintin. That just wouldn't fit the tone of anything that's in the comic. and Hergé knew what he was doing.
And it's not as if the series and its publication magazine didn't outlive the censorship agencies anyway.

the tone existed, because the censors kept stoping comics with any good looking females in them. that is why in Tin Tin there are close to 0 female characters, and all that do exist look and act more like trans on meth, then actual females.

>implying there are countries other than america

>Another “Black Panther will fail!” Shill thread

This is sad. You guys are scraping the bottom of the barrel now. See ya’ll at the box office.

Don't use my not Jiren to shitpost.

What does everyone here want out of this? Do you want it to be bad? Why?
It's a fucking Disney movie at the end of the day so it will be Halloween costume garbage and nothing more

>the censors kept stoping comics with any good looking females in them
Alright now you're talking out of your ass and have never opened a Spirou or Tintin magazine from the 60s in your life.
If anything the magazines THEMSELVES censored their content the most. Hergé was notoriously opposed to having much realism in anything, favouring either adventure stories like Tintin, child main characters or sci-fi (and that's mostly because Blake and Mortimer was doing so well it could carry the magazine by itself when there was no Tintin episode being published, so he couldn't ignore it any longer).
That's how he managed to lose Franquin, Uderzo and Goscinny. Because something like Asterix or Gaston Lagaffe would have been too abrasive for the magazine.

Only Americans will see black panthers

>probably made with peanuts (hence the shitty CGI)
>marveldrones will watch it regardless and thanks to the politicized atmosphere other people can't criticize it on its qualities or lack thereof
>french people actually mattering
Nope. It'll make a killing, and everyone will move on to the next marvel movie because of how forgettable it is, also because it's right fucking next to Infinity War. The reviews will mostly be positive like every other by the numbers marvel movie, and as such the SJWs and liberal media will claim it is a victory, though will still complain about the inevitable negative reviews how little they will be because of "nazis". "alt-right", "racists" and all other buzzwords they can throw at them.

I don't think so, our youth also sucks the fuck outta marvel even when it's thor-level shit

>And our black people still remember which African country they come from

That's what you get for not torturing them and raping their children, I say.

That is precisely the reason I refuse to go see it. We have enough American culture being shoved down our throats I see no reason to support their idea of progressiveness.

there is nothing morally wrong with killing someone if you find out they're a Sup Forums crossposter

Télérama is more balanced than you think. Also, I look at the score and then at the journos.
And Le Figaro, Le Monde and Télérama gave 3 or 4 stars. I think it's a good indicator than the movie is at least above average.

Nobody has ever accused the french of being smart user

Who seriously uses
It's more like a general problem toward notations in the US where everybody think that average is 7/10. It's not just score for movies and video games, it's the same at school and every where in their society.

>And our black people still remember which African country they come from
I legitimately don't understand the issue there

France is so liberal that they can get away with being non-PC. See Verhoeven's Elle.

More like what USians call "Dark Enlightenment" and pretend that it's the new hot shit has been a standard component of french political philosophy since the very early days of the age of enlightenment.

>And ou black people still rememeber which African country they come from, many ebing first gen immigrants from dictatorships shitholes that seems to be painted in such a good way by this movie.
Now this is really interesting and I'm not a Sup Forumstard. Murricans have a boner for monarchy because they never live under one, especially not an absolute monarchy

Black Americans cling to culture that doesn't exist and they have no ties to, which is the source of their issues and it's caused by their unwillingness to abandon their imaginary homeland culture that doesn't exist. Immigrants in the rest of the world cling to real cultures they came from, or simply assimilate, they face their own problems but they don't demand the whole world to change to fit them. People outsode of America are particularly annoyed by this kind of behavior because racism in other countries doesn't look the way it does in America, but Americans act as if it did.

In France it is. We don't rate bad things 5/10 like Americans do.

Here lies the problem

But.... It's not supposed to tackle racial issues. Fucking Liberation keep your nuLeftism in check.

Only a sith deals in absolutes.

There's a handful of African actors in supporting roles.

>It's not supposed to tackle racial issues.
backpedalling about the core of the marketing campaign already?

Sarko also said Macron is a better version of himself.
>Le Pen
Top kek

Reggie, is that you?

I mean he did make two Africans one who's a mutant who still deals with the threat of death on a daily basis have their figures of reverence be American Civil Rights leaders.

Black Americans don't give a fuck about African culture, real or imaginary.

being "black" or "african" isn't a culture. Unlike being from Senegal, Nigeria, Chad or Zimbabwe

Heck I'm already passed it. Honestly reviews that liken to to Shakespeare have lost me.

Retard. The difference between 3 and 5 is 2. The difference between 0 and 3 is 3. The middle point between 0 and 5 is 2.5. All of these indicate that 3 is above average. Kill yourself brainlet.

All of whom have no love for each other.

Being black American is a culture tho. Just like being Creole or Mormon.