Why do fans like her so much?

Why do fans like her so much?

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When I watched it with my friends in school, all of us were hoping she'd be killed off. Preferably on screen.


Duh, brown lolis are hot

we had this exact thread yesterday.
if you're the same user, stop spamming, if you're a different user use the archive.

She grew as a character from an annoying, impetuous girl that was given to Anakin just to remind him of what a shit he was to Obi-wan to a mature jedi.

She's a nudist.

shut your accursed whore mouth and stop spamming these

Strong independent woman!

A Star Wars character in Star Wars that feels like a Star Wars character from Star Wars. This goes a long way to making her liked so very very much.

the 1st name, personality and looks reminds them of her

She's practically naked.

I mostly break it into two groups: either they want to sex her or SW as a franchise has such low standards for characters that a meh one seems good.

Hypersensitive nipple ears

it's the midriff

Her stomach.

She's a girl. Girls are simply better than boys.

Maybe people would have liked Rey more if her midriff was exposed

This a million times

Want a serious answer?

She was a likable girl who pushed Anakin into a teaching role. He had to play the adult around her, like most men, but it was fun with her because she wasn't a total childish cunt.

She's also a cutie alien

She fights droids and sith with barely any clothes on. That's why.


>We'll never get an alien protagonist again

Her thick orange cock


She's a sweetheart.

She was a character that grew steadily more likeable, made Anakin seem more human, and provided good character growth.

I mean, Anakin's turn to the dark side is still very much a fluke on Sheev's part, considering Anakin could've cut his arms also, but you get a lot of reasons why Anakin is getting sick of the Council's shit.

>Literally a leading war hero
>Fought off Dooku and Grievous a dozen times
>Your Padawan leaves the Order because the Council ignored both your and Obi Wan's complaints about an obviously framed situation
>Before that, they've literally abandoned you, your padawan, your master, and half your friends multiple times, requiring you to break the rules to save them
>The council still won't let you access the Master's archives so you can research protective techniques on others, as you're not a master, so Padme is definitely going to die

With TCW in context, it's a wonder the Council didn't trust Anakin.

Also YoghurtHFrost fanfic, and other smut I guess.

She got hotter with age

Because she was a lot more interesting than Padme was.

But she's orange, from her head down to her buttcheeks

it's been fairly obvious for ages now that the prequel trilogy should have started off with a late teenager anakin and have the clone wars start during the first movie
you've got a whole first film to build him and his friendship to obi-wan up that way and you could gradually spread his fall to the dark side out over 3 movies


we wound up with 3 movies that the general public hates instead.

>Character starts off an annoying shit.
>Turns out her being annoying isn't a character trait, it's just her being written properly as a young apprentice.
>Actually develops and matures over the course of the show through mistakes and triumphs.
>Forms her own beliefs and ideals which differ from both Anakin's and Obi Wan's, giving the group a better dynamic.
>Is a strong female character, but her being a female is not shoved down viewers throats.

She's a character with growth and depth to her. Which is something many people weren't expecting.

>She's a character with growth and depth to her. Which is something many people weren't expecting.

interestingly enough, same thing goes for Anakin
show actually made him likeable, somehow

she's half-naked.

>Sky Guy
I got a little bit of cancer every time she would say this.

you know that's what she calls him in bed

Post the Fanfic faggot

Waifu fagging

You tell me.


She prefers her natural state.

Rey was like somebody's DnD character, desu. Fun to play but shit to watch or read. A basic stat whore

She might as well just be naked.

e-hen tai.org/g/1065061/d233ed2f15/

I'm not sure whether it's terrible, amazing, or both

You know she's going to be a Meetra Surik style character, right? A beacon for the lost Jedi to gather to, whose strength relies on the force sensitives around them.

I just want to this trilogy to fucking end so we can move on to something more interesting

Rey COULD have gone in an interesting direction but muh female role model or whatever

She's nearly au natural.

>general public hates
>general public

This guy does the most autistic fanfiction comics but they're so entertaining. Like the one where Brock Samson and Doctor Girlfriend get stranded on a desert island and fall in love because his dick fits her cunt like a glove and they team up to destroy Molotov's Black Hearts, or the one where Ben 10,000 marries Myaxx.

I liked her personality,it bounced well with Anakins and there back and forth was great at least imo.

What's up with these weekly Ahsoka threads that literally have the same responses everytime?

Anakin in the show is a lot of fun to watch. His "Dark Side" moments feel a lot more appropriate than what I remember from the films. Like this scene where he's torn between interrogating or killing this ruthless slaver.

virgins, waifufags, you make the call.

You mean like how he was torn between arresting Dooku or killing him in ep III?

Delivery is also important, but yeah.

She was the worst character in the movie
Like beyond Jar Jar tier
But than she became the best
Best scene coming through:

Yeah, because his look and hesitation wasn't enough at all to show how conflicted he was.

She's a cunt, that's all there is to it. People always overstate and overrate the value and virtues of female characters unless they are ugly.

She's hot


Are you being sarcastic?


>his fall to the dark side

boy, did you not get what was happening in those movies at all

Anakin was the Chosen Oneā„¢ who would bring balance to the force

he was necessarily darker than most Jedi (if we're going movie canon, all Jedi) and was taken to train comparatively late in life so didn't feel that he needed to learn all of the lessons or put in the hours to become a Master

fear of losing first his mother, then Padme, led to anger, led to hate realized first when his mother died (and he slaughtered the Tuskens), then when Padme died (leading to oh I don't know twenty years of galactic tyranny)

this was foreseen by Yoda on his first meeting with Anakin, and Anakin was trained against the council's wishes precisely because he was already too headstrong and like a dark side user even at that age

they knew what he was, but they thought they could train him to be like them, naively assuming that "balance" meant "destroying the Sith and only the Sith"

and all of this is explicitly spoken in dialogue that you were too busy making spicy memes from to understand; Anakin doesn't fall to the dark side - he's born from the living force, he embodies the dark side and the light

she grew and changed
and the show was on for so long it felt natural like an actual character evolution

I'm a sex pervert.

It always irked me you had Ashoka be a Toruguta jedi and you never have her meet with Shaak' Ti


Shaak' Ti a shit

Do not bully Shaak Ti.

>General there is something in our heads
>oh okay Fives
>General I think this has something to do with the jedi
>Since it is a jedi problem Fives why not you go talk to the chancellor

She deserves all 3 of the deaths she has gotten

I said do NOT bully.

Dont forget the implied rape!

Nearly nude.

shes a female character that is not instantly great at everything


They tried to warn her?


She was cute and probably met Vader for coffee a few times. Tbh she should have trained Luke but you know...not canon and all that jazz.

I've always hated Ahsoka. Fucking lame self insert kid appeal character.

a pissed off redhead named Asuka

her dick of course

Even the most abolitionist citizen of the Galactic Republic will advocate for slavery if they gaze on this picture.

>Why do fans like her so much?

It was really the secong Padawan relationship we saw after Anakin/Obiwan. You could make the argument of Luke and Obiwan in ANH was the first Padawan relationship in SW, but I dont think Obiwan lived long enough and had to send Luke to Yoda.

I think the Prequels Padawan relationship between Anakin/Obi was so shitty that Ahsoka/Anakin seemed a lot better by pure comparison.

Plus girls related more to Ahsoka, and had a cute and friendly aspect to it with Anakin naming her Snips.

so did he call her that just because she's snippy?


Also she is a space pedo.

iirc she had pointy teeth in earlier drafts but it didn't test well or something so they gave her regular teeth but didn't change the dialog since you could say what you said

>>Fought off Dooku and Grievous a dozen times
Actually, they made sure they never let Anakin fight Grievous, to keep the show canon to ROTS where they say they've never met before.

Yeah, she's a togruta, and her species were supposed to have huge incisors for eating small, living animals alive. I'm not joking or exaggerating, it was a thing before TCW.