On the final day your true heart will reveal itself

on the final day your true heart will reveal itself

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Do you know Garfield loves Mondays now?


Someone post the one where they trick Liz into drinking dog cum.



The cat has your pipe

The CAT has your PIPE


Last time I checked the videos got removed from Youtube, does anyone know where to find them now?






god why is Liz such a slut ?


There is reuploads but in compilation form.





lol, -G+Sup Forums

I dare you to watch the full thing Sup Forums


I'd just like to whine about how much I hate the whole "Garfield Minus Garfield" thing, like it was funny the first few times, but the joke has been worn into the ground so much by now that they just bore and irritate me above anything else.

You're saying that like I haven't already watched it at least twice by now.


Good god I love Liz

>Seen the entire video
>Don't regret it at all

It's just so marvelous.

as if you need to be dared for that
a better dare is to watch the sex survey in one sitting at 1x speed




why do liz's cheeks have shading in that one panel when absolutely nothing else does?

speaking of Liz, anyone got those Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Liz comics, those are the best edits

To exaggerate the swollen appearance, increasing the hilarity



I have watched it 5 times or more.



Jon would have to be unbelievably well-endowed for this to work.

>Watch the sex survey
>Feel inadequate


Why do you think Liz stays with him

>implication that garfield jizzed in that cup


holy shit, is this real? if so, based fucking Jim



I have watched this on acid more times than I can count. There are still truths not yet known hidden within, what's an hour?



I'm still astounding he managed to get through all that without cracking up. How many times did he have to do that?




he did the entire thing in one take, reading from a prompter. The only cuts in the edit (masked with a morph transition) were to shorten some of the pauses he made between sentences

>you're gonna have a bad time

my gravestone will have this above a Squirtle



