White Wolf

Will Shuri get Wolfed?

She better

She's 16 while Bucky is biologically in his 30s. Not gonna happen.

>Wasting White Wolf by slapping his name as a throwaway on a different character
>Killing Klaw instead of using him to his fullest

Well fuck you too MCU.

About time Wakanda got colonized.

Who was the Dora Explorer who got killed? Does she exist in the comics?

Imagine how Beta Ray Bill fans feel

It's best that the MCU never touches Best Bro Bill. They already fucked up Skurge and Surtur, I don't need more.

So why are there people saying Killmonger is sympathetic? I mean yeah, that's clearly the intention but it's undermined like crazy.

Maybe if they kept it to the personal vendetta, sure, that could have worked. But he's literally trying to take over Wakanda so he can commit global genocide and start a world conquest with a master race.. Honestly, how can you sympathise with him after that?

This is how BRB would have been in Ragnarok

Eh, Sutur wasn't bad, but Skurge was a damn joke. Way to fuck up his shining moment

Because he wants to end oppression. You're meant to understand, not necessarily agree or sympathetize.

>and Surtur,
Respectably disagree
Surtur was fine

Will that White Wolf shit go somewhere or is this just "Durrhurrr we made a reference to the comics" shit

The only upside from this is that Hunter has been getting some attention in the comics. He was even included in the Wakandan Royal family video in the Marvel twitter.

When this movie comes out in the states all the African-American SJWs are going to see Killmonger as the hero.

I liked Surtur, even if he was underused.

Everyone knows that no black woman can resist white cock

Perhaps Hunter will come back in Black Panther 2. They can say he was on a secret mission during the events of the first film, or he's been exiled, and he's there to reclaim his title.

Okay just an idea, but Spider-Man 2, but with Black Panther guest starring, against Kraven and The Rhino

It can be possible that Wakandan children haven't seen any white person in their lives due to the country being isolated and they probably know about White Wolf through stories. When they see Bucky they he's hunter due to his white skin.

That's the only way I can see it, I doubt the Russos are going to do much with it especially since some of the movies in the MCU set interesting stuff only for the next movie with a different writer/director to drop or ignore those plot points.

So yeah maybe it's a subtle hint that they're setting up White Wolf but he won't necessarily be Bucky.

I'm half convinced that Klaw pulled off his initial Vibranium heist because she was naive and he seduced her, Serkis played him charming as fuck in Age of Ultron

Legal age in many countries especially African ones
>Age difference
Only makes it hotter

Wakanda might get blowed up or open up it's within 10 real world years like Asgard so they can keep things fresh in the movies and start focusing more on different characters than Wakandans like Atlantians. Although, they might have some of them live and rebuild a nation or something similar to Asgardians. Wakanda will probably eventually have people form all over the world living there in a few years. So, they would have to do White Wolf soon in order for someone being white being significant enough to be able to make sense to use as a name maybe... Or maybe they just want someone else in the MCU with a name they're referred to by that can be easily be thought to have to do with their skin color.

Also, maybe they want a different name associated with Bucky besides Winter Soldier or just Bucky and this seems like a decent way for him to get a different name.

Might be his code name as referred to by people in Wakanda's military and government similar to the name Black Widow

Would never see the end of the Tchalla/aunt may jokes.

Is Tchalla even into white girls?

He pre-cucked Ross in the comics.

Winter Soldier is a cooler name than White Wolf. Don't know why they'd change it.

In term of power Surtur was great, but if you think about it... they wasted a villain that is stronger than base Thanos, same for Dormammu but he can return, I guess.

And nearly banged Sue Storm

I wonder why Klaw was so loony in this film. He was pretty much CUTTLEFISH for all of his scenes

Fuck off, Skurge was cute. CUTE.